Perceive Health Stun Length 09/25/2016 09:08 AM CDT
It looks like the potential length of the stun on an overloaded Perceive Health is well into the "ludicrous" range. I'm pretty sure it's duration is measured in minutes (plural), which is way longer than stuns are "allowed" to last. Plus it's quite frustrating to have to just sit there staring at text roll by for that long. My understanding is that even Shock stuns are much shorter now. Any chance this could be reined into the realm of sanity at some point if someone gets a chance? It isn't usually an issue, but it would be nice to be able to actually use Perceive Health in an invasion type situation without having to remember to cast Awaken every couple of minutes (that spell's really not very user friendly).

-Life Weaver Karthor
Re: Perceive Health Stun Length 01/01/2017 02:37 PM CST

please please please some one address this! please?