Shield suggestions 08/03/2003 11:17 AM CDT
Simple is good and good stats are better...

>you tap a crescent-shaped steel tower shield painted with (changes colors and/or patterns randomly) and set with a heavy boss.

You are certain that it imposes a high maneuvering hindrance.

You are certain that the shield offers fair to incredible protection. (paladin app/non-paladin app very imp)

You are certain that the tower shield is well constructed, and is in pristine condition.

The tower shield is made with metal.
It appears that the tower shield can be slung over one shoulder.
The tower shield has a bit of weight to it.

-A buckler that appraises low to High with well construction and low hindrance

... and if someone wants to really impress me, they can make a arm-shield* fairly sturdy, very poor to low protection, insignificant hind

*Arm shield the right name? that small mini-shield worn on the left arm (wrist for DR) and it would allow someone that used two-handed weapons to have a tiny bit of shield protection.

Barbarian weapons "better'n store bought" are alive or something to keep non barbs from useing them, so there is a precedent for that kind of non-thief item protecion thing. Reason, they require complex knowledge of armors that only an armor prime (rp a paladin)can have... thats sounds good enough