Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/03/2012 11:14 AM CDT
Forms actually last the longest, followed by meditations, berserks and roars. Meditations still last up to 30 minutes or so when capped if I recall correctly.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/03/2012 10:51 PM CDT
>>Aren't meditations going to be the longest lasting (new) abilities? MR boost in a mediation would be best then IMO.

You need to be out of combat and sitting, though you can take away the sitting part with a feat. Don't last as long as forms either.

I'd personally prefer all the MR abilities as forms and find the restriction to balance it in some other fashion, but it's not the end of the world either way, and I am very much looking forwards to the new abilities. Thanks for holding that meeting Kodius.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 01:44 PM CDT
>Assuming you have the skill, you can activate up to 4 forms, 2 berserks, a meditation, and a roar at the same time.

How has this played out in test? Will it be possible to have 2 forms, 4 berserks, a meditation and a roar?

Say I want to have wolf form up, cyclone berserk, meditation unyielding, roar wail; then activate avalanche, wildfire, earthquake berserk at melee? possible?
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 04:43 PM CDT

Are Meditations teachable in combat? Are all our new skills teachable in combat? I assume it would only be teachable barb to barb.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 04:44 PM CDT
>>Say I want to have wolf form up, cyclone berserk, meditation unyielding, roar wail; then activate avalanche, wildfire, earthquake berserk at melee? possible?

I am curious about this as well - seeing as roars now use both voice pool and some inner fire - if you use too many roars it will tank your IF?

Also - if your voice pool is really low and you have no chance of affecting your victims does it still pull the same amount of IF?

Forged Weapons:
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 04:46 PM CDT
> Are Meditations teachable in combat?

Meditations are a class of abilities, not a skill, so no.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 05:15 PM CDT
>> Are Meditations teachable in combat?

Probably just meant is the supernatural skill that fuels barb abilities teachable in combat. (whatever that is inner fire or something)

I guess I don't know the answer to that question, but if magic is trainable in combat than our skill should be.

But - on the other hand I highly doubt you will ever need it taught so....

Forged Weapons:
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 08:08 PM CDT
>>Also - if your voice pool is really low and you have no chance of affecting your victims does it still pull the same amount of IF?

It does, though typically you'll only be expending a lot of IF when 1). Roaring at the area, 2). Using some of the more powerful roars.

If you run out of IF your abilities end, but you don't fall over stunned and wanting for death :P So, some give and some take there.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 09:45 PM CDT
Is there a way we can drop the voice pool? I don't see why we have to have 2 separate pools to power 1 type of ability. Really we have to have IF but a voice pool to roar
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 10:10 PM CDT
I think the voice pool is something shared by every character (for yells) and barbs and bards each have their own systems utilizing it (scream).
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 11:03 PM CDT
<<Is there a way we can drop the voice pool?>>

vocals are going away in 3.0.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 11:15 PM CDT
>.vocals are going away in 3.0.

That doesn't mean the voice pool is going away. Is it?

If roars now have rountime and cost inner fire, I think it's a reasonable request that that not also have what basically amounts to a cooldown timer, as disabler spells do not.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 11:17 PM CDT
>If roars now have rountime and cost inner fire, I think it's a reasonable request that that not also have what basically amounts to a cooldown timer, as disabler spells do not.

Spells also have mana and a prep time, whereas roars are instant-effect. Not sure I agree or disagree with dropping the pool, but the two things are different in front vs. rear loading.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 11:25 PM CDT
>>I think the voice pool is something shared by every character (for yells) and barbs and bards each have their own systems utilizing it (scream).



"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 11:30 PM CDT
>>Spells also have mana

Again, roars cost inner fire now.

>>and a prep time, whereas roars are instant-effect.

Roars now have roundtime, and macros can easily make the only difference between a roar and a snap cast the period of time it takes the game to measure two commands (prep xxxx/cast xxx) versus one comand (roar xxx). If you need a particle accelerator to measure said unit of time, I'm not sure it bears mentioning.

Haven't used it yet but I think it's an entirely reasonable request based only on design mechanics. Old roars only had one limiting factor (voice pool), new have two limiting factors (time, IF) without voice pool.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/06/2012 11:52 PM CDT
>Roars now have roundtime, and macros can easily make the only difference between a roar and a snap cast the period of time it takes the game to measure two commands (prep xxxx/cast xxx) versus one comand (roar xxx). If you need a particle accelerator to measure said unit of time, I'm not sure it bears mentioning.

Arent' you exaggerating the comparison a bit? granted my HLC MM isn't active right now to test, but a true snap cast like the one you are describing would fail at any reasonable amount of mana.

I did't know Roar will be having RT, but it would also be interesting to know if the effect takes place before or after the timer.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 12:03 AM CDT
Roars take effect immediately and provide Barbarians with a large quick-draw advantage. The short RT only partially helps stop massive, area-wide effects taking place (even Enchantes need time to pulse). So yes, voice pool is still necessary. That being said, there is a berserk, drinks and roar masks to supercharge your roaring capability....

Oh yeah, and I don't know of any Guild that gets a Save vs Fear resistance ability, yet.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 12:12 AM CDT
>Oh yeah, and I don't know of any Guild that gets a Save vs Fear resistance ability, yet.

I say paladin soul pool should work as a passive bonus vs Fear.

And just to convince people I'm totally not saying this because I circled my Paladin to 25 the past couple nites, let's throw in Thief confidence too!

As a balancing act both pools can take a hit on each successful resist.

All of the less cool guilds will just have to work out some kind of active defense :P
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 12:25 AM CDT
>As a balancing act both pools can take a hit on each successful resist.

Given the severity of tanking both pools, I'm sure both guilds would rather not have a passive 'please nerf me into the ground and require me to spend hours reboosting myself' ability they can't turn off. Or control.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 12:28 AM CDT
> Oh yeah, and I don't know of any Guild that gets a Save vs Fear resistance ability, yet.

Redeemer's Pride.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 12:36 AM CDT
>Given the severity of tanking both pools, I'm sure both guilds would rather not have a passive 'please nerf me into the ground and require me to spend hours reboosting myself' ability they can't turn off. Or control.

There's no penalty that I know of other than not able to use smite/glyphs with an empty soul pool. You're thinking soul states.

As for thief confidence, it can be lower capped at base, but point taken.

Also, having voice pool probably means the barb can't spam roar enough to tank the pools to begin with unless the drop in the pool is that severe, which as the mechanism doesn't exist, is purely speculative and arbitrary.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 02:20 AM CDT

Oh yeah, and I don't know of any Guild that gets a Save vs Fear resistance ability, yet.

i think old khri sane used to?

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 10:45 AM CDT
Well, Fear is new. Those abilities both used to be Will. I'll have to check and see what they do now. In any event, I see no handicap or loss of potency here...

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 05:53 PM CDT
I still don't see how dropping the voice pools from barbs would be breaking anything. It's really no different than snap casting a spell. And much like mana if we don't have enough IF we can't use it. So why are we the only ones with an additional check system?
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 06:09 PM CDT
I'm not sure what's the concern with voice pool. Has the voice pool changed in recent years, or is it going through some changes in 3.0?

I haven't touched my barb in a while but my barb has within combat script to double roar each time a creature dies without problem, just how much/often do you intend to roar?
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 06:29 PM CDT
The voice pool hasn't changed but roars will now use IF as well. So all of our abilities are powered by IF, like spells are powered by mana. But our disabler's (roars) also have to check the voice pool. I just don't think it's fair we have to have a secondary pool for ours. Mojo, confidence and wilderness are all bonuses. If they run out respectively you can still use abilities, roars don't work w/o both voice and IF. How is that balanced?
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 06:38 PM CDT
Eh, I think that's a lot of speculation and paranoia unless you're in test and have played and feel that one or both pools are running out too quickly.

What you're saying is akin to refusing to purchase a hybrid car because "I have to worry about having enough gas AND electricity? No thanks I'm sticking to my high emissions fuel inefficient car." when your roars can very well be using very little of both for it to be of any issue in practice.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 06:49 PM CDT

Cant speak on Mojo or Wilderness bonuses, but Thief confidence can be a hindrance as well as a boon depending on your actions and how much time you've spent dead.

Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 07:28 PM CDT
>>I haven't touched my barb in a while but my barb has within combat script to double roar each time a creature dies without problem, just how much/often do you intend to roar?

Um I can pretty much say without a doubt your voice pool would be gone very quickly with this, unless you are taking 5 minutes per kill or something? Is the double roars one of those stacking roars that only use 1 pulse for both roars? Even losing 1 voice pulse per kill (the lowest possible), you're looking at depletion within a very short time.

Forged Weapons:
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 08:04 PM CDT
>Cant speak on Mojo or Wilderness bonuses, but Thief confidence can be a hindrance as well as a boon depending on your actions and how much time you've spent dead.

Oh yeah, forgot to address that. Negative confidence is VERY bad and never fun to be the thief who just came back to life. So bad you can't kill anything at level bad. I think if you Khri up its supposed to negate that? but rather than waiting for the hour or two for it to drift back you're just better off finding something easy to spam ambush to build it back up. Confidence feels like a 20% variance on your skills. Cap it out you feel like god mode, tank it and you're the guy trying to woo your date coming out of a cold pool.

>Even losing 1 voice pulse per kill (the lowest possible), you're looking at depletion within a very short time.

According to Phii's Keep pulse recovery is 90 seconds per pulse at 100 vocals. With vocals going away I assume some reasonable baseline will be chosen.
It doesn't seem explicitly stated but from what I can tell you have a maximum of 5 pulses in your voice pool.

Seems reasonable to have 3 incidents of Everild + Death in a 2 minute span. I also never said it was efficient coding but if you're suddenly getting too much creatures ganking you and needed it, you got the 2 minutes to chop them down. Also my char isn't a big barb with all the abilities yet.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 08:04 PM CDT
Yes I am in test and voice pool goes very quickly, especially if you are trying to stack roar effects. Roar potency isn't what's in question Kodius, it's being able to use our roars frequently depending on your play style. With roars teaching a skill and being single target people may want to use them more.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 08:05 PM CDT
If anything was to drop I'd rather see the IF usage from roars go. We'll be having just about every one of our abilities dipping into that inner fire, and I just want us to be able to have long, meaningful fights in the longer lasting combat 3.0 battles.

Of course, I'd rather see how we do when everything is released before being concerned. Let's not forget that even 150+ Barbarians will have a lot of work to do raising those tert skills when everything comes out.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 09:21 PM CDT
>>According to Phii's Keep pulse recovery is 90 seconds per pulse at 100 vocals. With vocals going away I assume some reasonable baseline will be chosen. It doesn't seem explicitly stated but from what I can tell you have a maximum of 5 pulses in your voice pool.

>>Seems reasonable to have 3 incidents of Everild + Death in a 2 minute span. I also never said it was efficient coding but if you're suddenly getting too much creatures ganking you and needed it, you got the 2 minutes to chop them down. Also my char isn't a big barb with all the abilities yet.

I agree that is reasonable - but that is not what you posted earlier - you said you could double roar every creature kill and insinuated you have no problem affecting your opponent. You did say you haven't played your barbarian in awhile so i will give you that (ignorance), but you probably shouldn't lay claims to the functionality of roars then.

If it takes you 90 seconds to kill your opponent than something is off, given the longest weapon to use HX, or perhaps Staff sling, probably 30-45 is max, unless you're completely outclassed. And if you affect with a roar, then less than that. given normal circumstances I would say a Barbarian kills every 10-20 seconds. Gorteous, kills on average 3 times that much ask him about efficiency if you are having problems.

>>If anything was to drop I'd rather see the IF usage from roars go. We'll be having just about every one of our abilities dipping into that inner fire, and I just want us to be able to have long, meaningful fights in the longer lasting combat 3.0 battles.

>>Of course, I'd rather see how we do when everything is released before being concerned. Let's not forget that even 150+ Barbarians will have a lot of work to do raising those tert skills when everything comes out.

Spot on on all of that.

Forged Weapons:
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 10:01 PM CDT
>you said you could double roar every creature kill and insinuated you have no problem affecting your opponent.

I said I have it attempt to double roar that way my script. I also mentioned it again in my second post that I never claimed it was an efficient script because I didn't feel the necessity to pick up/pay for GeniE.

>If it takes you 90 seconds to kill your opponent than something is off,
>Gorteous, kills on average 3 times that much ask him about efficiency if you are having problems.

I didn't think it was necessary to give a full break down on the math because I thought the description was straight forward when i clearly said "My script roars on kills" and "that it can do so 3 times in 2 minutes seems reasonable"

However, for this but I will do so because its apparently causing confusion:

Barb starts with 5 pulses
Barb roars death & everild = 3 pulses left. 1 "Instance" of 3 as I described in my post

Barb takes 30 seconds to kill one creature. (30 seconds elapsed)
Barb double roars again, 1 pulse left. 2nd "Instance" of 3.

Barb takes 30 seconds to kill one creature. (60 seconds elapsed)
Barb roars 1, fail 1, 0 pulse left (ok so my rough math slightly off here but I didn't think I was in an exam)

Barb takes another 30 seconds to kill another creature. 90 seconds up, pulse goes up by 1
Barb roars 1, fails 1, completes the "3rd Instance" of 3 as I described in my post.
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 10:28 PM CDT
>>i clearly said "My script roars on kills" and "that it can do so 3 times in 2 minutes seems reasonable"

I assume your quotation marks are supposed to be referencing this: (it's a toss up because nothing matches your QUOTES)

>>Seems reasonable to have 3 incidents of Everild + Death in a 2 minute span.

FYI you shouldn't quote things that you didn't say word for word. I agreed, it is actually BEYOND reasonable because its impossible to maintain that rate currently! :)

Anyways - You then explained how you use your voice pulses. You are then out of voice yet your script still roars? (ineffectively)

That's the whole point - your argument was that you could roar 2 times for every kill. Here is what you said:

>>>>I haven't touched my barb in a while but my barb has within combat script to double roar each time a creature dies without problem, just how much/often do you intend to roar?

As if the person is insane for even making such an outlandish suggestion...

I was only pointing out that this is an exageration of the current roaring system. Which you proved with your examples thanks.

Forged Weapons:
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 10:38 PM CDT

Here's what happened:

1- I made a post. I honestly don't remember why exactly I set up my script that way but I know for a fact it was done that way because I remember spacing out my type-aheads for that very purpose and I know my hunting scripts are fairly simple and goes back to the top after each critter kill.

2- Before any one nitpicked it, I PROACTIVELY sought out information and came back to post about it, AND corrected myself that this can only happen for three (3) times within a 2 minute span, and further suggested this 2 minute technique is most useful when you're getting swarmed because standard at level hunting doesn't really need the roaring supplement.

3- You decided to relentlessly bash me and nitpick me for post #1, despite agreeing with my corrective post #2.

What exactly do you want me to do for you, sir?
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/07/2012 10:53 PM CDT
I think i just like facts or if not complete facts, high probabilities.

>>I PROACTIVELY sought out information and came back to post about it, AND corrected myself that this can only happen for three (3) times within a 2 minute span, and further suggested this 2 minute technique is most useful when you're getting swarmed because standard at level hunting doesn't really need the roaring supplement.

I think I missed your intent (above in bold) quoted below, that I now re-read. (sorry about not picking up on it the first time)

>>you got the 2 minutes to chop them down.

I didn't mean to make this so argumentative, but I guess we all agree that if you roar more than a 1 pulse roar, every 90 seconds you are going to get diminishing returns (down to 0) If you roar a 2 pulse roar more than once every 180 seconds (3 minutes), you are going to get diminishing returns (down to 0).

Forged Weapons:
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/08/2012 03:20 PM CDT
>>Mojo, confidence and wilderness are all bonuses. If they run out respectively you can still use abilities,

For the record, Bard Mojo is a pool, not a bonus like the Wilderness bonus. It's more like IF, in that you cannot use (mojo-fueled) abilities once it is depleted.

-- Player of Eyuve
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/10/2012 03:33 PM CDT
Hey Kodius,

Just a thought here in case you need more ideas for barbarian expertise maneuvers:

>"When parrying with such a sword, unpleasant vibrations may be transmitted into the attacker's blade. These vibrations caused the blades to slow contact with each other, as additional friction was encountered with each wave."

Perhaps with enough expertise and wielding a 2hander the barb can stance parry and >parry to imbalance and give the attacking opponent an RT or something?
Re: This is a Test. A Barbarian Test. 07/11/2012 08:00 PM CDT
That's a very cool idea.