Who am I? 05/08/2013 12:45 PM CDT
A tattered journal entry found scattered on the breeze in the Dragons Breath:

Staring back at me in the reflective polish of the knives blade, who is this man? This question and many others swirl through my mind as I pen this. The Great Work proceeds ever slowly, the misundertandings by the temple's brainwashed masses abound. I have tried in the past to show them I ment no ill-will and truely sought a higher purpose for them all. However, I have been shunned and outlawed the last time...

Gone is my care for the masses, they are not worthy of this plane or the next. When the 'immortals' are finally dethroned and the worthy ascend to to hold sway in this world, a cleansing is in order and of the highest priority. The temples must crumble and the old way torn asunder, all rebuilt in a glorious new society. The remnant left can then flourish without pain or fear, without the need to call out to vicarious taskmasters and slavedrivers. No wicked red spiral to go to for the cycle of life will be undone! Oh on that glorious day when we rise and take what is rightfully ours!

Who is this man? Perhaps I am the one meant to usher this new age, to defeat the cycle and bring forth a true trancendance. One meant to purge the lands of the unworthy, the filth of this age. I know this task is heavy, yet I do not walk alone. For whatever reason I have been blessed with the love and affections of my dear princess and with that blessing I call my strength to carry forth. The ever gentle push I need when my mind borders collapse.

Who is this man? I am the righteous, I am the bringer of perfection, I am what must be done! The cycle born of the pain of birth and ending in the casting of the soul into the roiling spiral must be defeated. Thier irresponcibility must come to a reckoning.

Freedom for the worthy, Oblivion for the wretched.

~Khiol Norawts'Dziri
Re: Who am I? 05/14/2013 02:59 PM CDT
The tattered remnant of a parchment:

As I look around, all I see are the wretched. They band together like rats in the shipyard seeking refuge in each others filth. Lies abound among the populace, and the foolish masses grasp on those lies like swarms of bees to the honeycomb. Do they even realize the spiral will rend their souls enivitably? Do they care what awaits?

Are they so deluded by the foul immortal promises whispered into their ears by the clergy that reason and logic has been stolen from them? More and more I realize how much they cling to these ideals. Is this just something I realize? No matter I suppose, the masses must be dealt with. The worthy must align and defeat this scourge, if I must take her hand and we must walk it alone...so be it.

They must not survive, they will not survive.
The Great Work must continue, the Work of the worthy.
Oblivion awaits the wretched.

Khiol Norawts'Dziri

"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in The Rakash Village.