Ole lil Phan coming around 04/17/2005 10:15 AM CDT
Hey guys,

Thought I'd stop by and say hi to everyone. Still alive, been over a year since I last played DR but still have some of you sticking in my heart.

Hope the guild is doing good and everyone is having fun!


Andre, ex-player of Phanton.
Re: Ole lil Phan coming around 04/17/2005 05:47 PM CDT
Hey there Phanton,

Yep, things have been rather nice of late. Especially liking the "arm-worn shields" that Ssra release a bit ago.

We've also raided the Trader Halls and kidnapped...errr.. enticed their GM into coming over and being our development coder. Should make for some nice releases for us within a reasonable time.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!