Polished mahogany guti'adar 06/30/2010 09:02 PM CDT
So, today, one of my (smaller) characters misplaced one. They're cheap, easily replaced. The only hard part of getting these is in finding the peddler who sells them roaming around Haven.

I tracked him down and bought a new one. I was a little surprised to find this one didn't need to be cleaned (the peddler is notorious for having REALLY dirty instruments). I was also surprised that I couldn't play it worth a darn. For those unfamiliar with it, it's an extremely easy stringed instrument, doesn't need a pick, and the peddler only sells them to low circle folks.

Wondering what was up, I logged in my bard, they switched guti's... and behold, I could play this one. The bard couldn't play the odd one, it was too hard for her, too. It wasn't dirty, wet, in need of repair and they don't require tuning. I asked a few friendly local bards who were pretty stumped. One offered up that I should perhaps buy another, so I did. That one was also too hard for either to play (mind, even fumbling with off-key scales). It was also perfectly fine (clean, dry, not needing repair).

Have they changed recently? I read back the past half year or so in this forum and found no mention (that's about as long as I've been playing that bard, so that's how old her guti'adar is).

Player of Sajuta, Rakash Battle Empath
...and a whole lot of others.
Re: Polished mahogany guti'adar 07/02/2010 07:55 PM CDT
I cannot think of a reason they would have changed in that time frame, though perhaps Dart would know. If you can toss me an email of when you'll be in game with both instruments, I can take a peek and see if I can figure out what happened (and if it's a bug or not).



"Reject me not, sweet sounds! oh, let me live,
Till doom espy my towers and scatter them.
A city spell-bound under the aging sun,
Music my rampart, and my only one."
-Edna St. Vincent-Millay