What to hunt and TM 08/14/2011 12:33 AM CDT
Hey There

First off, Im at a bit of a sucky place as to what sort of critter to hunt, black Leucs teaching is slowing down considerbly and i cant get into genie, and when i have, 2 or more beat the crap out of me so question is what to hunt? prefuribly l'de like to stay around crossing. and second question, i know this would have been answered a ton of times but ive only just come back from a break and i cant remember best way to get my TM moving, can i get some sudgestions IE. on best spells to use how to use it, snap cast high/low prep ect.

Re: What to hunt and TM 08/14/2011 03:54 AM CDT
Just my opinion.

Don't move up the critter ladder based on TM. It will never get easier, and your character will end up a mostly worthless glass cannon. If you can find a way to enjoy it, embrace the world of some tert defenses and sit on shield/MO and secondary evasion until you can easily jump up to the next step in the ladder. If you're in the low 200s effective defenses range, I strongly suggest red leucs (if MO is problem) or island peccs on Mriss. If you have 300ish effective perc and 35ish disc, I'd also suggest the easy warcat/orc area just over the rope bridge towards Rossmans. I think there might be a new breed of nishu on Aesry that's good too.

More than anything, I strongly suggest you stop chasing TM if you want to be a good combat MM. Chasing TM is not going to be your best or most efficient creature climbing strategy. Work brawling, or A RANGED WEAPON, and chase that w/defenses. It'll pan out.
Re: What to hunt and TM 08/14/2011 04:03 AM CDT
Sorry double post. For actual mechanical learning, just TM, hit as many times as you can, with the shortest target you can. The damage done is less important than just hitting, so it's better to graze 4 times instead of apoc once. This is supposed to change some day maybe in the next year. For now, you're best off finding something that spawns, a lot, cast tks and cast pd at limbs. I think that's the best way to learn all magic (short of our red headed stepchild arcana). If you can't or won't TKS, just do PD at limbs over and over with the shortest target time you can manage to hit and maintain attunement.

Caveat: Could be dead wrong, try it out for your character.
Re: What to hunt and TM 08/14/2011 10:37 AM CDT
Absolutely agree with Mockerjb on not training TM. Granted, I'm not the highest up the ladder, but I did set a goal of A) TM no higher than Evasion, shield and parry should be close; B) trying to keep weapons fairly close to TM. Have to say I think it's treated me fairly well, over the last year or two.

Re: What to hunt and TM 08/31/2011 07:21 PM CDT
I know I'm late on this, but I think holding back on TM is hurting yourself. MMs are magic primary, so it's natural if TM and other magical skills are higher than secondaries and terts. So instead of ending up with 800 TM, 700 shield, and 800 evasion, you want to end up with 900 TM, 700 shield, and 800 evasion.

There's no reason your TM learning should slow up your defenses if you put a hard focus on defenses. That's my suggestion. When you enter combat, train/lock your defenses every time. When you leave combat/log off, train/lock your defenses every time.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
Re: What to hunt and TM 08/31/2011 09:27 PM CDT

My only magic primary right now is a Cleric, but play to your strengths. Don't neglect defenses, power train them, but don't be afraid to go into a higher tier critter and blast them to shards until you're locked in TM too.
Re: What to hunt and TM 09/01/2011 02:12 AM CDT
Don't fall into the trap of ending up with TM that can't be trained alongside your defenses, though. That will be the source of endless heartache for you.

~ Pansophist Kougen

"Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art." - Miguel de Cervantes
Re: What to hunt and TM 09/01/2011 02:58 AM CDT
<<Don't fall into the trap of ending up with TM that can't be trained alongside your defenses, though. That will be the source of endless heartache for you.

This. Don't be afraid to let your TM training slow down a bit while you catch up your defenses. I speak from experience, since my TM is light years ahead of my Evasion, which itself is light years ahead of all my other combats. I have to jump through a tonne of hoops just to train them all. Totally not worth it.


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