Pet Coexistence 05/03/2020 04:14 PM CDT
Part complaint, part suggestion...

I've noticed that any time I have a construct in a room with someone else's pet (including other constructs!) it will auto-aggro on them, even if there's no other fighting going on. This makes them almost unusable in a group setting with other pet users. I always feel bad for empaths because my construct will immediately try to kill their alfar, so I tend to not use my construct in situations where I otherwise would. And when I'm in a group with a handful of other necromancers, as happens rarely, it'd be real cool if we could all have our constucts out at the same time... but since they fight each other, only one person can.

Can we please have it so pets don't auto-fight each other? They should still be fight, but only when specifically commanded to. On that note, having a basic attack command for constructs would be real nice... nothing as in depth as zombie commands, just command construct attack <thing>.

Please and thank you.
Re: Pet Coexistence 05/03/2020 04:18 PM CDT
+1 from me. This would be a great QOL change.

- Bhaalgorn
Re: Pet Coexistence 05/03/2020 04:30 PM CDT
Oh, and while I'm thinking of quality of life improvements for pets... some way to have our constructs/zombies follow us from room to room would be incredible. I know they aren't exactly comparable systems, but our risen can already do this. I'm just really tired of having to constantly call my pet(s) back to me if I'm in a mobile fighting situation. It's especially frustrating if the game decides to unload the rooms I was just in, thus deleting my pet and forcing me to recreate them.

Please and thank you (again).
Re: Pet Coexistence 05/04/2020 06:48 AM CDT
Ranger spawns also do this and make them even less useful than the awaken forest spell already is. Then again, see quote, hah

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea