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"Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 02:34 PM CDT
Lirrak's recent State of the Guild post implied the notion of a standard religion. There are two ways of looking at it, that I can see:

1) The standard religion as accepted by the Cleric Guild.

2) The standard religion as accepted by the mainstream population.

This might be the same thing. Or not. But I can see the Cleric Guild having a major effect on the religious inclinations of the entire accessible realms. We can even consider it an implicit activity of clerics, as part of our Teaching requirement, to "spread the good word". (And burn heathens, so it's not like they have a choice.)

I know, for instance, that my access to the lore in the realms is utterly lacking because I haven't visited most high level places, nor am I one to explore areas for the sake of exploring them. So I'm interested in people contributing stuff like that, if nothing else.

Assume we're ignorant: we probably are.

So, to kick it off, I'll copy my musings off my original response.

>> Relgious Sects (For lack of a better term) - Ability of clerics to follow the non-standard relgion.

This brings to mind the question of "What is the standard religion?" I gather that it's "39 Immortals, 26 of which are aspects of 13". (The reasoning behind this is the presence of numerous shrines devoted to aspects.) And further that "13 Immortals and 13 alone", "One God", "Western deities" (just for Bambina), "Southern deities", and "World Dragon" (just for Gonif) are all examples of "non-standard".

It makes me wonder if worshipping single immortals (or a few) would be considered non-standard.

NOTE: I'd also like to keep the conversation OOC. Your character's personal beliefs are fine, and it'd be fine to advocate them (in fact, you should so that Lirrak's aware of the particulars), but I'd like to discuss what the standard religion IS, not what it SHOULD be.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.

Holiness of soul lies within integrity. - Book of Eluned, Magica Bona
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 05:20 PM CDT
I'm very interested in seeing this thread develop.

I personally have always seen the standard and guild accepted religion as the 13 and their aspects. However it has irked me that we have written documentation of other religions yet not mechanics for players to potentially RP being a part of those religions. Thats part of my goal and vision to open up those other religions in one form or fashion to allow more diversity in the RP environment.

I won't interject too much as I really do want others opinions.

GM Lirrak
Cleric Liaison
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 06:38 PM CDT
My only concern about supporting many many religions is development time. I don't want to lose out on something that 90% of the guild would use to devote time to something 2% of the guild may use.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 06:45 PM CDT
Actually all you've got is "the standard religion as dictated by in game mechanics," becuase of the favor system. From an IG perspective there's no debate as to the existence and impact of the 13, which leaves little room to consider any other possiblities.

Moon mage Daellid
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 07:10 PM CDT
I'd like to see...

1) Support for Mo, Xin'Alaudas, etc. within the standard favor system.

2) Support for light/dark aspects within the standard favor system. I think a prerequisite for any sort of "alignment" or specific deity-devotion development would be to make practicing worship of certain aspects more accessible.

3) Barring #1, the development of favor-granting 'alterior' methods of worship, be this foreign deities or something unholy. This seems a prerequisite for Necros to me.

As a previous poster said, hard to have IG thoughts or reflections about the canonical religion is pretty damn hard when it is impossible to dispute, given you were just reincarnated.

System Announcement: As our gift to you, the players, items deposited in a trash receptacle will be placed into a random player's inventory. Please do not assist to thank us if you are suddenly overburdened with 400 globs of blocil pulp.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 07:15 PM CDT
I would say the 13/39 as gods is the standard.

From there, the non-13 gods and World dragon worshippers (RP as DP) would be next most 'common'.

I meat about as many people really playing that the 13 are 'mages' or whatever not gods as I do DP I'd say.

There's the all-father (schitzophrenic god) theory.

I'd say roughly 95% of the population is straight no-thought 13-est. 8% favors the non-13 gods, and the remainder is just, unique.

Currently, mechanics force at least lip-service devotion to the 13, and no matter your RP you can't 'really' believe in the others strongly enough to not die.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 07:18 PM CDT
>1) Support for Mo, Xin'Alaudas, etc. within the standard favor system.

>2) Support for light/dark aspects within the standard favor system. I think a prerequisite for any sort of "alignment" or specific deity-devotion development would be to make practicing worship of certain aspects more accessible.

1) in one of the Barbarian guild leaders? (honest confusion)

2) How are you defining 'standard' favor system? I believe by and large, you can find a favor for most (all?) aspects now; it might be hard to find, and even more difficult to figure out what to offer, but I think that is fair, and good. Pilgrimage if you will.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 07:30 PM CDT
>>1) in one of the Barbarian guild leaders? (honest confusion)

Sorry, the Togger's one of my favorite guild leaders. Though I believe him worthy of worship, I meant Mrod.

>>2) How are you defining 'standard' favor system? I believe by and large, you can find a favor for most (all?) aspects now; it might be hard to find, and even more difficult to figure out what to offer, but I think that is fair, and good. Pilgrimage if you will.

e.g. Crossing favor. This system I am dubbing 'standard' only allows representation by the 13 neutral aspects.

I enjoy the fact that favors are available for many of the light/dark aspects. However, in the way I am picturing the deity-alignment system (as in choosing one deity) making a pilgrimage every time I needed fresh favors would really be a pain in the arse.

For clarification let me outline what I consider to be near the "ideal favor" system that includes support for Clerics (or anyone) to choose a primary god and somehow mechanically make it official.

A) Crossing-style favor system opened to all aspects, both light and dark and neutral, once certain conditions are met.

B) Mechanics are developed to allow anyone, Clerics especially, to choose a primary God. The pilgrimage comes in here. In order to declare my God, I have to visit their specific shrine (as in example, for Kuniyo I'd have to go up near blood wolves in Theren), perhaps given a mini-quest to visit a couple other altars like the Eyes of the Thirteen in Crossing and then the Light Aspect shrine in Shard. Afterwards, Kuniyo becomes my 'official' God, and I can now restock on Kuniyo favors a la Crossing-style at any primary altar.

C) Small benefits added for roleplaying a devout follower of one God. Off the top of my head, new colors or designs for SOL, Halo, Bless, HE, HH like the WM pattern hues cantrip, only deity-based.

System Announcement: As our gift to you, the players, items deposited in a trash receptacle will be placed into a random player's inventory. Please do not assist to thank us if you are suddenly overburdened with 400 globs of blocil pulp.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 07:33 PM CDT
Honestly, after I choose a god from the very beginning of getting my favors I never give it a second thought. Which is sad because there is some rich history there.

Player of Gilart and Olatio
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 10:47 PM CDT

World Dragon" (just for Gonif) are all examples of "non-standard".

I would like to state for the record that that only applies to my s'kra cleric in TF.
My dwarven cleric in prime is a loyal follower of Damaris. :-)

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/05/2007 10:52 PM CDT
basically, what i've done for my "praise" ritual for the dragon for my s'kra <tf> cleric I copied the verse right off the dragon shrine in the altar down in ilithi.

unfortunately although there is a temple of the dragon in muspar'i, thats not a devotional altar and no rituals are set up for it.

Although, being as it IS TF, I could start sacrificing gnomes there.... or other non-s'kra...

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 12:47 AM CDT
>>Actually all you've got is "the standard religion as dictated by in game mechanics," becuase of the favor system.

The favor system is more an indicator of what gods actually exist than a mainstream religion. Let me explain:

Let's say that you can only get favors from one god. In fact, favors don't have the names of deities attached to them; they're just favors.

What does this say about the mainstream religion? Absolutely nothing. It does not mean I can't worship the World Dragon. It does not mean that everyone worships the World Dragon. They could. They'd just likely be wrong, because they're not getting Dragon favors.

Further, adventurers are not the mainstream. Despite what everyone thinks, the average person does not buy sword, pack, and shield and go goblin hunting. Not even Thief contacts can be considered average people; those who work in or with organizations like guilds are already above average, in my opinion. It's the faceless scenery, the crowds that you read about in the room descriptions, who are truly average, who make up the vast majority of the Elanthian population.

And so I ask you: What do they believe in?

>>I'd say roughly 95% of the population is straight no-thought 13-est. 8% favors the non-13 gods, and the remainder is just, unique.

Any particular reason why? (Also, I love how there's a "remainder" out of roughly 103%. =P)

>>Currently, mechanics force at least lip-service devotion to the 13, and no matter your RP you can't 'really' believe in the others strongly enough to not die.

I very much hope to see that change. Insofar as I recall, every piece of the death-related messaging, minus the Resurrection messaging, is religion-neutral. The Starry Road is fairly indisputed (stars in the sky), and the "Starry Host" is non-indicative of what the host actually consists of. So there'd be no need for Lirrak to go and mess around with that (though I think it'd be cool if he did; it'd be one grandiose stroke seen by the entire population (after we kill them)).

>>I would like to state for the record that that only applies to my s'kra cleric in TF.

You were the only one I noticed ask for it. =D Dragonlover.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.

Holiness of soul lies within integrity. - Book of Eluned, Magica Bona
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 08:35 AM CDT
I don't think there's much disagreement that the pantheon of 39 is accepted as the standard. I'm unsure how much of that is due to trying to RP within mechanics, or just a lack of concern for other possibilities (I've encountered more than a handful of people who worship Meraud simply because they got a favor orb script with his name stuck in and haven't cared to change it). The fact that there's altars scattered all over to the positive/negative aspects is a good indicator of this - even Ushnish has an altar sitting in Crossing proper (and not just in the temple).

I think for RP flavor it's worth adding some of the non-standard deities but there's no need to go overboard.

Side note: How on earth would the World Dragon actually grant you favors if it's in forced sleep constantly?

Cleric of Ushnish
<Conskill> You're like an Empath, but with a drug dependancy.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 02:57 PM CDT
I believe Maelshyve counts as a "non-standard religious sect" as well, considering she has worshippers, an army, and there was a whole church erected over her abyssal prison.

>> From an IG perspective there's no debate as to the existence and impact of the 13, which leaves little room to consider any other possiblities.

I have argued against this in the past. :)

The biggest proof anyone points at outside of direct Clericdom is the existence of favors. But it could easily be claimed that favors and resurrection aren't divine intervention at all - in fact, calling them favors is a misnomer period, simply based on what's happened in-game.

Look at it this way. If a 'favor' did no more than represent the actual favor of a god that you earned, a favor that you could trade in return for a new lease on life, would certain poisons be able to drain them from someone and prevent their resurrection? If it was truly divine, would the gods not be able to intervene and stop someone's death regardless of what mortals did to prevent it? The fact that it's also possible to magically transfer favors and that sort of thing also support this point to an extent.

To this end I would posit that favors are not the 'favor' of a god at all, but are physical and perhaps magical enchantments which leave traces on someone's spirit. They act as a magical anchor between the flesh, the spirit, and the soul, and work to put them back together and plop them down at the nearest place that has been enchanted to work with favors i.e. altars. You'll also notice that in many areas this is not restricted to the altars of the thirteen - in Ilithi, for example, it's possible to depart to an altar to the World Dragon.

A worshipper of the thirteen could accept this about favors as being true and still say that favors are divinely inspired or that favor altars and whatnot themselves aren't possible without the divine touch of the gods. A skeptic (like my main character) could say that these things really aren't necessary, but are observed out of superstition, tradition or even genuine belief that the gods are necessary to perform a genuine resurrection of the body, spirit, and soul.

Even accepting the latter point doesn't mean that the thirteen can't exist - it just means that some might cast doubt on whether or not the immortals are 'truly' divine and 'worthy' of worship or simply very powerful beings with a god complex.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 03:22 PM CDT
>>The fact that it's also possible to magically transfer favors and that sort of thing also support this point to an extent.

That's an interesting theory, but I wouldn't tend to agree based on the fact that the only ones who can 'transfer' favors are Clerics.

System Announcement: As our gift to you, the players, items deposited in a trash receptacle will be placed into a random player's inventory. Please do not assist to thank us if you are suddenly overburdened with 400 globs of blocil pulp.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 03:35 PM CDT
>> That's an interesting theory, but I wouldn't tend to agree based on the fact that the only ones who can 'transfer' favors are Clerics.

Paladins have a spell for it.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 03:39 PM CDT
>>Paladins have a spell for it.

Ah right, a favor for devotion.

Both systems are tied to the Immortals, however. Holy mana itself is lingering traces of the immortals. The close connection does not necessarily dictate that favors are indeed divine intervention (correlation does not equal causation), but the nuances of the system currently make it a little difficult to believe that favors are a magical enchantment that could, theoretically, be duplicated by human action.

Though I've always been interested to see how they will handle Necromancer favors.

System Announcement: As our gift to you, the players, items deposited in a trash receptacle will be placed into a random player's inventory. Please do not assist to thank us if you are suddenly overburdened with 400 globs of blocil pulp.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 03:41 PM CDT
>>That's an interesting theory, but I wouldn't tend to agree based on the fact that the only ones who can 'transfer' favors are Clerics.

Actually, my first thought was Paladins. The spell is Alamhif's Gift, IIRC. It's supposedly easier to cast if you have clerics joined with you. I've never seen it in action, personally, nor do I know anyone who has it.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.

Holiness of soul lies within integrity. - Book of Eluned, Magica Bona
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 03:44 PM CDT
That the system could theoretically go both ways is a strength of the system, in my opinion.

As a player I acknowledge that the existence of the thirteen in Elanthia as 'gods' is most probably true. But I like flexibility and I enjoy being able to roleplay an 'atheist' more or less that doesn't believe in the divine. That this also opens up the possibility for other religions or other religious sects is even better.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 03:45 PM CDT
That's what I get for responding slow. Geez.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.

Holiness of soul lies within integrity. - Book of Eluned, Magica Bona
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/06/2007 05:20 PM CDT
It's not impossible Reene, but it does take a bit of explaining.

Moon mage Daellid
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/07/2007 09:44 AM CDT
>I personally have always seen the standard and guild accepted religion as the 13 and their aspects. However it has irked me that we have written documentation of other religions yet not mechanics for players to potentially RP being a part of those religions.

Huh? I have no problems RPing outside of the generally accepted "13 religion". In fact, I revel in being able to take artistic license with it.

Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 07:23 AM CDT
>> Huh? I have no problems RPing outside of the generally accepted "13 religion". In fact, I revel in being able to take artistic license with it.

The RPing part is not so hard. It's the sneaking around when nobody is looking to go get favors.

Moon mage Daellid
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 10:04 AM CDT
it used to be significantly easier to RP this when a certain favor-granting altar on aesry wasn't attached to any of the 39. now that altar is attached to murrala <or however you spell it>, so that can't be rp'ed out any more. there used to be a tog that got favors there that claimed that altar to belong to the one true god of elanthea that created the togs <as none of the 13 were designated as the tog-god>, he had a whole system thought out on it.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 06:40 PM CDT
>> The RPing part is not so hard. It's the sneaking around when nobody is looking to go get favors.

Which is why the 'favors are part of a system of complex enchantments designed to keep the soul magically anchored to the body and aren't divine at all' explanation is helpful. ;)

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 08:12 PM CDT
>> Which is why the 'favors are part of a system of complex enchantments designed to keep the soul magically anchored to the body and aren't divine at all' explanation is helpful. ;)

It is, and I like it! Don't get me wrong on that. It's just going to be tough to explain to those that can't get their mind wrapped around the idea.

Moon mage Daellid
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 08:14 PM CDT
>>It's just going to be tough to explain to those that can't get their mind wrapped around the idea.

Look at the real world, for people who can't wrap their head around a complex idea without interjecting religion.

I like the atheistic arguments in this game. It's a breath of fresh, albeit complex, air.

Marijus' player.

Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 09:52 PM CDT
It doesn't really matter who's right: the very fact that there's a disagreement, a second perspective, is already a good thing. As long as you can't shoot down one perspective, I want it around even if I think it's stupid, even anti-Clerical.

I think a lot of players would like that notion, though. It'd be worth spreading around, if only to give us a good reason to burn them for being sacrilegious, or however you spell it.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.

Holiness of soul lies within integrity. - Book of Eluned, Magica Bona
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/08/2007 10:06 PM CDT
>> It'd be worth spreading around, if only to give us a good reason to burn them for being sacrilegious, or however you spell it.

I'm surprised more Clerics aren't inclined to do this to my character to be honest.

Granted I think Aetherie has entertained the notion once or twice...eheh.

Rev. Reene

"Who provides the opportunity to cultivate patience? Not our friends. Our enemies give us the most crucial chances to grow."
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 04/09/2007 08:40 AM CDT
>>I'm surprised more Clerics aren't inclined to do this to my character to be honest.

I can just punch you while sparring.

In all seriousness, I appreciate the people willing to put forth the effort to roleplay alternative religious beliefs simply because it takes more thought than going along with the standard 39 bit.

Cleric of Ushnish
<Conskill> You're like an Empath, but with a drug dependancy.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 05:33 AM CDT
Alright, so I was supposed to be getting someone to email this to me, but that isn't working out thus far.

Can anyone email me the log where Tallis supposedly trash-talked the western religions (mostly the Rakash/Prydaen gods) and said that anyone who worships them within the walls of the Cleric's guild would be hanged?

Send it to my address if you have it.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 05:41 AM CDT
Working on it. And have been for the past five hours.

It's a doozy.

Rev. Reene

Ring the bells that can still ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.

-- Leonard Cohen
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 05:52 AM CDT
I can guarantee right now that at no point did Tallis or anyone associated with the guild make any statement that clerics would be hanged for practicing the non-standard religion. Nor in fact did she EVER make any mention that any action of any kind would be taken against those not following the standard or recognized religion.

The guild supports the worship of the original 13 and their aspects. What a cleric chooses to worship outside of the guild is their business and would never be acted upon by the guild in any fashion. The guild is very tolerant of member's religions choices however; the so called "western religions" are not officially recognized and or supported.

When would the guild take issue against another religion? When that group becomes violent, i.e. the Dragon Priests.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 06:26 AM CDT
<<I can guarantee right now that at no point did Tallis or anyone associated with the guild make any statement that clerics would be hanged for practicing the non-standard religion. Nor in fact did she EVER make any mention that any action of any kind would be taken against those not following the standard or recognized religion.

Actually, Tallis did say just that. But when she said it, I am pretty sure she was being sarcastic and not actually endorsing it.

Or a Bard had lots of fun and no one noticed.
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 06:35 AM CDT
<<I can guarantee right now that at no point did Tallis or anyone associated with the guild make any statement that clerics would be hanged for practicing the non-standard religion. Nor in fact did she EVER make any mention that any action of any kind would be taken against those not following the standard or recognized religion.>> Mmkay. I'm -told- there's proof otherwise. I'll wait till I see it.

<<The guild supports the worship of the original 13 and their aspects. What a cleric chooses to worship outside of the guild is their business and would never be acted upon by the guild in any fashion. The guild is very tolerant of member's religions choices however; the so called "western religions" are not officially recognized and or supported.>>

Well, what if it were this: my Cleric is an Eu-worshipping Prydaen who gets his favors from Damaris (there's a reason why he believes it's okay to get favors, which I won't get into. It has something to do with something Ra'sulor said) because many scholars believe that the two deities - Damaris and Demrris - are interconnected somehow (I think I read that somewhere, I could be wrong, however. Their symbols are both black panthers, however). So, essentially, he doesn't worship the Thirteen, as such. He worships Eu and gets his favors from Damaris (Demrris).
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 10:09 AM CDT
>>edited because I can't spell.


Can you also forward a copy to my address if you get a chance? Cael recently heard about this conversation and it was quite shocking to her. She's currently seeking out other members of the guild who can confirm and clarify the conversation.


-Player of "One of the Caels" and a Bard

Bromus asks Kobmand, "Hey, so I got a few plats on me now, you think ya can set me up with some samatak-addicted sheep like ya said last time?"
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 04:48 PM CDT
Incidentally, as someone with an excessive amount of favors from raising and an IC reason to pursue resurrections (it's the single link to studying the concept of spiritweaving: staring at the Void), if anyone, who chooses not to get favors because their worship is unsupported, dies and can't find someone to help them, I'd be willing to both travel and perform resurrections on favorless.

Note to self: shorter sentences.

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving. (Spiritweaving)

Holiness of soul lies within integrity of spirit. - Book of Eluned, Magica Bona
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 06/30/2007 07:22 PM CDT
<<When would the guild take issue against another religion? When that group becomes violent, i.e. the Dragon Priests. >>

sometimes not even then....

my dragonpriestess has absolutely no problem praising the world dragon at any of the standard altars, and of course at the altar of the world dragon in Muspar'I.


<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 07/02/2007 01:31 PM CDT
<<I can guarantee right now that at no point did Tallis or anyone associated with the guild make any statement that clerics would be hanged for practicing the non-standard religion. Nor in fact did she EVER make any mention that any action of any kind would be taken against those not following the standard or recognized religion.

You are lying, and I have the proof in front of me. You should take better note of what your own character said, particularly if it has the potential to get characters like my Cleric and Tursavidus' pack-brother Fintrial killed .

Phyneas asks Tallis, "How will prevention of worship be accomplished?"
Tallis says, "We will hunt you down and hang you up infront of the guild for all to see."

Re: "Standard" Religion of Elanthia? 07/02/2007 01:35 PM CDT
Phyneas asks Tallis, "How will prevention of worship be accomplished?"
Fintrial softly says, "I have a guild accepted god. But the limitation to
who we should worship within these walls is nonsense."
Tallis says, "We will hunt you down and hang you up infront of the guild for
all to see."
Tallis chuckles.
Kloegar says, "Dunno how one could worship the Western Gods and be a cleric
to pray, quest, and worship the 13 at the same time."
Phyneas nods.

While the chuckle afterwards makes me think it was meant as a joke - I can see how some people's characters wouldn't have taken it as such.

What happens in Elanthia, stays in Elanthia*
*...unless you accidentally gweth something really naughty, in which case it will be posted and archived on unofficial websites forever and ever.
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