Spirit death and Perceive Corpse 10/07/2016 11:20 PM CDT
The recent banshee invasion (loved it) really highlighted the need for the Perceive Corpse command to reveal whether or not the corpse died from a spirit death and is unraisable.

As it stands if there were no witnesses to the death and the player behind the corpse doesn't understand the ramifications of spirit death you (the cleric) pour loads of mana and time into someone who mechanically can't be found. It's difficult to tell whether or not this is a case of high ranks/low favors or a spirit death.

Re: Spirit death and Perceive Corpse 10/08/2016 01:12 AM CDT

<Perceive Corpse command>

Or just include this info in the result of the regular perceive player. Lovely idea.
Re: Spirit death and Perceive Corpse 10/08/2016 08:54 AM CDT
Yeah I didn't mean a separate command syntax but you don't sense the same information from perceive live character as perceive dead character.

Re: Spirit death and Perceive Corpse 10/08/2016 09:06 PM CDT
Indirectly, if the player is going to depart in under half an hour, they've probably died a spirit death. That is something you should see when you perceive the corpse.
Re: Spirit death and Perceive Corpse 10/23/2016 10:08 AM CDT
>Indirectly, if the player is going to depart in under half an hour, they've probably died a spirit death. That is something you should see when you perceive the corpse.

Just to add an anecdoate. My recent new characters with low mentals on death were given a 26-ish minute timer before body decay. It made an impression on me when I returned with F2P because that's a lot shorter a timer than I remembered.

It did improve dramatically when i started raising Charisma, but.. why raise charisma if I don't plan on dying or stay dead that long in the first place.
Re: Spirit death and Perceive Corpse 10/23/2016 02:28 PM CDT
There are a lot of reasons to raise Charisma besides the depart timer.
