RE: Contest: Necrolibrary 04/20/2016 08:05 PM CDT

>So, a little bird told me that some Necromancers recently got around to talking about doing necrowork on necrobooks. Abasha, Persida and I have talked about >this and agree that not only is this a fine idea, this is behavior that ought to be rewarded.

>Here's what we're going to do. During the next two months (until the beginning of June), we would like you to write a book for inclusion in upcoming libraries >in the Necromancer guildhalls. I'm giving you a month and a half because we want these to be solid, well researched and reasoned books without rushing.

>For every book submission that meets with the approval of our trilateral commission, there will be the following rewards:

>1) The book will be a permanent addition in an upcoming Necromancer libraries.
>2) The IC author of the book (your character) will get a special title. The exact title is TBD, will be one chosen by us and shared by all authors, but will not >grant SO and probably will not be obviously necromantic.
>3) There will be an IC event honoring all of the new authors.

>All books will be expected to be on topics of interest to Necromancers and be written by Necromancer PCs. They will have to meet all normal guidelines and >requirements for book submissions, as well as Team Necro's subjective approval.

>Submission requirements and instructions can be found here:

>Happy writing.

Very very nice. I wish I had enough time over the coming months to put down something solid for this library. As soon as this was mentioned a hundred subjects came up, everything from the "Proper Care and Maintenance of Surgical Instruments" to "A Philosopher's Etiquette: From Greetings to Goodbyes."

I also wanted to create "a hideous volume bound in human skin" in there, no title... but mentioning "the Darkness","a faceless one", "Randall", and
"Providence", a bit of an easter egg.
