Infusing cambrinth 03/30/2015 09:29 PM CDT

Use the infusion ability to quickly fill up cambrinth with magic. With 0 ranks of arcana, you have the same RT as if you charged the cambrinth. With x ranks you can reduce it all the way down to 1 for all mana amounts. Larger cambrinth are harder to infuse, as are worn. This way you learn arcana experience with the infusion.
Re: Infusing cambrinth 03/30/2015 10:15 PM CDT
I'm not understanding what you're saying.

Are you suggesting a simple copy-paste for charge, that infuse work the same? Or are you telling players to infuse cambrinth instead of charging it?

First, you're not filling camb with magic, you're filling it with mana. Maybe pedantic, sorry if so.

Second, everything you describe is how charge/invoke already work. Infuse already teaches arcana when you fill your OM orb (I often used the orb to lock MD as a low level cleric).
Re: Infusing cambrinth 03/30/2015 10:31 PM CDT

> I'm not understanding what you're saying.

Suggestion for improvement of infuse.

> Or are you telling players to infuse cambrinth instead of charging it?

Suggest that clerical infuse could replace cambrinth charge. Allow clerics to directly infuse mana into cambrinth. The primary reason would be to reduce charging RTs, and potentially increase harness/arcana experience learned from charging cambrinth items. Alternative benefits could be using infuse to charge up all cambrinth you're currently wearing or holding simultaneously, remove the need for invoke, increase mana put into camb objects (net gain over regular charge), extending the mana reserves of your orb, or potentially safeguarding against backfiring (although I assume an additional spell would be needed for that effect).

> Infuse already teaches arcana when you fill your OM orb (I often used the orb to lock MD as a low level cleric).

Exactly. Infuse already charges up the orb, so there's a precedence for this behavior. Let's use it to our advantage.
Re: Infusing cambrinth 03/30/2015 10:46 PM CDT
Infuse does more than enough already.

ASGM Ricinus
Core, Logistics, Survival
Cleric Advocate