Visions Meeting 12/09/2014 03:20 AM CST
Good morning!

I would like to extend an invitation to all open and inquisitive minds to join in a gathering of scholars atop the Great Tower of Ilithi for the next discussion concerning recent visions and events. All scholars, regardless of guilded profession, are welcomed to participate in the Aviary of the Moonmage's guild at 6pmE this coming Friday the 12th as we revisit the omens of Drogor's wrath over the past few seasons along with any new or developed prophecies and revelations.

Hope to see you there!

Mistanna Redivas
Scribe of the Crystal Vanguard
Re: Visions Meeting 12/09/2014 12:10 PM CST
Pardon, I messed up my time conversions again! The meeting will actually be at 9pmE!
Visions Meeting Log - Now with extra shark! 12/13/2014 12:30 AM CST
Good evening! Here is the record from tonight's Vision's Meeting, including an unlikely attendee.

Thank you!

Mistanna Redivas
Scribe of the Crystal Vanguard

[18:01] Miskton says, "Thank you all for coming. It's good to see so many people interested in discussion, and the spread of knowledge."
[18:02] Aayveia says, "That works."
[18:03] Miskton says, "In recent days the web of fate seems to be fairly stable, but that's no reason not to talk about the things we have been seeing. I'll get into the visions that seers are still currently seeing a bit later, but to start with I think it might be worthwhile to go over the visions that were seen preceding the recent events involving Drogor."
[18:03] Miskton says, "Any time that we experience visions which can be definitively tied to specific events is a useful point for further understanding of our visions, in general."
[18:04] Miskton says, "Let's see... There's quite a few to go over, but I think I'll run through them all, before opening the floor to discussion, so we have the whole picture."
[18:05] Miskton says, "In one instance... A sense of impending doom gripped my psyche as enormous waves overtook my vision, churning as if I was lost within a raging, stormy sea. The panic faded with the strange apparitions, but I was left with the lingering thought that I had just been appraised and was found distinctly lacking."
[18:05] Miskton says, "A red haze clouded my vision, warping and distorting the world around me. As it began to clear somewhere, I felt overcome with a sense of indignant rage that was not my own, and yet guided my ever motion, pushing me ever forward."
[18:05] Miskton exclaims, "Far now from my home waters, still I went on. I would not stop, I COULD not stop -- not until every last one of them trembled in His name!"
[18:05] Miskton says, "Regaining my own senses, the sanguine film dissolved from my sight, leaving me only with a profound hunger that lingered in its wake."
[18:06] Miskton says, "Those visions from the perspective of another being can be... disconcerting."
[18:06] Miskton exclaims, "A fit of unbridled sadness and concern overtook my mind, causing me to close my eyes to fight back the emotional onslaught!"
[18:06] Miskton says, "As they reopened, I saw a pale Elven woman with long dark hair and sparkling green eyes standing with a bronze-scaled older Merelew man dressed in opulent finery, the pair looking out over a raging sea. She turned to him and said, "It is what is safest for us all." The man looked at her protectively and seemed to be readying himself to speak, but stopped short, sighing heavily instead. He nodded his head then regained his regal bearing, saying, "It is. I ve had your ship readied. You and the children will leave immediately, then I will attend to the rest." As the pair embraced, the vision faded, and I reoriented to the world around me."
[18:07] Miskton says, "Ah... This one..."
[18:07] You say, "I believe that one preceded the Prince and Princess' return to Zoluren."
[18:07] Miskton says, "I should mention that any sentiments I am about to express were those of the person from whose perspective the vision was seen, and not my own. I include them only for completeness."
[18:08] Miskton says, "I was struck by the twin sensations of something sharp tearing through my flesh and my lungs burning from lack of air! As the pain cleared, I found myself in another place, another mind."
[18:08] Miskton says, "I was dying. I could feel it, cold and familiar in its embrace."
[18:08] Miskton exclaims, "Though the instinctual panic remained in my mind behind the whiskey that dulled its reality, it was nothing I d not felt before and I was confident that I had the favor of the immortals with me. That s why I gave up all of those orbs, after all. So many nights of drinking delayed, that had to count for something! That drunk old fool was wrong as usual. Special connection to the Divine? Yeah, maybe when he was younger and drank less than a barrel a day! So I spit on that old altar once -- so what? Blasted fish-god liked the water, right? Ha!"
[18:08] Miskton asks, "Although how did I end up in the bay this time, anyway?"
[18:08] Miskton says, "As my salty tomb crushed the last of my life with its weight, the truth came to me with a final, horrifying clarity brought by the creature burrowing into what was once my body."
[18:09] Miskton says, "A bit of an object lesson there, I should think..."
[18:09] Miskton says, "Next..."
[18:09] Miskton exclaims, "A series of visions assaulted my senses, rending me numb to my actual surroundings for what seemed like an eternity!"
[18:09] Miskton says, "First, three scales gleamed in the sun, wet and smooth and sinuous in their movements all the same, yet each differing in color -- pearled white, placid green, and darkest grey. Next, I felt neglect leading to despair, leading to rage, leading to vengeance. A coldness unmoved by pain or reason. Finally, rivulets of blood intertwined then coalesced, massing themselves into a rough approximation of life! Just as I began to think I could make out the shape of what the new being had become, the visions left me."
[18:10] Miskton says, "I felt drained and utterly empty as I realized that but only the briefest moment had truly passed."
[18:10] Miskton says, "With a waft of briny air, my senses warped and shifted, leaving me consumed with fury, though I was not sure of the cause."
[18:10] Miskton says, "The Captain was arguing with me, telling me to change back to his original course, threatening me with the lash, telling the others that they would have my share of the platinum coins when he dumped my ungrateful corpse into the drink when he was through. He did all of this, and yet they didn't cheer and holler for him to have at me, but simply gazed at us both with unblinking eyes."
[18:10] Miskton says, "The eyes of the deep."
[18:11] Miskton says, "I stopped talking, stopped trying to explain why the course must change. With a single thrust, the dagger found its mark. He lay bloody on the deck for only moments before the others rushed forward, drawn to the smell."
[18:11] Miskton says, "The vision receded from me, leaving me back in the here and now."
[18:12] Miskton says, "And then a few visions that, in retrospect, would appear to have been from the perspective of some cloud eels."
[18:12] Miskton exclaims, "I was overwhelmed by foreign thoughts and sensations!"
[18:12] Miskton says, "As my mind struggled to place it all into an understandable order and end the painful onslaught, I saw my kin surrounding me, their bodies floating, wrought beautiful with their illumination of the darkness which enveloped us always."
[18:12] Miskton says, "I felt the calling, and knew they did as well. In concert we moved -- graceful, languid, but with unceasing purpose."
[18:12] Miskton says, "With a sharp jolt my surroundings fell away from me and my kin dissolved into nothingness! Briefly I felt a keen sense of loss as I reoriented to the here and now."
[18:12] Miskton says, "A blinding pain swelled in my head, disorienting me utterly. As the agony began to recede, I found that I was floating high above the world, looking down upon the tiny creatures below."
[18:13] Miskton exclaims, "I twined with my brethren, squirming in slow, syncopated waves, though my gaze remained unwavering. So small, so far. The messengers spoke of the warm waters that flow freely from the tiny beings when their outer casings are split, and this thought pleased me immensely. Soon it would be my time. Soon I would split them all open and drink my fill!"
[18:13] Miskton says, "A thunderous roar filled my ears and the vision faded, leaving me back in my own body once more."
[18:13] Miskton says, "And then..."
[18:13] Miskton says, "I sensed that I was being called by the sanguine rush. The waves pulled at me, drawing me ever downward to where the messengers were born."
[18:14] Miskton says, "That one, shortly before an attack from the eels."
[18:14] Miskton says, "Let's see..."
[18:15] Miskton says, "I believe that's all of the visions that seemed to be related to Drogor and his minions. Much of it became clearer in retrospect, as is unfortunately often required. Though one point on which I am still unsure is who or what the messengers the eels were thinking of were."
[18:16] Miskton says, "Does anyone have any thoughts on that? Or any thoughts or questions on any of those visions, really. Or questions about the whole thing, if we can answer any of those."
[18:17] Whiteburn says, "I believe that the messengers might have been the smaller creatures... the Kelpies perhaps and the Suw Bizar."
[18:17] Whiteburn says, "The lesser of Lord Drogor's minions."
[18:17] Powerhaus asks Miskton, "'i think the eels were the messengers if you were floating above them?"
[18:17] You say, "I might have thought of the jellyfish, but those mostly came down. I don't think many made it back."
[18:18] Miskton says to Powerhaus, "To my understanding of what they were thinking, someone or something came up to the eels to inform them there was tasty prey down below."
[18:18] Miskton says, "And to generally deliver Drogor's summons, I presume."
[18:19] Powerhaus asks, "Divine instinct too maybe?"
[18:19] Whiteburn says, "We made offerings of blood to appease the Bizar, which they seemed to appreciate... but that was after the eels arrived."
[18:19] Imarin says, "I think it sounds like people like us, they were hungry for our blood below them, but if the messengers were from the same below..."
[18:20] Malchazador quietly asks, "These visions... do they always speak of the future in certainty?"
[18:21] Levinas calmly says, "Arguable."
[18:21] Powerhaus says to Malchazador, "Ask Tiv."
[18:21] Malchazador quietly says, "Or is it yet to be determined. And thus...not etched in stone."
[18:21] You say, "Especially recently."
[18:21] You say to Malchazador, "Many ask the very same question of Fate."
[18:22] Levinas calmly says, "The future is only etched in stone so far as it is a product of the past."
[18:22] Miskton says, "They generally show things that will happen, but not that necessarily must happen. But... we don't have a full understanding. And not all visions should be taken literally."
[18:22] Malchazador quietly asks, "Can anything be done to alter the outcomes?"
[18:22] Levinas calmly says, "Some like to think so."
[18:22] Aayveia says, "If you want to try and unravel Fate..maybe."
[18:22] Aayveia says, "But that's a dangerous game."
[18:22] Marcul says, "Others prefer to think the ability grants control from the attempt at change."
[18:23] Miskton says, "One of the problems with attempting to alter the outcomes is not knowing exactly what events will lead to those outcomes."
[18:23] You say, "If I may, back in the beginning of the visions concerning Drogor, do you recall the one where you feel as if being evaluated as prey? I had a thought concerning the messengers..."
[18:23] Marssi says, "That could get really messy."
[18:24] Miskton says to you, "No, I don't believe I experienced that one."
[18:24] Whiteburn says, "Evaluated and found lacking... it was one of the first ones you spoke of."
[18:24] You say, "When I first experienced that vision was right after we returned from the Barrier. I think it effected me same as why I left there in the first place, I was struck with several visions in succession..."
[18:25] You say, "Thankfully... not as painful as they used to be.."
[18:25] You say, "But two others and I set out afterwards, chasing a storm I sensed to the north."
[18:25] Miskton says, "Oh. I didn't think of that one as being a matter of prey, more as being lacking in my devotion to Drogor. Though I suppose those could be the same thing..."
[18:26] You say, "Well, while we were crossing on a boat, we felt we were being evaluated quite distinctly. Then this... creature... unlike the storm eels... came up out of the water. It was... made of the water. Ice water."
[18:26] You say, "It bit me, and then another bit Tankata."
[18:27] You say, "Perhaps those ice-water eels are the messengers? The water itself working against us..."
[18:27] Miskton says, "Oh, yes, I think I recall those being mentioned before..."
[18:28] Powerhaus says, "Maybe it was the sharkin rain."
[18:28] Powerhaus says, "Salt water sent up to the sky to tell the flying eel things before they come crashing down to show them we're full of blood."
[18:29] Malchazador quietly says, "These visions...that happen."
[18:29] Malchazador quietly says, "Are they always focused on such negative things. Things that wreak havoc arcoss theland."
[18:29] Levinas calmly says, "No."
[18:29] Miskton says, "Usually."
[18:30] Miskton says, "But not always."
[18:30] Malchazador quietly says, "Have there been an visions of truth and light returning to the land."
[18:30] Malchazador quietly says, "Something to counter the dark forces at work."
[18:30] Whiteburn says, "I had a vision..."
[18:31] Whiteburn asks, "If I may...?"
[18:31] Miskton says, "There have been visions in the past that could be interpreted that way... but they aren't very common."
[18:32] Miskton says to Whiteburn, "Klines had something to note next, I believe, but after that, yes, please speak your mind."
[18:32] Klines asks, "Forgive me if this seems impetuous, but, in this particular instance does the identity of the messenger matter? It seems to me that all of these creatures were harbingers of Drogor in one way or another. Some delivered their message martially, others through words, others both. It seems as though thee messenger, over all, was Him. The messenger of the other Immortals, yeah?"
[18:33] Miskton says, "It's probably not of huge importance, no. At the time it seemed a bit more ominous, if there was some unknown minion of Drogor lurking and waiting with ill intent in mind. But if there were, it seems Drogor was placated before they felt a need to act directly."
[18:34] You say, "Thank the Goddess."
[18:34] Klines says, "I think it safe to say that there were many minions that Drogor had prepared to act. The Kraken is but one of many examples we could list of these. By the very nature of Drogor being an Immortal, I think that list could go on indefinitely as well."
[18:36] Miskton says, "Oh, certainly. It's for the best for us all that we were able to satisfy Him."
[18:36] Jehntel asks, "Was satisfaction conclusively the reason the attacks ceased?"
[18:37] Powerhaus says to Jehntel, "That's what the voices in our head seemed to imply at the altar."
[18:37] Whiteburn says, "Fortunate timing, as my vision was intertwined with the kraken.."
[18:37] Powerhaus says, "But the people on the streets killing things felt they did their share too."
[18:37] Marcul says, "Immortals tend to bore easily. Sometimes things stop abruptly with no real connection to endeavours to procure the same outcome."
[18:37] Kerenelle says, "As did the empaths at triage."
[18:37] Miskton says, "A cleric is probably better suited to answer that, but that was the impression I got when I experienced a manifestation of Drogor out on Aesry, as to what he wanted."
[18:39] You say, "After Whiteburn, or anyone else I missed, of course."
[18:39] Whiteburn says, "I was making offerings and prayers to Lord Drogor at His altar when I heard His voice... as mighty and fearsome as a tornado. Behind it, I heard two more feminine voices. They spoke many words to me."
[18:39] Whiteburn says, "And yet, I was still troubled."
[18:40] Whiteburn says, "I had been diligently collecting shark's teeth. Every time I looked upon them, I was overcome by a red mist... the feeling of hunger and rage."
[18:40] Whiteburn says, "I asked my Lord what was coming and then a vision overtook my senses, blotting out the world around me."
[18:40] Whiteburn says, "I felt hunger... rage...! It was lurking beneath the waves, but... restrained."
[18:41] Whiteburn says, "Held back by myself, and the few who held even the smallest desire to understand, to know, to fight against their own ignorance and pride."
[18:42] Whiteburn darkly says, "As I thought about the heathens and the unfaithful ones, temptation overcame me and I wanted nothing more than to remove my protection and let the carnage spill forth..."
[18:42] Kerenelle asks, "Whiteburn, may I ask (when you have a moment) what was the timing on this vision?"
[18:42] Whiteburn says, "But... I felt that I should stay my claws for just a little more. That they would all be given one, final chance to prove their worth."
[18:43] Whiteburn says, "It was before the mass prayers held at the temple, when witnesses apparently spotted the kraken looming above from the ocean."
[18:43] Whiteburn says, "The vision left me... but the scent of brine lingered..."
[18:43] Klines says to Whiteburn, "That seems to coincide with what actually happened that day."
[18:44] Whiteburn says, "Then, after the danger had seemingly passed... I envisioned a great beast still beneath the water."
[18:44] Whiteburn quietly says, "The lesson still continues."
[18:45] Whiteburn says, "Aye."
[18:45] Powerhaus says to you, "They both got zapped in the head a lot..."
[18:46] You say, "The rainstorms do still seem to come ashore sometimes... I don't remember them being so severe before... but at least they are not as intense as they were for... three seasons total, I believe."
[18:46] Miskton says, "Thank you for sharing that. Visions from the gods can be quite different from those moon mages experience, and provide another useful viewpoint on events."
[18:47] Kerenelle asks, "Whiteburn, when did you start to believe that Drogor was expressing anger on behalf of all the Immortals?"
[18:47] You say to Powerhaus, "I saw at least three people getting zapped for being disrespectful to the Immortals during those storms."
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a bull shark trying to sneak north.
You notice a bull shark trying to edge quietly past you.
You frown.
You point at a bull shark, ruining its hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You tilt your head to one side.
Klines tilts his head inquisitively.
[18:48] Whiteburn says, "It was the other way around, I believe. Lord Drogor was the first to show His rage and His anger..."
[18:48] Powerhaus says, "Heh."
[18:48] Miskton says, "Hmm."
[18:49] Whiteburn says, "As the mortals continued to defy Him, to refuse to learn... the other immortals began to share in His rage."
[18:49] Miskton says, "That shark seems a bit out of its element, here. Did anyone see where it came from? It appears to have been hiding behind a tree, somehow."
You notice Kehlbins slip into a hiding place.
The bull shark discovers Kehlbins, ruining his hiding place!
Powerhaus aligns the clockwork shark and aims it directly at a bull shark.
A clockwork shark sails toward the bull shark, carefully keeping its distance. The miniature vessel maneuvers around the bull shark, adjusting its course to keep the shark off its starboard bow for the entire survey.
Its flight complete, the clockwork shark returns to its original position and bobs up and down briefly.
Kehlbins snorts, loudly.
Malchazador blinks.
[18:49] You ask Miskton, "Perhaps this is one of His messengers?"
[18:50] Kerenelle says, "I was wondering the same."
[18:50] Powerhaus says, "Outta eggs..."
[18:50] You hear Zhirrisk yell from the north, "THE LESSON WILL CONTINUE!"
[18:51] Powerhaus says, "Oh..."
With a powerful thrust of its tail, a bull shark darts after a rainbow fish!
[18:51] Malchazador quietly says, "That doesn't sound like a good thing necessarily."
[18:51] Miskton says, "Hopefully the birds are smart enough to stay away from it."
[18:51] Powerhaus says to himself, "Probably bottled shark... I think it should stay though..."
[18:52] Whiteburn says, "It is peaceful."
[18:52] Miskton says, "Good idea. I can't imagine this is too comfortable for it."
[18:52] Klines says, "I think Whiteburn saw her vision shortly after I had mine. I had several that were in some ways similar to Whiteburn's. I feel as though several of The Immortals showed me things and spoke to me."
A bull shark thrashes the water, sending white plumes spraying in the air.
[18:53] Malchazador asks, "Has the shark done anything aggressive yet?"
[18:53] Malchazador asks, "Perhaps it holds a message?"
[18:53] Whiteburn says, "Undoubtedly."
[18:53] Powerhaus asks Malchazador, "Like in it's belly?"
[18:53] Malchazador says to Powerhaus, "Well don't know about you but snackhood never much appealed to me."
[18:54] You say, "I had a vision as well, abit before the Kraken threatened the Crossing docks."
[18:54] Whiteburn flatly says to Powerhaus, "Not literally."
[18:54] Powerhaus says, "Well if it's divine..."
Powerhaus gestures at a bull shark, which jumps in surprise.
[18:54] Powerhaus says, "Now we're even..."
A bull shark thrashes its tail against the surface of the water.
[18:54] Powerhaus says to himself, "I feel better now..."
[18:55] Miskton says, "It seems a bit cruel to just leave it here. But getting it to water may pose some difficulties."
[18:55] Whiteburn says, "It is unlikely that this is an ordinary shark."
[18:55] You say, "The sky crackled with myriad bolts of marine-hued lightning, defying all natural weather patterns in a glorious display of Holy might! A single, distant albatross was seen flying effortlessly within the electric display, almost as if it were its partner in an aerial dance. The portent quickly faded, leaving a brine-tinged remnant in its wake, yet a tenuous sense of hope still filled my mind."
[18:55] Klines says to you, "I believe I saw the same."
[18:56] You say, "The storm broke, then. And we had a full day of sunlight before the rain returned again."
[18:57] Aayveia says, "And that invasion is over now."
Whiteburn trills fondly at the shark.
Kerenelle looks thoughtfully at a bull shark.
Klines peers quizzically at a bull shark.
Whiteburn just edged a little closer to the shark!
[18:58] You say, "Afterwards I offered some of the albatross eggs I had been keeping safe to Lemicus."
[18:58] Powerhaus says to you, "They went bad quickly..."
[18:58] Klines says, "Your presence here has clearly been noted. If You have a message to deliver, you have our attention I would think."
[18:59] Powerhaus says to Klines, "I think he's saying it's okay to play in the water again."
[19:00] Miskton says, "Hmm. It slipped away while I wasn't looking."
[19:00] Whiteburn says, "Perhaps Lord Drogor is showing us that He is still here... always watching. We might have pleased Him for the time being, but we must continue, always."
Powerhaus points at a bull shark, ruining its hiding place.
Powerhaus gestures, and a jagged black water ball forms in the air, hovering a hair's breadth above his hand. He gazes at it intently, and suddenly it slides out of his hand towards a bull shark!
The jagged black water ball strikes the bull shark and bursts in a spray of water!
[19:01] Whiteburn says, "Even when we cannot see Him... He is here."
[19:01] Klines says to Powerhaus, "Perhaps we should not antagonize it. If it is here to deliver a message, we should allow it to do so."
[19:01] You ask, "Perhaps it is just here to watch?"
[19:01] Powerhaus says, "Just water."
A bull shark savagely attacks a bit of drifting wood.
[19:01] Whiteburn says, "Even though the skies are clear... He must be remembered and revered."
[19:01] Powerhaus says, "I'd give it a raincloud.."
[19:02] Powerhaus says, "But... roofing, they probably don't want me to remove that..."
[19:02] Klines says to you, "That is a possibility. Although, from what I've seen They would not require a physical manifestation to do watch us."
[19:02] Miskton says to Powerhaus, "Those skylights were probably rather expensive."
[19:02] Whiteburn says, "They are always watching."
[19:02] Klines says to Whiteburn, "Indeed."
A bull shark slams its tail against the water, splashing everything!
Powerhaus dusts himself off.
Celera sighs.
Powerhaus frowns at a bull shark.
[19:02] You say to Klines, "Quite true... gah! Never thought I'd be getting all wet at a Visions Meeting."
[19:03] Powerhaus says, "Wonder if it took the stairs..."
[19:03] You say to Klines, "But, we also wouldn't be aware of it's presence that way."
[19:03] Klines says, "A fair point."
[19:03] Malchazador asks, "Might it want an offering?"
[19:04] Kerenelle says, "Couldn't hurt to try."
[19:04] You hear Zhirrisk yell from the north, "FEED! BLOOD!"
[19:04] Powerhaus says to Malchazador, "I suggest the hand you don't write with."
[19:04] Kerenelle says, "I know I have no shark teeth at the present."
[19:04] Kehlbins asks, "Has anyone tried just shooting it?"
[19:04] Whiteburn says, "I will always offer my blood to the Children of Drogor."
[19:04] Klines says to Kehlbins, "I do not think that would be a particularly good idea."
[19:04] Powerhaus says to Kehlbins, "I'd recommend a sharkplex."
[19:04] Malchazador says, "Snack first."
[19:04] Powerhaus says, "Set it on fire first too... adds to the dramatic effect."
[19:04] Malchazador says, "Arrow to the face later."
[19:05] Malchazador asks, "Anyone have a fish?"
[19:05] Malchazador asks, "Perhaps even a piece of meat?"
[19:06] Klines says to Zhirrisk, "Good evening, friend. It is good to see you."
[19:06] Malchazador asks, "Any objections to offering it a fish?"
[19:07] Whiteburn says, "No."
[19:07] Malchazador says, "Okay..."
[19:07] Malchazador says, "Lets see how many fingers I come away with."
[19:07] Malchazador says, "Is ignoring me."
[19:08] Whiteburn asks, "Goodness. Now where could that have come from?"
[19:08] Klines says, "I propose then, that we continue the discussion we were having previously. It has shown us no aggression and appears content to ignore us. If it has a message for us, I am confident it will make it known."
[19:09] Powerhaus exclaims to the shark, "You gargoyle-wrangler! Die!"
[19:09] Powerhaus says, "I think it's passive..."
[19:09] Whiteburn says, "Don't do that."
[19:09] Kerenelle says, "I think it is either watching us, or else has a message for us."
[19:10] Powerhaus says, "Let it sit in... it's more disruptive than Powerhaus."
[19:10] Klines says to Kerenelle, "And that may be. I have no objection to it watching us, and if it has a message, it is not ready to deliver it yet."
[19:10] Miskton says to Malchazador, "Not directly related to anything currently happening, but, having had a bit of time to think on it, I believe I've recalled a vision of the type you spoke about. You seemed a bit disheartened, so I was hoping to find a vision that showed something good to come."
[19:10] Powerhaus asks Miskton, "They have those?"
[19:11] Miskton says, "This one was seen several years back, when the Fists were erupting and Dergati was using that to block out the sun, shortly before her plans were foiled."
[19:11] Miskton says, "A slender S'Kra Mur woman lay supine in a cavernous hall of green basalt. The barest echo of a sibilant melody hung in the air for a few moments until all was silent. The woman looked small in the vastness of the cavern, her form pale and still. An archaic man approached, bald and tanned, a nightingale perched upon his shoulder. At his approach, a shrike dove and shrieked, attempting to drive him off, but the nightingale took flight, distracting the other bird. The man knelt at the woman s side, torches limning his features with ruddy, red light."
[19:11] Malchazador quietly says to you, "Was worth a try."
[19:11] Powerhaus says to himself, "Good lucks a comin'."
[19:12] Miskton says, "Tiv paid a great cost for that, but probably saved us all."
[19:12] Whiteburn says, "...."
A bull shark thrashes the water, sending white plumes spraying in the air.
[19:13] Powerhaus says, "I bet the food's not live enough... need a live crab..."
[19:15] Aesthea weakly asks, "Any Empaths about?"
[19:15] Aesthea says, "Oy."
[19:15] Aesthea quietly says, "Sorry, was trying to pay attention."
[19:15] You say to Malchazador, "But, as pertaining to something you asked earlier. There were several visions at that time that did not come to pass."
[19:16] Powerhaus asks you, "Didn't some sorta change though?"
[19:16] You say, "That as well."
[19:16] Miskton says, "Those particular visions... may have had some unusual circumstances going on. But yes, not everything that's seen comes to pass. Or at least not in such a way that we become aware of it."
[19:17] Klines says to Miskton, "I think that is a key thing we need to keep in mind. We may not always be aware when something has come to pass."
[19:17] Whiteburn says, "The threat is not fully over..."
[19:18] Powerhaus says, "Must continue to not forget Drogor."
[19:18] Powerhaus says, "And more."
[19:18] Powerhaus says, "And stuff..."
[19:18] Klines says to Whiteburn, "I think there is no doubt about that."
[19:18] You say, "I'm sure we could have noticed if the visions of the other guildhalls becoming demolished had come to pass, but there's no saying they will not return, as well. The vision of the seed returned once or twice before becoming fulfilled with the velatohr seeds."
[19:19] Powerhaus exclaims to you, "There's a shark destroying the tower right now!"
[19:19] Powerhaus says to you, "Soooooo..."
[19:19] Powerhaus asks, "Can I make it vomit?"
[19:19] Powerhaus says, "Normally my air spells don't work in the water..."
[19:20] You say, "Well, that vision was of the birds bursting into flames. We're just getting wet."
[19:20] Miskton says, "I'd prefer you didn't. Someone is going to have to clean things up here eventually."
[19:20] Powerhaus says to you, "Oh the birds thing happens at my tower across the road..."
[19:20] Powerhaus says to you, "They get zapped..."
A bull shark circles slowly, its beady black eyes searching out prey.
[19:21] Trieo says, "That is either a very small broom or a very large pouch."
[19:22] Miskton says, "Well, I must admit to having rather lost the course of my thoughts. I think we did cover some interesting ground with this session, though."
[19:22] Powerhaus says to Trieo, "It's a very small pouch."
[19:22] Powerhaus asks Miskton, "Any new non-shark visions?"
A bull shark slams its tail against the water, splashing everything!
[19:22] Powerhaus asks, "Or old non-shark visions?"
[19:23] Miskton says, "Nothing new, that I've seen. I'm seeing the visions that were seen before the Drogor related visions start popping up."
[19:24] Miskton says, "Not pleasant ones to think about, either."
[19:24] Whiteburn asks, "Oh?"
[19:24] Powerhaus asks, "This in ruins?"
[19:24] Miskton says, "That one hasn't been seen again."
[19:24] Powerhaus says, "How about..."
[19:24] Powerhaus asks, "Tozu?"
[19:24] Powerhaus asks, "Was it about him?"
[19:24] Miskton says, "But... something big is coming, involving the moon mage guild, and probably the Children of Kalestraum, and Pelag ai Aldam."
[19:25] Powerhaus says, "Or am I thinking of someone else..."
[19:25] Miskton says, "He did appear in one vision of this place in ruins, yes."
[19:25] Miskton says, "Although..."
[19:26] Miskton says, "That vision hasn't been seen again, but the circumstances under which it was seen were not... normal."
[19:26] Whiteburn asks Miskton, "Can you tell us more?"
[19:26] Powerhaus asks Miskton, "From touching Tiv?"
[19:26] You ask, "I believe we experienced that during the Conclave?"
[19:26] Miskton says, "At the moon mage conclave there was an experiment, involving group prediction."
[19:27] Marcul says, "I'd not refer to that as an experiment."
[19:27] Powerhaus asks Marcul, "The big shadow thing?"
[19:27] Whiteburn says, "I am not familiar with this conclave..."
[19:27] Marcul says to Powerhaus, "Such actions are in conflict with my philosophy."
[19:28] Miskton says, "A gathering of moon mages. And yes, the end result was perhaps touching the plane of probability too directly, and unleashing a massive shadow creature."
[19:28] Powerhaus asks Miskton, "You talk about it like it's a bad thing?"
[19:28] Miskton says, "Or provoking Pelag ai Aldam into unleashing one, I suppose."
[19:28] Kerenelle asks Miskton, "And what visions were those? You started with the Drogor visions, correct?"
[19:29] Miskton says to Kerenelle, "Yes, the only ones I've explicitly gone over so far are the Drogor ones. They took focus for some time, as the storms and attacks made them hard to ignore."
[19:30] Miskton says, "Well, for those who did not experience them, or have not heard them, I can go over the visions that were seen during the Conclave..."
[19:30] Miskton says, "Fragments of prophecy slid into my mind unbidden. A grey haired man stood on the field of battle. Bodies surrounding him and his crimson robes hid much of the blood and viscera shed that day. A handful of mages rallied behind him, none entirely hale, but the shadows were approaching for another assault."
[19:30] Powerhaus exclaims to Miskton, "Reenactment!"
[19:31] Miskton says, "An obelisk stood before me, crafted of some translucent material and shimmering slightly with an internal light. Square at the base, it tapered as it rose to a height of nearly fifteen feet. Shadows swirled within the monument, slowly drowning out the light. As the final glimmer was extinguished the obelisk exploded into a hail of molten shrapnel."
[19:31] You say to Powerhaus, "No, thank you."
[19:31] Miskton says, "Halls of marble surrounded me and shattered crystal panes filled the sky above. An eerie silence hung over the halls, broken only by the soft flutter and twitter of tropical birds. Indistinct mutterings attracted my attention and I turned to find an emaciated gnome wandering the halls. His grey eyes were continually downcast and dull, and scant wisps of black hair remained to him."
[19:31] Miskton says, "An elderly S'Kra Mur gazed toward me, his empty eye sockets burning with arcane power. My unconscious mind screamed out a warning, pulling me away from those threads of fate before I could examine them further."
[19:31] Miskton says, "The world faded and became a land of shadow and harsh, chill light. Incomprehensible creatures roamed the bizarre landscape and one in particular soared about on bat-wings driving the lesser creatures before it. The land darkened with her passage and ever stranger monstrosities rose and took shape in her wake."
[19:31] Kehlbins quietly asks, "All the moon mages make a prediction and Powerhaus plays the shadow critter and blows us off the tower?"
[19:32] Miskton says, "An inhuman voice filled the air, its words distorted with rage. "Meddlers. Fools. Defilers. You are bugs. Your flailing sends ripples through the web and you are oblivious to what they bring. I was named Pelag ai Aldam. The Defilers of Fate are mine to claim and I demand sacrifice."
[19:32] Miskton says, "At which point an umbral colossus attacked us."
[19:34] Whiteburn says, "Fascinating..."
[19:34] Miskton says, "The obelisk comes back to the general thrust that seems to be linking some of the other recent visions... Something is probably going to happen out on Taisgath. Mages battling mages, while shadow creatures swarm over the battlefield."
[19:34] Powerhaus exclaims to Miskton, "Planes colliding!"
[19:34] Powerhaus exclaims, "BOOM!"
[19:35] Powerhaus says to Marcul, "It doesn't always boom..."
[19:35] Kerenelle asks, "Aren't there multiple obelisks around Elanthia?"
[19:35] Miskton says, "'Boom' is probably an understatement, I think."
[19:36] Miskton says, "There's one in the Dragonspine Mountains, but it's inside a cave."
[19:36] Whiteburn asks, "What if it is a vision of the past? Or perhaps... not here? Not on this world? Not on this, ah... plane? Or time?"
[19:36] You ask, "I think there are... two, or three, left?"
[19:36] Powerhaus says to you, "More or less."
[19:36] Kerenelle says, "I visited the obelisk in the caves in the Dragonspire with some Moon Mages not long ago."
[19:37] Miskton says, "I believe the known ones are Taisgath, the one repaired by Tozu in the mountains, two others that were destroyed before being found or when studied, and one that's conjectured to have been destroyed when Grazhir shattered."
[19:37] Klines asks Miskton, "Is there precedent for having visions of the past?"
[19:37] Whiteburn says, "But I am only a simple servant of my Lords. Trying to decipher the weave of time has always perplexed me..."
[19:38] Powerhaus says to Klines, "Bards... it's their thing."
[19:38] You say to Whiteburn, "The thing is, you have to unweave it to do so."
[19:38] Miskton says to Klines, "I don't believe so. That's more the domain of bards. There have been some moon mage visions of things almost as they are happening, though."
[19:38] Powerhaus exclaims, "You get that wood!"
[19:38] Kerenelle asks, "And Grazhir is a moon that used to hang in the sky, correct?"
[19:38] You ask Miskton, "Like when the Seer's fell?"
[19:38] Powerhaus says to Kerenelle, "I heard it was an egg."
[19:39] Malchazador asks, "Boiled, poached, scrambled?"
[19:39] Whiteburn says, "It is not the only one... perhaps."
[19:39] Klines says to Powerhaus, "Some do say that..."
[19:39] Powerhaus exclaims to Malchazador, "Hatched!"
[19:39] Malchazador says, "Oh."
[19:39] You say, "And now asleep and keeping us warm from inside the core of Elanthia."
[19:40] You say, "Which was where you saw Tiv in the vision earlier."
[19:40] Powerhaus says to you, "For now! maybe... or something."
[19:40] You ask Powerhaus, "Why do you always have to make me worry?"
[19:40] Kerenelle asks, "Who is Tiv, if I may ask?"
[19:41] Powerhaus says to you, "Cause I think of good ideas like keeping a pet world dragon's or at least it's skull on my mantle."
[19:41] Miskton says, "A moon mage guildleader."
[19:41] Powerhaus asks Miskton, "Former?"
A bull shark dives beneath the surface, leaping back up in a spray of water!
[19:41] Miskton says, "He used to run the guildhall in the Fortress of the Crystal Hand in the Lesser Fist, until it was destroyed."
[19:41] Klines says to you, "I do not think you have cause to worry."
[19:41] Whiteburn asks, "You? Keeping the World Dragon as a... pet?"
[19:41] Miskton says to Powerhaus, "I'm not sure that he's had his title stripped."
[19:42] You say to Klines, "You see the visions, it is hard nae to worry."
[19:42] Miskton says, "Or officially retired."
[19:42] Miskton says, "As to whether he'll ever be able to resume his duties..."
[19:42] Miskton says, "Well, we can hope."
[19:42] Klines asks you, "Indeed. Because of what I have seen, I do not think there is cause to worry about that, yeah?"
[19:42] Kehlbins says to Miskton, "Was he released by the god that took him over? I thought he was still missing."
[19:42] Whiteburn says, "We must always be cautious..."
[19:43] Miskton says, "He was released, but it wasn't a god that took him over. That might have been a blessing, in comparison."
[19:43] Powerhaus asks, "He's still crazy? but not as crazy crazy?"
[19:43] Whiteburn asks Miskton, "You saw him with the Dragon? What exactly had taken him over?"
[19:43] Powerhaus says to himself, "Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy."
[19:43] You say, "Many speculate that it was The Arbiter in Darkness."
[19:44] Miskton says to Powerhaus, "He seems to be recovering, but it is not fully there yet."
[19:44] Powerhaus says to Whiteburn, "No the lady who keep the dragon asleep, he was trying to wake her up."
[19:44] Miskton says, "As to what the Arbiter is..."
[19:44] Powerhaus exclaims to Miskton, "It's crazy!"
[19:44] Klines says to Miskton, "That is a very interesting question, indeed."
[19:44] Whiteburn says to Powerhaus, "Peri'el. That ... lady... you speak of is a goddess."
[19:44] Miskton says, "Well. The Arbiter and other beings like it are similar to gods, in some senses, but from a different plane."
[19:44] Powerhaus says to Whiteburn, "Well she's not a guy..."
[19:44] Miskton says, "But the way in which their minds work is very, very alien."
[19:44] Miskton says, "Trying to understand them is a dangerous game."
[19:45] Miskton says, "And from what I understand of Tiv's experiences... while he was with the Arbiter, he saw everything. Literally, everything."
[19:46] Whiteburn says to Miskton, "I have heard of Pelag before, but I admit that I do not entirely thing I comprehend what he really is..."
[19:46] Powerhaus says to Miskton, "So yeah prolly some irreparable damage there..."
[19:46] Marcul says, "That would be a bit much to process, I would think."
[19:47] Miskton says, "No one is entirely certain what Pelag is, though there's various theories. Dangerous and angry covers him fairly well, though."
[19:47] Powerhaus says to Marcul, "I don't recommend omnipresence... you're spread too thin."
[19:47] Whiteburn says, "That, I know..."
[19:48] Miskton says, "If anyone really knew, I suppose it would have been Nera. Who unfortunately is not around to answer questions."
[19:48] You say, "He is an entity that Moon mages sometimes meet while travelling on the Astral Plane. He calls us Defilers of Fate, and then claims our lives."
[19:48] Miskton says, "A legendary mage from the Nomads of the Arid Steppe, for those who aren't familiar with Nera."
Powerhaus gestures at a bull shark, and a gust of wind swirls through the area. A colossal gust of wind blows against a bull shark, agitating it.
[19:50] You say to Powerhaus, "I'm sorry but if it eats you... I may not be able to keep from laughing."
[19:51] Marcul says to Powerhaus, "She flatters you to suggest she'd try not to."
Powerhaus casually observes the area.

Powerhaus begins to advance on a bull shark.
You try hard not to grin.
Powerhaus closes to melee range on a bull shark.
Powerhaus blows a bull shark a kiss. What a nut!
Powerhaus frowns suddenly and attempts to disengage from combat!
You gaze upward.
Powerhaus flees from the scene of battle!
Zhirrisk reveals himself.
Zhirrisk gestures at a bull shark.
Powerhaus nods to Zhirrisk.
Whiteburn chortles softly and draws tiny circles in the air with the tip of her tail.
Zhirrisk shifts uncomfortably for a moment.
[19:52] Powerhaus asks Zhirrisk, "Didn't go how you planned did it?"
[19:52] Zhirrisk loudly says, "Bother."
[19:52] Malchazador says, "When the meeting is adjourned have a proposal if anyone is interested."
[19:53] Miskton says, "I think we've probably reached that point, unless anyone has any other points they'd like to bring up."
A bull shark circles slowly, its beady black eyes searching out prey.
[19:53] Kerenelle says to Malchazador, "I'm interested in hearing your proposal."
[19:54] Malchazador says, "More of a small adventure kind of."
[19:54] Malchazador says, "Though transportation would be the key."
[19:54] Kerenelle says to Malchazador, "That's what I went on when I visited the cave in the Dragonspire Mountains where the obelisk is."
[19:54] Powerhaus says, "Someone should catch that shark and release it back into the water... like the arthe dale swimming hole or something..."
[19:54] Malchazador asks Kerenelle, "Were you there?"
[19:55] Kerenelle asks Malchazador, "For what, exactly?"
[19:55] Malchazador says to Kerenelle, "Sorry perhaps I didn't recognize you."
A bull shark thrashes the water, sending white plumes spraying in the air.
[19:55] Malchazador says, "Well I found a map...and it is pointed to the east of Leth Deriel."
[19:55] Malchazador asks, "Curious if some folks care to find where it leads to?"
[19:56] Kerenelle asks Malchazador, "Were you there with Zynara, Zalan, Sebestyen, and Uhl? Then I think Longs showed up later, as did Etherian?"
[19:56] Malchazador says to Kerenelle, "Well I know I got my head blown off. I think that was the same event."
[19:57] Kerenelle says to Malchazador, "I think that did happen to one of our party. So yes, I must have been there."
[19:57] Malchazador says, "Anything found would be put forth to everyone to decide what to do with it."
[19:57] Kerenelle asks Malchazador, "Is it a treasure map?"
[19:57] Malchazador says to Kerenelle, "I believe so."
[19:57] Malchazador says, "Believe even."
[19:57] You say, "Uhm, just to share perhaps, You probably shouldn't always do things the voices in your head tell you to do..."
[19:58] Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Why not?"
A bull shark slams its tail against the water, splashing everything!
[19:58] Malchazador says, "Would get awfully lonely then."
[19:58] Kerenelle says to Malchazador, "I went on another quest with some other friends recently where we were following one of those."
[19:58] Kerenelle says, "It was fun."
[19:58] Powerhaus says to you, "That's not what the voices say..."
[19:58] Malchazador says to Kerenelle, "Well I have one. But not exactly sure where it leads."
[19:58] You say, "Oh dear."
[19:59] Malchazador says to Kerenelle, "Mer Kresh I believe. Not sure."
[19:59] Malchazador says, "Or however it is said."
[19:59] Kerenelle asks Malchazador, "May I see the map?"
[19:59] Powerhaus says to you, "They also say... 'Mistanna must live!' and 'your move' whatever that means..."
[19:59] Malchazador says to Kerenelle, "Let me go get it."
[20:00] Powerhaus says to you, "Do the opposite or what?"
[20:00] You ask Powerhaus, "Are they... playing chess?"
[20:00] Powerhaus says to you, "Who is they?."
[20:00] You say, "I thought you knew."
[20:00] Powerhaus asks, "I dunno, they're your voices?"
[20:00] Marssi says, "They is them."
You ponder.
[20:01] You exclaim to Miskton, "I can't think of much more, myself. Thank you for leading us today!"
[20:02] Miskton says, "And thank you all for coming."
[20:02] Malchazador says, "Thanks for running this."
[20:02] Malchazador says, "Shark and all."
A bull shark circles slowly, its beady black eyes searching out prey.

(The shark slipped away without anyone noticing after the meeting.)