Modern empath etiquitte 06/19/2004 01:41 PM CDT
>I've been wondering is whether it is still the standard operating procedure to ask your patient before taking bleeders.

Um, I work fast, so they'd better say something before it's gone. <g> That is unless it's obviously a pet, like one guy with disease and a single tiny bleeder. (It went unbelievable and I knocked it back down for him.)

Basically if you want to keep it, say so before I start grabbing and then don't grumble that it takes me forever to heal you working around the bleeder. I don't use the crutch and I do pride myself on a job done very fast.

Of course I rarely heal places where bleeders are hard to come by, either, and I'm almost always willing to let folks tend me if I know they're looking for practice.

Also, I don't normally heal corpses. Although if I'm in the mood to, don't complain because I don't ask when healing corpses. Meat is meat and if I want to heal your dead body, well, you're dead even if you can talk. (Had one little idjit threaten to kill me for healing his corpse. I wish he'd tried. It would have been fun to run him around in a spar for a bit until I booted him from the room with innocence.)

Fundamentally though, since I normally heal in places where most folks are very high circle, I get very little back talk. But then I also figure part of my job is being charming and attentive. <g> Doesn't hurt the tips, either.

Oh yes, sharing patients. No hoo-hah to me. I've asked for assists and given them. I can be very, very fast in grabbing patients though, so speak up if you're looking to heal as well. Often enough I'll say, "Please, be my guest." I can grab wounds far faster than I can heal myself so please, go right ahead and don't be shy about joining in if you feel like healing.

Hmmm, what else? If I'm dancing, don't expect me to come running to heal if you're not a friend. I'll respond to a request for healing on the gweth while I'm dancing of where I am if I'm willing, but you'd better come hunt me down and even better, kill a few critters before you leave and give me the loot. <g>

Tips and manners? Well, I'll heal a total jerk if they give me enough sparklies or someone who's willing to sit and chat with me while I heal up even if they're dead broke. (Whether or not they look like they have money. Entertainment is often a nice tip too.) Idjits who drop in, fall asleep while I heal them, (which rarely takes more than a roisen) and then run away with hardly a thanks get noted. They do it more than a couple of times and I don't seem to have room in the queue for them, surprisingly enough. People who give me real goodies, like boxes, master's lockpicks or particularly good classes, get first priority and often get moved to the 'friends' category where I'll go heal them without a second thought.

On the bottom line, if I don't like how people are treating me, I pack up and leave. It isn't as if they can't stop me unless they advance on me, and even then, there are relatively few people I can't drive to missle with innocence. It isn't as if someone can grab my hand and make me transfer the wounds from their body. They can kill me, sure, but that's not going to get them healed. And anyone stupid enough for killing an empath for not healing them is going to be in far more a world of hurt than I will be refilling yet another favor orb. If I get annoyed often enough at a spot, I'll stop going there. No skin off my nose. Places where I'm kept entertained, good classes, friends running in and out to chat for a bit, good tips, I'll set up house and stay for anlaes.

Dio, often enough the puff with a 'tude
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/19/2004 02:05 PM CDT
You know most love you Dio, I can't imagine you have too many difficulites with patients! Was wonderful seeing you again while I was on vacation. We'll be back soon, once winter comes to the mainland.

Drink, Love and Be Merry,

~~Empath Emerisel Draa-Bellewether of Riverhaven~~
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/19/2004 06:16 PM CDT
Not only does he set up camp and heal but he also has been known to stand on the front lines healing during invasions. I am not talking about in a triage spot, I am talking about up front where you have to climb over the corpse to go charging down the street and clean some more of them out. He was healing once in Riverhaven the whole group of us and stayed on his feet during the entire attack and stood right beside us brawling and throwing critters down while Madigan was leading the charge and a half dozen or better of us were following. Not only did he stay alive by the held the line and town was cleaned out, He kept the rest of us alive as well. By the time we made it back to the healing spot and worked on the dead the front line group was basically all healed up and ready for more action should it come.


Just A Cleric
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/19/2004 07:22 PM CDT
<<By the time we made it back to the healing spot and worked on the dead the front line group was basically all healed up and ready for more action should it come.


Damn. I should've been a 'path-in-a-can, too : o(

Durn flimsy leather crud. Good for only one thing...and I'm not saying what.

0 '= }


"All stupid is is smart about the wrong things." ~GM Ceiswyn

There is nothing wrong about looking good!
For shift options, visit
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/19/2004 08:21 PM CDT
By themselves, they aren't much good. However, once you trick them out you can have a very cool, very stylish set of riding leathers to help you enjoy all the EmpathX Games events:

1)Greater Fist luge runs -- all the fun and excitement of riding a cart down the tracks, without the cart (wheels are affixed to the front or back of your armor as desired). And don't worry, with the army of foraging empaths at the bottom of the track you can be sure that not one gobbet of your mangled flesh will be forgotten.

2)Haychute 10-pins -- The empath will don his/her leathers, and get slathered in grease. The empath will then run hollering through the Paladin's Guildhall, dodging guards and other blockers as he/she makes his/her way to the barn out back (is that part of Berolt's farm?). After giving the guards ample enough time to follow, the empath will quickly run up to the hayloft and time his/her slide down the chute to coincide with crashing into as many paladin guards as possible.

J'Lo, no that other one
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/21/2004 02:14 AM CDT
>I can't imagine you have too many difficulites with patients!

What, who, me? Must be my bed(side) manner. <cough> Ok, so I'm a total flirt with a very round heels.

>He was healing once in Riverhaven the whole group of us and stayed on his feet during the entire attack and stood right beside us brawling and throwing critters down while Madigan was leading the charge and a half dozen or better of us were following.

You so flatter me, hon. I don't brawl for anything. I'm just really good at getting innocence off and taking care of myself. Although just don't make me look at a spider. <shudder>

But yeah, I love it when I can go out there in invasions. I was so put out by the outcasts. Although it did take their uber-magic to hold me in place so they could skewer me. <snort> Even still it took two shots. Wasn't smart enough to know I shoulda just died.

Just don't tell my hubby about it all. He gets a little miffed sometimes at the way I tend to charge in and ask questions of the corpses the rest of you pile up. I like being out with the fighters. Sitting on my spreading backside in triage is booooring.

>Damn. I should've been a 'path-in-a-can, too : o(

Not too late to start. <evil grin> I'm so glad I started with plate and have stayed with it through all this time. It's a real pain for the first 80-100 ranks but after that, for an empath, it can't be beat. No, I can't dodge for beans, but no one can dodge on their knees. Speed healing in combat is a messy business and trying to dodge with countless wounds is a lost cause. Only problem with plate is it makes it hard for the draggers. I'm a big boy even without all the steel.

>Durn flimsy leather crud. Good for only one thing...and I'm not saying what.

I know what it's good for. <whistes happily> Hey, Crym likes me in leathers. Enough said. I do own a set and occasionally even wear it.

Bluntly though, there are two types of battle empaths. Those who dodge and those who just take it. I'm the latter.

Dio ~~ trying not to blush. Blonds do not blush well and I'm definately blond.
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/21/2004 02:43 AM CDT
<<... with a very round heels.

You must also be a Heinlein fan -- I've never heard that phrase outside his books.
Re: Modern empath etiquitte 06/22/2004 11:45 AM CDT
I prefer to dodge, although I can take it if I have to. I just prefer to be able to retreat if I get swarmed.

Souv, master of 5 pirate rigger arrows to the chest

manipulate friendship maid
A bar maid is not interested in your manipulations at this time. Perhaps later...