Lore Questions: Sidhlot and Jeihrem 05/26/2019 02:16 PM CDT
On Sidhlot:
- Does anyone happen to have a description of Sidhlot that they'd be willing to share? Best I can tell he hasn't surfaced in game since sometime between 338 and 360 AV.

On Jeihrem:
- Can anyone speak/speculate to his origins?
- Do we have any indication how old he is?

Best I can tell, nothing is known about him prior to his introduction in 2017 (and his attacks on the mainland). He popped into the scene and if he's got any sort of backstory I can't find it.

The lorewonkery part of my brain needs to know things.

- I
Re: Lore Questions: Sidhlot and Jeihrem 05/27/2019 04:26 PM CDT
I've got nothing in particular for Jeihrem, but Sidhlot looked kinda like this:

Sidhlot has pointed ears and silver eyes. His blue-black hair is long and fine, and is worn braided. He has pale skin.

He is wearing some suede boots, a ring of braided hair, a long silvery robe and a sweeping black cloak the color of night sewn with tiny stars in silver thread.

Doing stuff
Re: Lore Questions: Sidhlot and Jeihrem 05/27/2019 05:27 PM CDT
I'll take what I can get. Thanks!

- I