A shalswar ate my holy weapon 01/28/2010 07:18 PM CST
A while back I did the change your holy weapon quest and made my new weapon a double-headed hurling axe with a mammoth tusk handle from the gods fest. Stat wise, its probably one of the most solid HEs you can buy from a store, and it has the added bonus of being thrown. I use it for HT training on a daily basis, just cast a high mana BW on it and you're good to go for quite some time.

Until tonight. I was training HT up in shals and lodged it in a dead shalswar. I went to throw it again and noticed it wasn't in my hand, nor was it on the ground. I looked at all the shals in the room and it wasn't lodged in any of them. I killed everything in the room and it wasn't on any of their corpses. I searched all the surrounding rooms but it wasn't there either. I bugged and assisted (and I apologize to anyone who has to read either, I was in something of a frenzy) and now I'm waiting to hear back about what can be done for a lost holy weapon.

Moral of the story, bond weapon will not protect your holy weapon from insane creatures who go poof. And Dart, if you're reading this, can I please have my holy weapon back? And maybe the shalswar's head on a pike?