cleric infusion quest help 11/23/2016 05:05 PM CST
I can't start the infusion quest. I have done all the previous quest and I am circle 30. Is there some other prerequisite besides being circle 25? Or is my character bugged somehow?
Re: cleric infusion quest help 11/23/2016 05:08 PM CST

Tallis tells me I have more to learn or something like that when I ask her about infusion
Re: cleric infusion quest help 11/23/2016 05:18 PM CST
>>Tallis tells me I have more to learn or something like that when I ask her about infusion

You most likely need either more Attunement or PM.

Re: cleric infusion quest help 11/23/2016 05:34 PM CST
Need 125 attunement iirc.
Re: cleric infusion quest help 11/23/2016 09:55 PM CST

2 short of that, will try again at 125, thank you