A question about Divine Outrage. 12/23/2009 06:04 PM CST
A quick question, I apologize if this has been answered previously but I don't have any recollection of reading a specific answer.

In regard to Divine Outrage how long in a Necromancer's career are they in danger of being struck down by the gods before they "become something else" I believe Lichdom was something FAR down the road (100th+?), but there's been mention I believe that after a certain point you aren't subject to divine swattery, I was curious whereabouts this certain point resides. Is it a function of circle, of skill or of Divine Outrage itself? IE: Getting to the point where your circle's base divine outrage is beyond the smack down point.
Re: A question about Divine Outrage. 12/28/2009 02:09 AM CST
> In regard to Divine Outrage how long in a Necromancer's career are they in danger of being struck down by the gods before they "become something else" I believe Lichdom was something FAR down the road (100th+?), but there's been mention I believe that after a certain point you aren't subject to divine swattery, I was curious whereabouts this certain point resides. Is it a function of circle, of skill or of Divine Outrage itself? IE: Getting to the point where your circle's base divine outrage is beyond the smack down point.

Right now, you're pretty much always subject to divine swattage. In order to become not-subject to it, you'll need to do a certain quest, which isn't available yet and will be very high level. Sorry.

-GM Abasha


When the squirrels rule the world, my work will be complete.