Leucius 09/11/2015 12:31 PM CDT
I would like to thank Leucius and all others who are part of setting-up the recent events sponsored in the name of the Paladin Guild. It's nice to see some effort being put forth in getting our guild involved in Elanthian RP once again.

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
Re: Leucius 09/11/2015 01:41 PM CDT
I'm not a Paladin, but I want to join in on praising Leucius. Everything I see him a part of is positive. This game needs more people like him.
Re: Leucius 09/11/2015 01:56 PM CDT

Leucius is the bomb dot com. He's a blast to work with, always have a great time playing with (or against) him.
Re: Leucius 09/11/2015 10:10 PM CDT
Way to go Leucius and everyone involved.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"