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Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 11:35 AM CDT
Heya all,

I was speaking with my friend Hive the other day and we discussed getting some fellow Gnomes together for an all Gnome adventure. Hive has been traveling to the far west... farther west than even Forfedhdar. This adventure may even take us "Beyond the Barrier".

We need eight more brave Gnomes with stalwart hearts and fearless spirits who are willing to risk life and limb in the pursuit of adventure and treasure.

We are planning on undertaking this quest sometime after the Hollow Eve Festival. If you are interested it would be helpful if you leave your name, profession and circle here, but it's not mandatory. We will meet initially at the Half Pint Inn to discuss goals and strategy. The time will be determined after we see if there is enough interest.


This adventure is NOT FREE. It is actually for the pay quest "Beyond the Barrier".
Hive and I just thought it would be great fun to run it as an all Gnome adventure. I have not run this quest, but Hive has. He suggests that due to the way the mobs scale we try and keep our group between Circle 15-40. I'm sure we can figure out something though to accommodate folks wanting to come that do not meet that requirement.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 12:33 PM CDT
>>He suggests that due to the way the mobs scale we try and keep our group between Circle 15-40.

IIRC, there are some mobs that scale and some that don't.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 01:20 PM CDT

> IIRC, there are some mobs that scale and some that don't.

Are you thinking about the big mobs near the end reward? If so, can't you ignore those?
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 01:38 PM CDT
None of the mobs save the ones in the beginning and the bosses scale.

Twitter: @thayelf
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 02:25 PM CDT

> None of the mobs save the ones in the beginning and the bosses scale.

All of the ones required to complete the quest scale though, right? Do you know the approximate skills required to beat or evade the rest?
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 02:28 PM CDT
Yes, hence "the ones in the beginning" and "the bosses."

The rest are anywhere from 100 to ~700 ranks and they're largely divvied up by area. They are literally the same mobs from the Lyras War.

If you do not have a solid plan for how to deal with them during the boss fights you will have a bad time.

Twitter: @thayelf
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 02:59 PM CDT
>>If you do not have a solid plan for how to deal with them during the boss fights you will have a bad time.

10 gnomes with slings (or any ranged weapon) darting in and out of the room will eventually take out a boss. It's just about keeping mobile.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 03:42 PM CDT
>10 gnomes with slings (or any ranged weapon) darting in and out of the room will eventually take out a boss. It's just about keeping mobile.

Uh, I think it's worth mentioning whenever someone says '...eventually XYZ' that pay-quests are time gated.

You've only got X hours.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 04:19 PM CDT
BtB is 4 hours long. Sometimes it's not about winning, it's about the experience though. Heavy price tag for doing something like that though, I might do a trail run with your Gnome Army on something easier like one of the prison riots before trying BtB in that manner.

Heck, I might even drag a gnome character out of mothballs for something like that.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 04:26 PM CDT
BtB is very forgiving with time honestly. I've never not finished with more than an hour and a half left.

Twitter: @thayelf
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 05:27 PM CDT
> I've never not finished with more than an hour and a half left

Have you ever run with a party of level 10-40 characters though? Especially a party of low level characters who have never been and are primarily RP focused?

Just seems like a recipe for a wasted ticket, to me. If you want to RP, you can do it for way less than 50$ for 4 hours :-/
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 05:30 PM CDT
RP-focused groups are fine. Yes, I have run with a group full of largely lower-level people. If anything the higher level people caused issues during the bit with flex mobs.

If you have at least a couple higher level people though they can be useful during the boss mob bits by picking off extra mobs before they can hurt people.

All it takes is coordination, which a group of roleplayers shouldn't have any problems doing.

Twitter: @thayelf
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 05:35 PM CDT
>All it takes is coordination, which a group of roleplayers shouldn't have any problems doing.

We've been playing with different RP people then. The RP people I know couldn't coordinate their way to pouring water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

>Yes, I have run with a group full of largely lower-level people.

Largely isn't exclusively, which is what this guy is suggesting. Having that 1 level 200 guy around to troubleshoot really changes the game, which was my point.

>If anything the higher level people caused issues during the bit with flex mobs.

Just as a point here, I've tested flex mobs vs. a moderate range of characters. I've never had them flex properly to anything below 200 ranks in combats. Around 100 ranks it's do-able but you're going to struggle; you'll need some overpowered debilitation abilities. Anything less than 100 ranks and they're just going to destroy you. I assume the stats or skills don't flex down properly.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 05:46 PM CDT
>> We've been playing with different RP people then. The RP people I know couldn't coordinate their way to pouring water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

Cool story.

>> Largely isn't exclusively, which is what this guy is suggesting. Having that 1 level 200 guy around to troubleshoot really changes the game, which was my point.

Nobody's talking about a circle 200 person. I don't think I know any circle 200 people. The people in question had upper 300s in combats, though, which is indeed something. That said, it would have been entirely possible and not even terribly difficult to coordinate without them. It's tricky, obviously, because you can't just put them on "pick off mobs" duty, but you can absolutely do it. Especially if you have people with ranged weapons -- that makes it WAY easier.

The nice part about a lot of the Lyras mobs is they had crap for debilitation resistance. So a lot of them were eminently lock-down-able with disproportionately low stats. This remains true in BTB.

>> I've never had them flex properly to anything below 200 ranks in combats.

We had multiple people with sub-100 and sub-200 combats who had no problem with the BTB flex mobs. Don't know what to tell you.

We did it without a single death on our parts, by the way. Twice.

Twitter: @thayelf
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 06:54 PM CDT
I think it's great the attempt is being put out there, I would advise caution. It is a rather difficult deal. I've seen mixed difficulties in trying to stage similar things on riot runs. Specifically sub 50 circle adventurers.

Good luck!

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 07:40 PM CDT
>Nobody's talking about a circle 200 person.

I think the fact that I have to explain I didn't mean a literal circle 200 person ends this conversation. I can only conclude you're attempting to troll me, because you're not that dense.

I advise caution. I advise running a shorter, cheaper, easier, test for your concept before possibly wasting 50$ on a quest which is combat heavy.

Thayet's golden wonderful happy time paradise doesn't match my experiences. So much so I doubt her veracity in any topic here. That's the last I'll say here.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 08:34 PM CDT
Nobody is trolling you, but you have been unnecessarily rude and confrontational throughout the thread. Maybe it's a good idea to take a step back?

OP, it's a fine idea, as long as you are willing to plan ahead please don't let yourself be discouraged by people that think roleplayers are dumb or can't cooperate or whatever.

Twitter: @thayelf
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 08:36 PM CDT

I think the bickering goes elsewhere.

By the way, Have fun with your Gnome army, sounds like a good time!

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 09:31 PM CDT
>people that think roleplayers are dumb or can't cooperate or whatever

I know Annwyl said to stop, but I wanted to clarify something: I never said or implied all RP people are 'dumb'. Please don't take that away from my post. The orders are usually very good exemplars of RP, organization, and effectiveness.

I simply said that most of the people I played with in a not-order pure RP setting were not well coordinated.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 10:08 PM CDT
>>All of the ones required to complete the quest scale though, right? Do you know the approximate skills required to beat or evade the rest?

Say there are two people on a quest, a circle 1 and a circle 200.

Scaled mobs: With modern quests, the mobs are less "an average of all circles/skills combined" and more "some mobs spawn for each character's own skills". I can't explicitly speak for the mobs at the start of this quest that you have to kill, but the ones at the end tend to spawn near the players they're scaled towards and say the name of the player when they arrive to best indicate who they're for. While this means the circle 1 probably doesn't want to be in the same room as the circle 200, if they're in separate rooms they should probably get mobs that are 'theirs' which will work for them.

Boss mobs: These mobs flex per offensive/defensive action. In other words, when circle 200 tries to hit it, it's a circle 200 mob. When a circle 1 tries to hit it, it's a circle 1 mob. When the boss attacks, it's flexing toward whoever.

Context: I'm currently playing a circle ~125 character and tend to take people notably smaller on Plat runs. While we run through the parts that have static mobs, everyone splits up to participate in the flex sections.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 11:14 PM CDT

> Boss mobs: These mobs flex per offensive/defensive action. In other words, when circle 200 tries to hit it, it's a circle 200 mob. When a circle 1 tries to hit it, it's a circle 1 mob. When the boss attacks, it's flexing toward whoever.

I think the big question here is with the mobs that spawn around the boss. Will these make it impossible or exceptionally difficult for a group of low levels to defeat the boss?
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/25/2015 11:43 PM CDT
Having more people around makes the spawn a bit more chaotic, but using hit and run tactics I was able to solo the entire quest, at a point where I didn't have the skills to take on any of the non-flexing creatures past the barrier. With a group you might need to have some people keeping the add on mobs engaged, just constantly retreating, but as long as someone is able to focus fire on the boss it should be possible to deal with them.

- Miskton
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 10:19 AM CDT
Firstly, thank you all for the comments, info, concerns, and tips.. all are greatly appreciated. As BadGopher pointed out, this is primarily a RP event. I will not speak for Hive (although I think he may agree with me), and as someone else said in a previous post.. sometimes it's about the experience. That is the case here. Our goal is for Gnome fellowship and fun, and if we get some great loot, that's a plus. Yes, there are many free venues that we could use to achieve this (and have used in the past). Pay quests are venues too though, and should not be automatically dismissed merely because they are pay venues.

We are hoping to run with a full complement of 10 Gnomes, but we know that there may only be a couple who are interested in coming. We also discussed inviting our taller Gorbesh speaking Kaldar brethren (which we plan on doing occasionally in subsequent outings), but we want this first one to be Gnome only.

Originally we had discussed going on the Gnome Quest, but that quest is currently unavailable. Of the ones that were, we thought this one looked like it could be great fun and a big challenge. And as Gnomes are all about overcoming challenges, this seemed like it was right up our alley.

This event may not appeal to everyone... and that's okay. Hive and I are looking at this as a quest where the group tries to stay together as much as is possible. We are not really looking for people who want to run off on their own and ninja loot everything. Our intent is for all quest goers to designate one or two people who will hold all the incidental loot until the end of the quest, and then split it up as equally as possible among all the members of the party. That may be unrealistic, and may not appeal to everyone either, but it seemed like the fairest way to do it. Nothing is etched in stone though, it's all up for discussion and debate.

First we need to know if anyone is interested in going on this quest, or ANY pay quest.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 10:36 AM CDT

> First we need to know if anyone is interested in going on this quest, or ANY pay quest.

I wonder if the tower quest wouldn't be a better trial run. It's mostly puzzle centric which appeals to gnomes, and the only fighting is flex. It works well with groups that want to stick together. It's also relatively cheap, so it'll grab people who otherwise wouldn't want to risk $25. As a plus, there's a decent selection of loot for completing each stage, so you don't have to worry about anyone feeling like they wasted their time or money (if that's what drives them more than RP - it's fine, so long as everyone understands it's for RP).

All of this to build a core group that runs quests as part of the gnomish army.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 10:57 AM CDT
Did you email billing or quests? You can almost always schedule an event even if it isn't currently on the box office. They might be able to run gnome quest for you as a single scheduled run.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 11:07 AM CDT

> Did you email billing or quests? You can almost always schedule an event even if it isn't currently on the box office. They might be able to run gnome quest for you as a single scheduled run.

I haven't specifically asked billing about an RP run, but they denied my last quest for a private gnome run.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 12:55 PM CDT
I think gnome quest is currently down for maintenance of some sort, so you can't do private runs until they finish whatever it is.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 04:46 PM CDT
Ya, sorry for that. If you emailed/called and they said no to a private run, it's the end of that discussion. Didn't mean to steer you wrong.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/26/2015 07:34 PM CDT
<Ya, sorry for that. If you emailed/called and they said no to a private run, it's the end of that discussion. Didn't mean to steer you wrong.

No, that was a good suggestion. We weren't planning on going until after Hollow Eve anyway.. so maybe more quest options will open up after that.

<I wonder if the tower quest wouldn't be a better trial run. It's mostly puzzle centric which appeals to gnomes, and the only fighting is flex. It works well with groups that want to stick together. It's also relatively cheap, so it'll grab people who otherwise wouldn't want to risk $25.

Another great suggestion. If any of you would prefer this over the other... just to test the waters so to speak.. jump on in and voice your opinion.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/27/2015 09:47 AM CDT
>>I think the big question here is with the mobs that spawn around the boss. Will these make it impossible or exceptionally difficult for a group of low levels to defeat the boss?

it depends on the quest. I know that sometime a boss mob in a room "stops" normal mob spawn there just for this situation, but I don't know when/if it works in BtB. I know there are other mobs that show up during, but I don't know if they're room spawns or mobs that wander in from elsewhere.

Depending on group size, it might not hurt to have one or two hang back to handle dragging folks out of danger instead of fighting. I never personally had to do this with the groups I escorted but we killed stuff pretty fast and the lower circles were pretty good at staying out of danger.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/27/2015 05:59 PM CDT
I am soooo down for any quest and one that I get to RP on Fizz at would be wonderful! :) I've done all of the quests several times so I wouldn't say I'm a super expert but I know what's goin on and were to look for stuff. I love the idea of Gnome fellowship! And everyone knows we are the most fun :D It would be amazing to get a group together. I may have another friend that would want to join as well. I can talk with them about it. Super excited! My AIM is Fizzbitty if you need get in contact with me quickly. I admit I'm super behind on reading the boards ducks
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/27/2015 06:01 PM CDT
All I got from that is that your spacebar isn't actually broken. I've always wondered.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/27/2015 09:24 PM CDT
<I am soooo down for any quest and one that I get to RP on Fizz at would be wonderful! :) I've done all of the quests several times so I wouldn't say I'm a super expert but I know what's goin on and were to look for stuff. I love the idea of Gnome fellowship! And everyone knows we are the most fun :D It would be amazing to get a group together. I may have another friend that would want to join as well. I can talk with them about it.

Sounds great.. your experience will be very helpful when we meet and make plans. And yes.. if you have Gnome friends who would like to go be sure to mention it to them.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/28/2015 11:05 AM CDT

I wonder if it's time to setup a meeting for those interested. See how many we can get in person, and discuss the quest to do.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/28/2015 04:05 PM CDT
I would love to have my gnome charcters take part, but I just can't afford the cost at this time. I try to stick to my budget, as tempting as it is to stray from it. Perhaps some other time.

"When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better." - Mae West
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 10/30/2015 03:15 PM CDT
<I wonder if it's time to setup a meeting for those interested. See how many we can get in person, and discuss the quest to do.

I'm game for whatever everyone else wants to do. It might be better to wait until after Hollow Eve festival is over though... as many are focused on it right now.

I think we have the following Gnomes who are interested in going so far:

1.) Hive
2.) Halfstaff
3.) Fizz

Add your name if you're interested. Signing doesn't mean you're committing to anything, just means you want to learn/discuss more. At the very least we'll have some fun Gnome meetings.
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 11/03/2015 10:29 AM CST
I have a baby gnome pallie (Sazzle) and would be interested in joining a gnome only group. I agree would have to be after the Fest, maybe even first of December. I normally run with Fizz so I'm pretty familiar as well many of the quests.

Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 12/02/2015 12:45 PM CST

Heya all,

Now that the fest is over maybe we can meet and discuss the Gnome adventure. Traditionally our old group used to meet in the Gorbesh Fortress south of Shard.. but if more of you are up around the Crossing we can meet there as well. How's this coming Saturday or Sunday sound?

Crossing - Half Pint Inn
Shard - Gorbesh Fortress

Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 12/05/2015 11:53 PM CST
OOC of course :D

Hey there!!
I just saw this! Well since it is already Saturday @ 12:51am EST I would say Sunday LOL. What about next Saturday or Sunday? It has been kinda a crazy week for me. I would say Shard if that's cool with everyone.

Talk soon! :)
Re: Looking for a few good Gnomes 12/10/2015 10:54 AM CST
Shard is fine by me if everyone else is up for it. And Saturday or Sunday works too, just let me know which.

Someone earlier suggested the Tower Quest I think. Maybe we could give that some serious consideration.

So far it looks like we have:


Anyone else interested?

I have one friend who may want to come, depending on the date.
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