Random loss of companion 05/05/2015 11:06 PM CDT
After returning to DR thought I'd finally get a companion though my only use would be to track down my brother. Spent a few hours going down to shard, doing the beseech to petrify quest, waiting for my ranger bonus to recover, trained my charisma to 15 etc etc.

Today I moved one room away from my companion and it disappeared. Tried logging out and back in, nothing.

Up to that point I had tried to remain very cautious, knowing some of the hidden system traps but nope, one "mistake" and it's gone - a oouple days of work flushed down the toilet. A couple days might not seem like a lot but I play quite a bit.

I don't mind the caring and work of monitoring the baby, fine, I'll do that but battling hidden system traps that make your companion randomly disappear is not what I consider a good time. Fortunately(and unfortunately) it seems their practical uses are minimal, as having it carry something valuable then disappear sounds horrible.

Welp, no more companions for me. I don't know how I would have reacted if it were an adult wolf.

How long has this been an issue?
Re: Random loss of companion 05/05/2015 11:10 PM CDT
<<How long has this been an issue?

How long have companions existed again?

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Re: Random loss of companion 05/06/2015 03:00 PM CDT

So 130-200 hours of in-game time, monitoring and taking care of this companion for it to reach adulthood and it can literally disappear: in a bank, in a guild, when you go on a trail, on a ferry, if you swim, if you climb, if you log out at the wrong place.

I had "only" invested ~30 hours in-game acquiring and taking care of the companion. I also spent some TDPs that I wouldn't have. I feel basically for any ranger who has had a young/adult companion because inevitably you will lose it to the system, which I'm assuming is a lot of rangers. But as I said, I guess it's not too bad since the only practical use is tracking down a person.

I'm still salty, yes, but this folder is called Complaints.
Re: Random loss of companion 05/06/2015 04:00 PM CDT
Pretty much anyone who's ever had a companion has lost one. Ask Zinaca how many wolves she's gone through. hint: packs

Re: Random loss of companion 05/12/2015 06:25 PM CDT
<<Ask Zinaca how many wolves she's gone through. hint: packs>>

Hey! I resemble that remark! Really though, for a help in raising your companion, read the companion page in Elanthipedia.

But don't be so discouraged! I love having my wolf around, I try to be careful, but as your example is typical, I have lost whole packs worth of companions. I find it is best to go somewhere and then call my wolf to my side. Also I don't take them into town.

We were so very close to having a rewrite of the companion code so they wouldn't poof on us and with many other desired features. But the GM involved left and there doesn't seem to be a GM around with the inclination or time to work on it. Also just so you know, wolves can't track until they are young. I guess I'm a minority but I love my companions and seek to raise them until they are too old to run with me. But I have only been able to raise 1 wolf who grew too old to run with me.

Zinaca and her still baby wolf, Lucky the 14th