A Note 07/19/2015 04:02 AM CDT
It has come to my attention that a number of those who call themselves "Philosophers" have taken to openly terrorizing the masses with constructs and risen zombies. You know who you are.

Tell me, how does the antagonization of the mortal races further the Great Work?

The Triumphant himself has said, "Evil is permissible in service to the good which it will create." What good are you creating with your evil?

"...our purpose is the glorification of mankind." How are you glorifying the mortal races with your lunacy?

"What knowledge do you gain by animating glass? What does a loud, obvious, and most importantly uncontrolled creation do that lends itself to our noble purpose?

"...this is not a game we play: your actions are judged, not by me, but by the indignant mobs you rile up when our science is put on crude display." - Z.B.

Your self-serving actions do nothing to further the Great Work and, what is more, you jeopardize that Work by giving those who are a dogmatic and even murderous opposition the fodder they need to justify themselves.

Yes, you have power. Dark power. But, tell me, do you remember these words?

"We need those who can drink of dark power without being consumed by it." - Z.B.

The Philosophers of the Knife are, at their best, the truest and noblest, yet most misunderstood and unsung HEROES of the mortal races. Heroes which the mortal races need, yet whom they do not deserve.

Think on this and act accordingly.

- A Philosopher
Re: A Note 07/19/2015 05:13 AM CDT
--Not sure if this note is still "viewable" in game, or the circumstances it was originally posted in game, but it seems an appropriate time to bring up again.

Re: A Note 07/19/2015 05:14 AM CDT
>> https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Post:A_Note_-_06/02/2012_-_13:33

I just realized you were quoting part of that note. Whoops.
Re: A Note 07/19/2015 05:29 AM CDT
These men are plainly not Philosophers, and they are of little concern to those scant few of us that still are beyond ensuring we keep our distance from them and use them to further our own ends where possible. Power these perversions have in spades, but keep in mind they blessedly lack the finesse to use any of it effectively and likely always will so long as they continue to suckle at the generous teat of our organization with one fist and reject the moral authority of our cause with the other. Fortunately, in the scheme of things the mayhem they cause is minimal and frankly largely reserved for guildsmen anyway, whom can hardly be said to be undeserving of receiving a bit of the violence they so freely inflict on their "lessers."

Book's little project has certainly unleashed a menagerie of little monsters on the world, but you are mistaken if you believe he is not both aware of it and through inaction tacitly permitting it. They are part of the living ballast arranged against the screaming death that waits for Book should the Temple ever get a hold of him. Their actions are reprehensible and disgusting, but you are mad if you think the world is not presently arranged more or less precisely how Book wishes it to be. At the end of the day most things bow to pragmatism.

p.s. Quotes impress nobody. Quit outsourcing your thinking and start doing it for yourself.
Re: A Note 07/19/2015 08:21 AM CDT

Hastily written, a note in little more than chicken scratch appears to be a response:

Fret not what they who have fallen do. Do you concern yourself with actions of feral beasts that roam the lands, or do you do your part to cull the madness? We who are faithful continue the Great Work. We are the finger searching for the pulse of these dying lands and we are the held in hand. All those who oppose and delay our efforts would best remember that the knife in hand is the one that cuts deepest.

Re: A Note 07/20/2015 11:15 AM CDT
<These men are plainly not Philosophers