Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/07/2015 09:37 AM CST
Very useful background lore posted during HE fest regarding Prydaens and pet kittens gave us some background for making PC RP choices.

"Like the Eastern pantheon, the Rakash also associate animals as being the avatar of their gods," but what is their take on animals as pets?

Zagyab and Zvaigne, Rakash Rangers living in Siksraja, have some vague uneasy feelings about feline pets. After all, horses have to be taught to interact with the Rakash. Can we have some lore or guidance as to Rakash and the new adorable, fascinating "Toy" kittens? For instance, would pet kittens freak out when the moonskin transformation occurs?

Doctor Peter Venkman: "... dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"
Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/07/2015 10:58 PM CST
The Rakash as a culture have no issues with pets of any kind. As a people who see little reason to overcomplicate things and tend to find a lot of the distinctions that other cultures make to be silly and contrived, they're pretty fine with anyone deciding whatever they want to about pet ownership.

While horses seem to be somewhat more skittish around Rakash, most other animals have no different reaction to them than they do any other race.

Harming butterflies is seen as especially unwise by traditionally-minded or superstitious Rakash as there are many stories about Enelne's frequently violent reaction to such things, but the slaughter of crows and badgers is not even seen as particularly offensive by most. Attempting to have any of these animals as a pet would not be seen as any different than pet ownership of any kind by traditional Rakash -- in general, if you treat the animal well, most Rakash would be inclined to not really care beyond acknowledging that you care and that the animal is part of nature as a whole, which is something to be revered and respected.

Abusing animals just for fun would generally be seen as unseemly, but harming them for sport/food/hunting/training is again not anything out of the ordinary.

Knowingly harming someone's pet would be generally seen as rude. Unknowingly doing so would still be seen as rude, but many Rakash would be likely to forgive this offense if the person were sufficiently recalcitrant once made aware of the animal's status.

There is no significant difference between traditionally minded Rakash as a whole and more Easternized Rakash as a whole when it comes to these matters, except that some Easternized Rakash may have taken on the more extreme views about 'lesser' animals that some of the other cultures tend to hold as true.

Rakash are not dogs or wolves any more than Prydaen are cats. There is no overall Rakash cultural aversion towards felines of any kind as pets.

(PS. No matter what any Bill Murray character might have said, cats and dogs also tend to do just fine together.)

Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/08/2015 08:11 AM CST
Anyone have any opinions, ideas or nuggets of extant lore regarding the potential relationship problems or possibilities between modern Rakash in the Eastern world and the new infestation of kittens? Can't decide whether to put up my Rakash pets for adoption to a good home (free) or raise them up and see. (Oh- and I'm not letting any fine Prydaens "rescue" my kitties, not after watching them eat!) ~ Rakash Rangers Zagyab & Zvaigne, Siksraja.
Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/08/2015 08:36 AM CST
>Anyone have any opinions, ideas or nuggets of extant lore regarding the potential relationship problems or possibilities between modern Rakash in the Eastern world and the new infestation of kittens?

I don't understand the question. It seems like it was just very expressly answered.
Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/08/2015 09:52 AM CST
In the most inelegant of summaries, I think the lore boils down to, "having a pet is fine just don't be a jerk to it"

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/08/2015 02:29 PM CST
Thanks so much for your rapid yet deep reply! Especially because it was what I was hoping you'd say. My wife and I really love having you as a resource. It's wonderful to have a Rakash guru who knows and cares about our culture in the depth and breadth and magnitude you do. From materials, colors & clothing styles to overarching emotional, cultural, sociological and religious perspectives, you are a wellspring of information and a font of inspiration. Thank you, thank you.
(and THANKS for making my wife let me have a kitty!!!) - ~ Zagyab [dog-ear]

{P.S. Karl Spackler understands about puppies and kitties snuggled in a ball, and would lie down and roll with them in a piggie pile. "Doctor" Venkman's full of hot air and hyperbole, and will say anything to get a date.}
Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/08/2015 02:32 PM CST
> I don't understand the question. It seems like it was just very expressly answered.

So sorry, it certainly was! But for some reason my browser didn't show her reply, I was fishing for something thinking there was no time for response being so busy with the fest.
Re: Persida? Questions re Rakash and pet kittens 11/08/2015 03:11 PM CST
>So sorry, it certainly was! But for some reason my browser didn't show her reply, I was fishing for something thinking there was no time for response being so busy with the fest.

No problem, like I said, I just thought I didn't understand the question you were asking.