Empath not damaging physical conflicts 11/28/2008 05:10 PM CST
One thing that bothers me to be honest is the seemingly odd situations where Empaths can kick, slap, slap hard etc, as a long as they are not at melee range brawling and no problem. Yet Empath thump messaging was changed from normal thump messaging to sound something like with a peaceful and distant look Empath places a hand gently against person's throat. They are quiet and stop speaking. I mean some Empaths may find it appealing but honestly it seems contradictory if said Empath can slap person Ow that will leave a mark and such. I feel thump should be the same for everyone and not be guild specific unless they want to go and do different messaging for each guild which would be slightly amusing but rather pointless.

Re: Empath not damaging physical conflicts 12/26/2008 07:40 AM CST
>>go and do different messaging for each guild which would be slightly amusing but rather pointless.<<



PoKaeta Airtag
(Who likes the current messaging)