Hmm, racial competition 04/11/2002 07:53 PM CDT
I think fighting over which race is better is slightly pathetic. You wouldn't be fighting unless you were worried that another one is better. So you all basically just screwed yourselfs. Have fun.

><>< Tinyfire Sparkstun ><><

Who has lightning bolts for brains
Re: Hmm, racial competition 04/11/2002 08:17 PM CDT
>>I think fighting over which race is better is slightly pathetic. You wouldn't be fighting unless you were worried that another one is better. So you all basically just screwed yourselfs. Have fun.

No!!! I'm better than all the races! RAAA!!!

-Stohmp "I don't care who thinks what race is best (or who's pathetic)" Emh'gud-

P.S. How's that for a nickname?
Re: Hmm, racial competition 06/25/2002 01:38 PM CDT
Humans are the best of course... if not for the humans, none of us would be here.

~ Human who gets to be an Elf because of other humans ~