First Aid and infection 06/23/2018 12:15 AM CDT
I train FA like a mad man. Probably most rangers don't. But FA is a survival skill and we need it to advance. And rangers are supposed to be masters of survival, along with thieves. I (think) have pretty high FA. I would guess maybe in the top ten of the realms. But I am tired of dying from infections. We need the skill, but infections happen pretty quickly when anyone tries to have a bleeder. I have 515 deaths and most I would wager are from infections are the cause of most. Since we are supposed to the masters of survival, along with thieves, could we maybe get a spell that allows us to deal with infection? Or a beseech since we haven't have any new ones lately?


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: First Aid and infection 06/24/2018 05:49 AM CDT
Tangential, but how do you train FA in combat? I tried keeping a bleeder but every hit seems to target that spot and cause a stun.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
Re: First Aid and infection 06/24/2018 08:21 PM CDT
It is nearly impossible but I have been using jab, draw repeatedly to keep balance so that I can dance. Toss in swarm and some analyze <critter> to keep them off balance. But it is hard. Right now, I have 3 pet bleeders and when I do get hit, I eat herbs right away.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: First Aid and infection 06/25/2018 04:37 AM CDT
I've always used bleeders in combat as well. Currently two hand bleeders is the most convenient for me to maintain.
I rarely seem to get hit in the hands and when it does happen it is rarely hard enough to get stunned.

When I do need to get healed between hunts it is usually due to chest wounds, not my hand ones.
Re: First Aid and infection 06/26/2018 08:48 PM CDT

What do you do to increase the chance of infection? I've gone days without acquiring one.
Re: First Aid and infection 06/26/2018 09:40 PM CDT
Just in case, here's a PSA: Infection chance happens during BLEEDING. That means if you have a bleeding internal wound that you cannot tend, you will likely get infected soon. Likewise, if you are waiting a long time to tend your external bleeders, that can also lead to a quicker infection.

- Navesi
Re: First Aid and infection 06/28/2018 01:51 PM CDT
<<<What do you do to increase the chance of infection? I've gone days without acquiring one.>>>

I've gone days as well. Other times I get an infection rather quickly. Sometimes my stamina makes them go away before it spreads. Sometimes it spreads rather quickly and I do not realize it until its too late. My tends last somewhere around 30 minutes +/-. I have never done an exact time on a tend so that's just my guess. I spend a lot of time hunting, so my wounds do get hit and I have noticed that this causes infections sooner rather than later, even if I eat herbs right after the hit. I have also noticed that unwrapping and re-tending a wound more frequently causes infections faster than less frequently unwrapping and re-tending. Also, I believe that swimming can cause more frequent infections.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: First Aid and infection 08/22/2018 10:03 PM CDT
Asterid brings up a good point...eating herbs asap after getting hit hard. I always and I mean always carry a full herbal shop on me...yeah it's heavy but Ease helps and I can't count the number of times herbs have saved my sorry behind.

On a tangential note, I would love it if we could train FA by tending our companions. I don't like to see them get hurt and die but I would love it if there was a chance. Makes it more edgey for me. But I'm odd I loved that we could die permanently and loose all our stuff when I first joint DR.

Zinaca and her young wolf, Lucky (who could get hurt sniffing porcupines..something he just loves to do!)