Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/13/2013 11:35 PM CDT
I think it would be a great RP tool to be able to >DESECRATE ALTAR as a necromancer and have it made unusable until a cleric can sanctify it again. Would open up some non-pvp RP for those not expressly interested in such yet still allow a necromancer to play the louder type of evil. Whatcha think?

You feel a brief sense of unease, as if somehow, somewhere, you'd run afoul of the law.
Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/14/2013 08:36 AM CDT
<<I think it would be a great RP tool to be able to >DESECRATE ALTAR as a necromancer and have it made unusable until a cleric can sanctify it again. Would open up some non-pvp RP for those not expressly interested in such yet still allow a necromancer to play the louder type of evil. Whatcha think?

Or at least dirtify them.

As think about this though, does this really fit the theme of the guild or am I allowing my own interpretations to get in the way. It always felt to me that necro's positions on the Immortals was that they can do it better. Followers do not need the Immortals. So why go and vandalize or do anything involved with the Immortals? wouldd you be willing to muck around with an altar given the obvious big DO hit that you're going to receive (which would likely be even larger for a necromancer compared to a non-necromancer)?

Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/14/2013 11:24 AM CDT
Yea this would be a perverse necromancer kinda thing I guess. Not something that a Book subscribing Philosopher of the Knife would be interested in. Or maybe not even an altar at all but have some action taken to say...make an area blighted and unforagable until a cleric blesses or sanctifies the soil ect, ect. Just something along those lines to promote some player interactions w/o the GM involvement.

You feel a brief sense of unease, as if somehow, somewhere, you'd run afoul of the law.
Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/14/2013 02:19 PM CDT
I really like this idea. It opens up some nice RP possibilities. Perhaps Clerics within 5-10 rooms of the altar could get a message saying they sense the desecration? I would participate in a system like this.
I also like the idea of a new sanctifying ritual that would teach some Theurgy or boost devotion or both, but that is just a selfish reason. Making it so Meraud's commune counteracted the desecration would be acceptable too, since that system is already in place.

In summary: Really like the idea. Would participate as often as I could. We need more good ideas like this that expand the Necro vs. Holy RP.

Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/14/2013 02:22 PM CDT

+4 Ha
Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/14/2013 03:42 PM CDT
>>I also like the idea of a new sanctifying ritual that would teach some Theurgy or boost devotion or both, but that is just a selfish reason.

If we did something like this, it probably wouldn't teach the Cleric anything. Otherwise there's an incentive to work with Necromancers to generate experience, which is a no-no.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/14/2013 07:38 PM CDT
Even if it didn't teach anything at all, ever, I would still enjoy a system like this. Don't let that be a sticking point.
Re: Altar Desecration. (Necro-folder crosspost) 09/15/2013 01:57 AM CDT
>If we did something like this, it probably wouldn't teach the Cleric anything. Otherwise there's an incentive to work with Necromancers to generate experience, which is a no-no.

Yea, my idea is more based on the ability to cause a visual effect (does not even need to be mechanical though a blighted no forage or a blocked altar would add a little more umpf to the RP aspects to be honest) that needs to be negated by another opposing force to bring back a state of normal. I feel like this would go a long way in adding options not only for the necromancer player but for those who shy from the PvP but still want to help in the fight against the scourge that is necromancy.

I am also cool with a moderate DO hit to the necro doing w/e the action may be and granting consent on that necro for seeing him/her perform w/e action it is that desecrates the alter or blights the land or whatever else you think up that fits the bill to be honest. It the concept I wanted to suggest the rest is flavor text. (I can write up some if you want as well just need to have the wife edit for me because as most know I really suck at punctuation and spelling)

You feel a brief sense of unease, as if somehow, somewhere, you'd run afoul of the law.