"Coshivi's Arrow" Title 09/29/2018 11:21 AM CDT
Looks like Crossbows don't count towards the requirement of "At least 200 ranks in any bow skill" to get the "Coshivi's Arrow" title -- is that intentional or a bug? I would have guessed that yes they are a type of bow.

Ref: https://elanthipedia.play.net/Title:Coshivi%27s_Arrow

Re: "Coshivi's Arrow" Title 09/30/2018 03:31 AM CDT
No, they wouldn't count.

The title system is archaic, a lot of the update terminology could use updating. "Bows" referred to short bow, long bow, and composite bow skills, which have all been merged into a single skill now (bows). Crossbows have never been considered bows by DR standards.
Re: "Coshivi's Arrow" Title 10/01/2018 03:03 PM CDT

It would be "Coshivi's Bolt" if crossbows counted :D
Re: "Coshivi's Arrow" Title 10/20/2018 05:20 PM CDT
Ah, thanks that's helpful. Although, the "Bow" classification appears to be universal when applied under the "Ranged" titles -- for example I qualify for Archer ("at least X in Bow skill") and others under the Ranged category, based only on my Crossbow skill.

So looks like it's more an inconsistency in the treatment of Coshivi's Arrow than a universal issue of Crossbows not being Bows.
Re: "Coshivi's Arrow" Title 10/20/2018 05:29 PM CDT
>>So looks like it's more an inconsistency in the treatment of Coshivi's Arrow than a universal issue of Crossbows not being Bows.
Archers can use crossbows. Crossbows do not use arrows. They use bolts.
Re: "Coshivi's Arrow" Title 10/20/2018 06:13 PM CDT
>>Archers can use crossbows.

Slightly disagree here -- in either DR or real life, aren't these two skills non-transferrable?

>>Crossbows do not use arrows. They use bolts.

In strict DR terms, that's true. But precedent exists for similar slack -- "Spear" title indicates proficiency with all different types of Pole weapons, not strictly spears. Similar with "Sword"-related titles.

Regardless, this is semantics -- I think DIMINISHEDANGEL was most correct, that the error here is technical rather than logical. Thanks everyone!