KW Idea 08/14/2009 10:36 AM CDT
How about making the item protection part return the item to hand if it was thrown/lodged?


No wonder you're late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.
Re: KW Idea 08/14/2009 11:48 AM CDT
Best suggestion I have heard for KW yet- basically make it a version of Bond Weapon. I would save so many thrown weapons that way.
Re: KW Idea 08/14/2009 12:06 PM CDT
In before a Paladin asks for Rejuve to be made part of one of their spells.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: KW Idea 08/14/2009 12:24 PM CDT
Glyph of Warding should rejuv right?

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: KW Idea 08/14/2009 12:42 PM CDT
No no no, rejuve should invoke the warding glyph.
Re: KW Idea 08/14/2009 02:55 PM CDT
All sounds good to me.