Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/28/2011 05:52 PM CST
Haven't seen this posted yet. This notice appeared in the Shard guildhall within the past day:

A temple proclamation reads:


King Arhhdan of Muspar'i has graciously assented to the reopening of the Cleric Guild in his fair city! We have word that the renovations are well underway. Anctarcarim of the Sand Clan has been chosen to oversee this guildhall. He is presently on a pilgrimage to seek counsel and blessing from each of our leaders. It shall soon conclude in Riverhaven, and from there he shall head back to Velaka and assume his duty.

Sister Mavinga Morvora
Handmaiden to High Priestess Tallis Elarial

Exciting? That new leader's name is quite the mouthful.
Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/28/2011 06:16 PM CST
Very exciting! And thank you for posting.

Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/28/2011 06:30 PM CST
Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/29/2011 01:36 AM CST
Oh fun- now I just need time for a roadtrip.

I call shotgun.

Clerics are just so cuddly you can't get mad at them, until they try to rip your soul out and chew on it like a candy bar.
Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/29/2011 12:28 PM CST
OK now this is AWESOME. Good thing Caz is already in Lang; may need to keep him there to be close to the desert. Don't see anything on the events calendar, but keep us posted if any of you hear anything else.

Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/30/2011 02:38 PM CST
REALLY excited to see the opening of the Muspar'i Cleric Guild finally coming around in the near future. Do you think it would be possible to add an altar for favors in the guild somewhere? Perhaps to Peri'el or maybe Tamsine, since she is the patron of civilization?

Just an errant thought

- Terra
Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 01/30/2011 08:32 PM CST
Be'ort because the Guild Leader is a Be'ort Cleric.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 02/04/2011 09:34 AM CST
FYI it's on the calendar for Sunday February 13th at 9 PM EST:

The newly appointed Guildleader Anctarcarim is expected to arrive in Riverhaven, completing his pilgrimage, from where he will travel directly through the lands of Ker'Leor to his home and new guildhall in the grand city of Muspar'i. Well-wishers are encouraged to see the illustrious Sand Elf along the final leg of his journey and celebrate this long awaited occasion.

Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 02/11/2011 07:40 PM CST
Just as an case the moons aren't working for us when it's time for Anctacarim to travel from Riverhaven to Muspar'i, people will need to have passports to travel the long route.

Passports can be obtained in Ibec Hall in Theren at the passport office.

We can easily go there as a group for anyone that will be needing one.

Re: Muspar'i Guild Opening 02/12/2011 07:03 AM CST
I'm going to suggest you bring a little money; it might or might not come in handy depending on your character.