Stat Question 03/06/2013 04:21 PM CST
My Moon Mage is 123 Circles. My stats are as follows:

Strength : 45 Reflex : 60
Agility : 60 Charisma : 45
Discipline : 70 Wisdom : 70
Intelligence : 70 Stamina : 45

What would you do as far as training? I am in combat alot. I train 4 weapons plus TM. Would you continue to push intel, wisdom and disc? Should I train more strength and stamina?

What do you think?


The average Moon Mage doesn't have a player keen enough on lore wonkery to keep up with it. Armifer
Re: Stat Question 03/06/2013 05:49 PM CST
I would train even to 100. If i was going to let 1 thing lag, it would be charisma. If i was going to let 2 things lag it would be strength and charisma.
Re: Stat Question 03/06/2013 06:04 PM CST
Stamina, then reflex and agility a bit, then back to mentals, assuming you use decently balanced weapons. If not, I'd exclude agility, and do the same.