Destroying Scolls 04/09/2017 09:34 PM CDT
This might have already been asked, but I was thinking a neat way to gain some devotion/theurgy would be the destruction of Nekro scrolls. I mean if I had a nifty way to do it similar to how Barbs eat runes I would for RP reasons anyway. Just seemed like something that the guild would support and offer another option to gain some devotion/theurgy at the same time.

Iocanthe says, "So, here we are, all meeting-like."
Amythyste softly says, " name is Amythyste and I'm a magic addict...."
Amythyste softly says, "It's been 4 minutes since I last cast a spell..."
Re: Destroying Scolls 04/09/2017 11:39 PM CDT

It's been suggested but I still love this idea.