Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 12:03 PM CDT
Okay.. so these days, it's common knowledge once again that Cayene is an empath. Ever since the war where I worked some triage and spent hours on end healing from RF at the front line.. alot of people think they've learned gasp my secret.

I never hid the fact I was an empath.. just didn't advertise it.

Problem is.. these days everyone acts as though I'm obligated to heal. Some people get downright offended if I don't heal them.

Case: Someone was in Taelbert's.. got shot, had a nasty headwound. I took thier vitality and told them to go find an empath.

Now me personally.. I don't feel that it's any empath's obligation to heal. (let me clarify.. I'm not saying "Join the Guild and do whatever the hell you want)

Empaths are the keepers of life and the healers of the realms.. that being said, I should rephrase and say "I don't think it's any empaths obligation to *transfer wounds*"

My character, while very capable for his circle, has alway realized he'll never be a "Master Empath" so he's always thought of himself in an alterior manner.

He feels as though he uses Empathy (the dictionary definition not the mechanical skill) to operate as a Commander and Royal Advisor and that his communication skills (again, he feels those require empathy) are his strongest ability.

So, personally.. both me the player.. and the character.. feel as if he's just as much a part of the guild as those who spend the majority of thier time transferring wounds.

My question is.. am I just making excuses for myself? Should I really seek to be removed from the guild? Or.. is it acceptible to roleplay a character who feels as though he serves his guild in a completely different manner than perhaps the one that was most people agree is "normal" ?

Of course.. this mentality basically precludes me from ever circling. Anyone who knows me.. knows that I'm not at all concerned with circling.

To be bluntly honest... (insert dramatic music) Cayene was 10th circle when he was chosen to be a Commander, he worked triage during the war hostilities and managed to jump up to 12th circle. I doubt I'll circle again in 2004, and I'm not concerned with it.

So.. am I still an empath? Or.. should I stop insulting the guild and shamefully hide the fact I ever joined?


Siyani says to Aistria, "You know, there are parts of me that are made entirely out of cheesecake"
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 01:52 PM CDT
I find the way you play Cayene refreshing and thoroughly enjoyable. I think you are a strong addition to the empath guild. I totally agree with the way you have chosen to role-play Cayene and am impressed with the consistency of the character. So many players feel as though we are obligated to heal them or as if they are doing us a favor by giving us empathy. I find those people to be narrow-minded and annoying. Don't let them get to you.

It was the empath. In the library. With the bone-crushing claymore.

Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 02:46 PM CDT
Well Purehand... judging by your avatar, which oddly I just noticed for the first time..

I've decided to become a super healing guild empath. Annael is cute, I must have her!

Ooooorrrrr.... thanks! :: smooches Purehand ::

I suppose I should say that the reason I posted this is cause the other day a gang of evil empaths were really mean to me :( they said I wasn't no empath and I didn't care about my guildbrothers/sisters. I was sad.


Siyani says to Aistria, "You know, there are parts of me that are made entirely out of cheesecake"
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 03:35 PM CDT
I was there for that conversation Cayene just mentioned. Since he did not go in to details, I will respect that and not either. Cayene, you were well within your rights not to do what was asked. I was not asked, but if I had been, I also would have declined.

I have in character reasons for not doing what they wanted.

Maxx heals hurt folk because he hates seeing folks in pain. In fact, I was quite rude to a fellow empath about a month ago when she transferred my wounds off of me. I am sure she thought she was doing me a favor, as I was taking lots of time to heal myself, however, in character, Maxx was the cause for her pain. He heals because he wants to, not because "He is an empath and it is his job."

Mckeone, who is not in game, but Maxx will always count amoung his close friends, is a high level empath who almost NEVER heals. It is not in his character, his character is concerned with the possiblities of life magic and empathy in all realms of knowledge, not healing. End of story, and I respect it.

Same with you Cayene, do not worry about folks saying you should heal because it is "your job." However, it is your job to keep the bar top full of brandy.

Maxxwel, druken babbling empath at large.
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 04:01 PM CDT
Actually.. that conversation was the second one that resulted in someone saying something like that to me that day...

Which is why I went slap-the-hell-off on the person and turned on "self defense" mode.

Yeah speaking of.. there were at least TWO other empaths in the room.. how come I got the 20 questions?


Siyani says to Aistria, "You know, there are parts of me that are made entirely out of cheesecake"
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 05:00 PM CDT
We aren't obligated to heal anyone nor are we required to heal people. Let the people who get huffy over these facts get huffy, smile in amusement at them to yourself, then forget them. For instance, I refuse to heal people who ask for a cleaning, I tell them to find water the nearest source of water and soap. Most people are good natured about it and ask for a healing, those who don't can go on their way and I do not care.

There is more than one path of "normal" for an Empath. Empaths who don't heal or rarely heal people aren't any less empaths than the empaths who sit in the guild and only heal people. There are the empath empaths who sit in the guild and only heal. There are the social empaths who focus on the emtional and social qualities of empathy that aren't supported by the game. There are the alchemists/herbalists who study plants and stuff. There are the battle empaths who are more interested in helping people in the outter areas. There are empaths who will probably be more interested in healing animals. Then there are combinations of these and others. All of these paths are equally valid. Anyone to demean an empath for choosing a different path than heal_everyone_until_they_can't_move is very short-sighted of them. Nevermind the fact there aren't enough wounds out there for everyone who plays an empath to play that path!! Being able to choose and follow our own way to our own way of expressing empathy makes this guild so very much more exciting and fun than if everyone had to follow the same path!

~ Player of Lyathe
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 05:32 PM CDT
You might have not said that you can play however you so desire, but I will. You, like every single person in this game, pays a minimum of fifteen bucks a month to play. Granted that the cost is equivalent to only a pizza night or a couple of packs of Sam Adams, you're still paying as much as anyone else to be a part of this roleplaying experience.

So what if Cayene doesn't heal? Cormyss doesn't do it often either. You've joined the empath's guild because that was the group you chose to associate yourself with, NOT the model you would be.

It's alot easier for the characters to fit that cookie-cutter mold while they're younger. We haven't fully fleshed out their personalities at that time, but eventually it happens. Maxxwell became a drunk and Womanizer, I feel that Purehand goes that way too. They heal, but so what? Cayene's the drunk womanizer type who doesn't heal often.

Big deal.

It doesn't matter if I want to be the cuddle bunny empath or the gritty face-down-the-ogre champion of Hodierna as long as you have fun playing your character how you do so.

Anyone who says otherwise should offer to pay your Simutronics bill for you.

ave atque vale

Cormyss Joxemburg
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/21/2004 06:09 PM CDT
>So.. am I still an empath? Or.. should I stop insulting the guild and shamefully hide the fact I ever joined?

I don't think so at all. I chose to follow a fairly traditional path in the guild, that of a Battle Empath. However, I'm still far prouder of the fact that I can teach shield to most people I run across, even healing at spots where some fairly high circle people show up.

Bluntly, I'm a lousy empath if you look at any of my empathly skills. I can't forage to save my life, almost anyone can teach me lore, (which is really embarassing when it's someone with no lore requirements at all) or even tend a major bleeder.

However, I went into hatchlings today to guard a paladin nearly my circle after he died, helped him get all his stuff from his grave and nearly had to drag him out because he was getting munched on so badly. Not too shabby when you consider lots of hunters my circle can't stand toe to toe with more than one hatchling without getting chomped. (Not a barb or a pallie, but lots of warmies, clerics and moonies have a hard time in there until they hit at least their fourties.)

That's what I'm proud of. Nope, it's not sit at a healing spot, listen to class and work lore. I'm not that kind of empath. I'm a competant healer and do learn a lot of my empathy from healing, but it's certainly not what defines me. That's my ability to keep hunters alive in the field and take care of myself at the same time.

Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/22/2004 06:57 AM CDT
Nah Cayene, you're still a puff... granted a dirty shock striken puff... but a puff nonetheless. :) If that's how ye roll it, that's how ye roll it. I'd say everyone should be more inclined to decline from time to time. Case in point... If every empath on elanthia refuses to heal someone because they're rude or a snert... either A) the snert would die more and anger the clerics and eventually go away.. or B) he'd shape up, apologize, and become a worthwhile member of society in general. I say damn the snerts. Personally Souv has his own personal "black list" of people he won't heal, not because he likes to see them in pain, just because they have been rude or dishonest to him or someone he cares for in the past. It's all good the way I see it because last time I checked "roleplay" doesn't mean you have to conform, in fact, roleplay as we know it is probably more popular with non-conformists than it is with those who work the 9 to 5 (heh I nonconform, I work 8 to 5) anyway, the point of the post is No Cayene, you're not a bad empath, except for the shock thing which is a personal character preference. Non-heal on brother


manipulate friendship maid
A bar maid is not interested in your manipulations at this time. Perhaps later...
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/23/2004 10:24 PM CDT
I never thought I would break the silence... but ... here goes...

(IC perspective here)
The gang of evil empaths is MEEEEEE!! I got into it with Cay, and Airako was with me. Why? Because I had taken shock and asked Cay to help me with it. Why didn't he? Cuz he didn't want to. He didnt think it was right etc etc. Why did I think he should? Because IC, I would help Cayene even if he had done the worst thing anyone could imagine. Why? Steadfast dogged, absurd loyalty. Heck, I even still believe that he would help me. In my mind he didn't actually not help me, it just someone is twisted around and made OK. Cayene is a great guy and my best buddy. My commander!

What did the rest of my horde do? Told people to stay out of it so I could fight it out with Cayene. I appreciated that. Maybe he didn't. I still think that Cayene and I can go man to man any old day and not need any referee.

OOC Perspective here:
Cayene's a great character. Do I want to play him? No! Do I want to RP with him, obviously. Is my character a great character or person or etc etc. I don't know. Maybe not. But hey, He's unique! ;) Sure, he's got a terrible temper sometimes. Sometime's his problems get the best of him... and sometimes a hundred other things. Evil empath? Maybe. I don't usually put one label on something.

As far as not healing? Sure, be a bum and don't heal. Be different and do other things, be the same and do the same things, whatever. But one thing I really don't like is FLAT characters. Cayene is not at all flat. I could list some who are, but its not gonna do them or me any good. Circles are fun in some ways, but without RP, the game is a huge BORE!

While I'm at it... sorry for letting on that you're an empath buddy. That's my bad...

I end here with a toast:
Here's to you and here's to me.
Friends forever we shall be,
but if we should ever disagree,
To hell with you and here's to me.

Any other finger pointing or name calling or etc, feel free to reach me directly.
the one, the only, the real, not the imitator
-Dekkorroth !!!
*dances with you all*
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/24/2004 03:58 AM CDT
I love both of your characters. Just wish I didn't have so much RL work to do so I can go back to RPing with you guys regularly again (yeah, i am aware I have been flaky lately). Sharing shock is a touchy subject though. I probably wouldn't share it with someone who shared it with someone else that I didn't know. But if Cayene, Dekk or Airako (and a couple of others, but not many) got it directly, I'd be first in line. I hope that is understandable. I know Airako and Dekk were champions of sharing Gromnir's shock , and I felt bad telling them I wouldn't share it (just cause I don't know Gromnir personally, kudos for smoking that empath killer though). I understand why some people don't share shock. It's a big deal. But I like that Cayene maintained his position and didn't take it, and I like that Dekkorroth didn't agree with that. You two have very different ways of approaching the situation and RP in general (my way of approaching RP these days is origami). I wasn't there for the argument, but I wish I was, because that would have been a good clash of two strong characters who are both exemplary empaths. ::knits a hammock and falls asleep::

It was the empath. In the library. With the bone-crushing claymore.

Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/24/2004 08:10 AM CDT
From and IC perspective, I've shared shock once. All I have to say on that is... Never again. I just about went crazy sitting around waiting for it to wear off and looking at people come up to me saying "can you heal me" and I have to look like a snert by saying, "no, I can't" I've never had shock and short of someone walking a girlfriend or wife I probably never will. I feel bad for those who have shock that did it out of a typo or perhaps out of not knowing any better in the guild. Frankly I've never wanted to take the chance to find out. Hell it scares me enough everytime I go into battle and type draw instead of wield since the change. Now having never had shock before, I have no idea if it's one of those things where you have to type the command twice(once to get the warning message and once to do it), or if it's absolute and typing is doing. However, I think it should be a double command to eliminate the "accidental shocks" If an empath really wants shock he's not going to be afraid to type it twice. However a buffer would give the empath at melee with a goblin that swarmed on him before he could get away a chance to avoid the shock from accidentally drawing his weapon instead of wielding it (or some other appropriate typo) Just my two coppers.


manipulate friendship maid
A bar maid is not interested in your manipulations at this time. Perhaps later...
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/25/2004 10:03 AM CDT
1) I dig Dekkorroth.. and I totally digged the Argument. What's more RP intensive than two dudes who are good friends hollerin' at each other over a disagreement.

2) I give crazy respect to Dekk because.. end the end, he didn't say "To hell with you" and storm off he said, I understand your permission sorry we had a fight, still friends? At the time.. Cayene was going through ALOT more than just a little argument so he was in low spirits. But, normally.. he would have snatched Dekko up and gave him a big smooch. As it stands.. hope Dekko knows that drinks are ALWAYS on Cayene.

3) The reason for not sharing shock is.. unless it's a matter purely of his heart, Cayene won't do it. Despite what everyone in Elanthia thinks.. Cayene does in some twisted way still hold on to all the ethics of being an empath and a purist of it. (I don't wanna hear the "But Cayene that's b.s. because.. blah blah blah. Like I said.. in some twisted way.) Not to mention that while I personally think whoever plays Gromnir is very skilled and I thoroughly enjoy running into him in game.. Cayene despises Gromnir almost as much as he despises sobriety. And he also knows how Gromnir got his shock.. so short of some that Cayene loved.. he wouldn't help anyway.

4) Brandy is good. Purehand does need to come back.. and Souv you haven't lived until you have shock 1 or 2 or 130 times.


Gromnir posted:
"And I was ignoring Cayene, the long rambling posts, it's just too much for me.
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/25/2004 10:55 AM CDT
<<3) The reason for not sharing shock is.. unless it's a matter purely of his heart, Cayene won't do it. Despite what everyone in Elanthia thinks.. Cayene does in some twisted way still hold on to all the ethics of being an empath and a purist of it.

Syrath won't either. She has never felt the pain of shock within her soul, besides feeling the twinge of it upon another's, and she never will.

Now, I understand that by player error some character's end up with shock, snd as a player I feel for them. But Syrath is Syrath, and Syrath wants no part in that.

The decision to share shock, or NOT to share shock, is not what makes an Empath a "good" Empath or a "bad" Empath.

In my view, people bandy about the terms "good Empath" and "bad Empath" much too frequently.

Consider this: Someone could be a really GREAT Empath, but a highly despicable person. Someone who could take your pain onto themselves extremely efficiently, but someone that you wouldn't even want to get close enough to so that they COULD heal you in the first place.

It gets muddied up a bit in this game, the difference between being good at your job and simply being a nice person.

Granted, I see the point that in the Empathic Profession - there is something to be said for having a good bedside manner.

However, is that good bedside manner necessary to take another person's pain effectively?


But is it necessary so that you're considered a "good Empath" by the majority of patients?

I would say so.

I've noticed that the Goodness Quotient increases in large amounts when it is an Empath who doesn't take payment. I don't mean that as a bad thing against the Empaths who don't either,..just that...many patients often seem to consider us "better Empaths" if we'll do it for free.

Just some thoughts I had,
player of Syrath

Kinsmen, Steel, Stone.

RL/IG Calendar 2004
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/25/2004 11:16 AM CDT
Loved your post. Raised some good points.

I personally disagree with it almost entirely, which was alot of the point to why I started this thread.

I don't think "healing people" is the entire scope of being an empath.

I personally feel that as a Commander:

1) I lead a large group of people. Not by thier respect for my skill or for thier faith in my tactics.. but by my empathic (not transferance) ability to understand my troops hopes, wishes, fears, wants, and needs.. and to make them feel as if they are important. So I spin em' up.. and send em' out to battle. That makes me an empath in my eyes.

And as a royal advisor to someone who has WAY more knowledge politically than I do:

1) My only real job is to pick her up when she's down, and help her accomplish what she needs done. I use my empathic ability to understand the nature of people and my ability to understand her personally to do this by listening, understanding, feeling her emotions with her.. etc.

My whole original question was.. Am I really an empath, or is it "Heal or you ain't"?

I think it's been answered now..

Just out of curiousity.. are there any other empaths who roleplay a character who doesn't heal often (or at all) that feel that they are a "different" kind of empath?

I mean.. my style of empathy basically precludes me from ever circling. (no time to train.. can't be constantly in social/political/roleplay situations if I'm standing around foraging or taking wounds or swimming or something) So, I don't see it being very enticing to many people.


Gromnir posted:
"And I was ignoring Cayene, the long rambling posts, it's just too much for me.
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/25/2004 01:23 PM CDT
<<I don't think "healing people" is the entire scope of being an empath.

That was part of what I meant to say in there was well, but it didn't really get there.

An Empath who is able to talk someone through when they are going through a difficult time, they are still every bit the Empath of the Guild as the Field Medic and the Empath who pulls double-shifts in the Infirmary.

The Empath who goes onto become a loving father, a simply uses his unique talents to do the best he can in helping his children grow up. The only healing he might EVER do is heal his five year old's scraped knee. He is still every bit the Empath as well.

An Empath who uses her knowledge of the scope of mankind's emotions to help a Bard bring it out in his music, music which may then go on to touch the hearts of a small village... Definitely still an Empath.

There are no limitations.

Kinsmen, Steel, Stone.

RL/IG Calendar 2004
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/25/2004 06:30 PM CDT
Cayene, You're not the only person who plays an alterna-empath. Here's a (hopefully somewhat brief) description of Cormyss.

A year or so ago I started him as the traditional huggy, fluffy, heal-hound empath. This, I felt, did not do justice to the depth of this character. I experimented with him a while and tried my hand in everything but just settled in making him a raging alcoholic/womanizer. I then stopped playing for a number of months.

Coming back I knew exactly the personality I would go with, and have stuck with since. After seeing a vision in a drunken stupor, Cormyss completely sobered up and straightened up. He views himself as the champion of the marriage between Kertigen and Hodierna. Crafts are his calling and passion. His devotion to Kertigen leads him to forge and tan, while he is an alchemist for Hodierna's honor. Only when he feels there is a dearth in his devotion to Hodierna will he heal, and even at that point he rarely works with anything less than life-threatening situations.

I'm now trying to figure out a bunch of devotional things he does on a regular basis. If anyone's got some interesting ideas, I'd like to hear 'em.

ave atque vale

Cormyss Joxemburg
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/26/2004 06:49 AM CDT
nice post Lyathe, I agree 100%...

Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/26/2004 08:24 AM CDT
"and Souv you haven't lived until you have shock 1 or 2 or 130 times."

Thanks Cayene, I'll get right on that... Shock for souv isn't that far away at this point


manipulate friendship maid
A bar maid is not interested in your manipulations at this time. Perhaps later...
Re: Dear Abbey: Am I the only one? 07/26/2004 12:42 PM CDT
>>Dekk's Post<<

I was not bashin you, merely pointing stuff out, no be mad at Maxx, he thinks yer funny.

Maxxwel, druken babbling empath at large.