Analyzing Combat Maneuvers 10/01/2019 01:39 AM CDT
Another suggestion that makes sense to me anyway...

All berserk IF startup costs are 0 when you are under the effects of Analyze Rage. Not just the first one. Does not reset when triggered like it does now.
Or even better, a reduction in IF maintenance cost of berserks running when under influence instead of start up cost reduction to 0 for one berserk.

All meditation IF startup costs are 0 when you are under the effects of Analyze Calm. Not just the first one. Does not reset when triggered like it does now.

Both of these abilities are so far down the skill requirements that they need to do more than just negate one start up cost to make them viable. At 176-177 circle req in Expertise for Rage and 200+ for calm I say give us a small bone here.
While the ability is active make any berserk or meditation we proc be free of IF charge while the ability is active and don't turn it off when a proc happens. Just one berserk/meditation is almost an insult to us. This is the reason one uses these except potentially to train Expertise skill. We dont' use it for the ability bonus as it's too hard to manage in PVE combat, let alone impossible in PVP combat.

TLDR: ANALYZE RAGE - reduce IF maintenance cost of berserks while active. ANALYZE CALM - reduce IF start up cost of meditations while active.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions