Filling Prediction Pool 05/12/2017 07:07 AM CDT


I was wondering how one can fill their prediction pool? Do you just observe constellations continuously until they are full or can you do other things?

Thank yu
Re: Filling Prediction Pool 05/12/2017 06:54 PM CDT
yes and look for constellations that fill more than one type of pool at a time. look for the starchart on epedia.
Re: Filling Prediction Pool 05/13/2017 02:51 PM CDT
Skillset pools (lore, magic, offense, defense, survival) don't drain over time, so they just stay at whatever level you've filled them to until you make a prediction or die. Only the event pool drains over time-- which you might not even have access to, yet.

You can check how full your current pools are with "Predict State" and the argument 'all' or a specific pool ("predict state all" has a pretty hefty roundtime at low skill).

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