HE 11/17/2016 07:57 AM CST
I know this is a tad on the late side...but were there any can't miss items for Clerics at HE? Or things that would improve QOL?
Re: HE 11/17/2016 09:03 AM CST

Lots of good cleric stuff, in my opinion. Lots of fluff, but also prayer mats, the devotion pins, some neat swappable 2hb 2he weapons. Prayer tomes. Lots of stuff.
Re: HE 11/17/2016 12:27 PM CST
For next year: Anloral pins are always a great buy. Prayer mats. Shield of Light scrolls (they change the tap/look of your shield, purely cosmetic but fun).

I'd actually stay away from the 2he/2hb weapons. They're fairly heavy and the stats aren't great. High carbon steel is better, lighter, and cheaper.

Water containers if you want an interesting one, in a few different shops. I think there was an incense holder this year too?