Singing adverbs - please require a slash 10/18/2019 07:39 PM CDT
I have a request for the adverbs available to us when singing. It's wonderful that we have so many, and I am grateful for them, but it turns out that they can make singing tricky because they get invoked a little too easily.

For example, if I start a verse with the word "with" or "though", instead of singing those words as planned, I sing witheringly or thoughtfully.

Could we change these adverbs so that they require a slash, like they do in speech? Or at the very least require us to type them out completely so that the game is sure I definitely want to be withering?

To be clear, what we currently have:

>sing with
result: You witheringly sing...

What I want:

>sing /with
result: You witheringly sing...

>sing witheringly
result: You witheringly sing...

>sing with
result: You sing: "With...

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.