Dark Paladin Scenerio, thoughts? 01/20/2004 03:48 PM CST
2 paladins in a room with Person X and sacred item "B" that can destroy the city if in the wrong hands of the pursuing bad guys. Person X panics and keeps gwething in range of the enemy in such a way the two agree X may be a serious liability. Person X also keeps distracting all planning and wants everyone to do it Person X's way. Person X is agreed to be a major threat to the group although not intentional. Both agree they cannot babysit Person X.

Under this example:

Light Paladin - Halts the person and repeats this over and over again to subdue the threat

Dark Paladin - Kills Person X and eliminates the threat.

Neither paladin considers this person enemy but handles the situation differently. Is the
Dark Paladin wrong?

Such is an example of how I see a dark paladin. Not evil, still follows the guidelines of the guild, just goes about things in a perhaps harsher level.
I don't see how a dark paladin has to go against what the guildleaders say to be dark, or worship dark gods necessarily (although a dark paladin of Chadatru just doesn't have that same effect.) In my opinion, it's entirely about characteristics and how the person handles different situations. This can be seen in any guild, it just isn't common to label someone a dark or light warrior mage ;)

B-Hon, Pullin Seihjin's Strings Behind the Scenes
Re: Dark Paladin Scenerio, thoughts? 01/20/2004 03:56 PM CST
<<2 paladins in a room with Person X and sacred item "B" that can destroy the city if in the wrong hands of the pursuing bad guys. >>

The answer depends on which city could be destroyed =P

--Just a "clueless" Squire
Re: Dark Paladin Scenerio, thoughts? 01/20/2004 06:27 PM CST
My views of what a dark paladin is only go so far as the type of worship he does. Other than that I don't think we need a shade of gray to describe every type of person who will do or not do such and such actions.

Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"
Re: Dark Paladin Scenerio, thoughts? 01/20/2004 11:07 PM CST
<<I don't see how a dark paladin has to go against what the guildleaders say to be dark, or worship dark gods necessarily (although a dark paladin of Chadatru just doesn't have that same effect.

In the whole light/dark debate I'd say Anghmar leans more to the light side....however a dark pali of chadatru is workable.

With the above example in mind, and justice as the topic the Light Pali might have a murderer hung, a thief pay restitution , a litterer cleaning up the town green etc etc

The Dark Pali on the other hand might kill the litterer just as easily as the murderer, because in his eyes justice is being served as they have both commited crimes.
Re: Dark Paladin Scenerio, thoughts? 01/20/2004 11:12 PM CST
Dark Paladins may see justice as blind: "The bread thief may be as bad as the jewelery thief. Who cares what the reasoning is behind it? Crime is crime."
Light Paladins may show compassion: "Sure, that guy stole bread, but that is because he was starving. The jewelery thief was just greedy."

Are either people always right or wrong in any given situation?

Who knows.

Need a babelfish for DragonRealms?

Re: Dark Paladin Scenerio, thoughts? 01/20/2004 11:33 PM CST
<Light Paladins may show compassion: "Sure, that guy stole bread, but that is because he was starving. The jewelery thief was just greedy.">

STARVING? Yeah right. he was greedy for life and you know it!

Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"