Bew Paladin 07/18/2014 08:41 AM CDT
Hi, My name is Otaron and I've been in the Guild a week now. Left DR about 9 years ago(I was a Bard for a couple of years and didn't like what they did to the enchants etc) but after trying other MUDS and MMOs I finally decided that DR was the best I'd been in and it's great to be back. Taking me a while to appreciate all the changes, the lack of up to date books in the Crossing Guild sure don't help and every time I try an elanthipedia link all I get is a "forbidden" notice. (never know I might even try to write a book myself when I've a clue what I'm talking about)) but generally things seem to be going in the right direction and I'm more than happy with life.

Here's hoping out paths cross sometime

Re: Bew Paladin 07/18/2014 08:50 AM CDT
I assume you're using the old .org address. New Elanthipedia address is

Simu hosts it(all the content is still player created) now after Caraamon was having some hosting issues.
Re: Bew Paladin 07/18/2014 01:46 PM CDT

Thanks for the heads up. was trying to access from old postings

Re: Bew Paladin 07/18/2014 02:01 PM CDT
All hail Elanthipedia!

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Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Bew Paladin 07/18/2014 03:14 PM CDT
Welcome back!

If you have any questions, you can reach me on AIM at IsharonDR.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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