Crusader's Challenge 02/24/2017 09:18 AM CST
Just wanted to bring this up again because I think Crusader's Challenge ("CRC") has a lot of potential, but its bugs and SvS contest really hold it back. Crusader's Challenge buffs tactics, which is great. It also got a new taunt feature for 3.x that causes creatures to engage the paladin in PvE or locks PCs in place at melee in PvP. Here are the bugs/problems:

1. No failure or availability message - Ricinus told me in the Test instance way back when that there's a taunt pool of sorts ("tauntsauce"). At ~175th circle, I can only taunt once per some-long-cooldown and tauntsauce is fully depleted whether or not that one taunt succeeds. Also, the spell doesn't state when tauntsauce is depleted or when it returns, so it's a guessing game and a bad guess really sucks.
2. CRC fails A LOT, even when the contest is successful - If the target insta-retreats to missile, it fails. If I use it to draw creature attention from someone in danger and I already have 4 creatures, it eats up tauntsauce and does nothing and subsequently fails a lot. If I successfully taunt and retreat once, it kills the taunt effect and makes it so subsequent taunts fail. If I taunt in an empty room, the spell gives no messaging but subsequently fails for a while.
3. The contest makes it near useless in PvP, even though it has a specific PvP purpose - Charm v. Will with no charisma buff pretty much means it's very rarely useful in PvP unless you can get your hands on a charisma scroll (Paladins have no charisma buff). That's because everyone generally trains will stats higher than everything else. Plus, I think we're still the only guild that uses all 4 contests, which seems like an oversight. Just making it mind v. will like Halt would be a big improvement here.
4. It's an esoteric battle spell - This makes it a spell that is supposed to be used in an emergency situation but can't be quick-cast and falls off in usually under 10 minutes. It also means a paladin can't get any real use out of it (also due to the contest) until, maybe, s/he's as big as Samsaren. IMO, the only time a spell should be classified as esoteric and battle is if it's a REALLY big deal.

My paladin's 175th circle and I can't get any mileage out of the spell due to these issues.
Re: Crusader's Challenge 04/30/2017 08:15 AM CDT
Agreed, the taunt seems pretty useless for PvP. If the contest was made Mind vs Will and the cooldown reduced a bit, I'd consider using it. As it is now, I've yet to be able to use it on an at-level opponent.