Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 05/12/2014 09:19 AM CDT
If I use the roar <quiet> option in a justice area, will that still get me arrested for disturbing the peace? Thanks!


"I only automatically kill players when they're asking for it or it's funny. Or both." ~GM Raesh
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 05/12/2014 08:51 PM CDT

Try it and find out. It is fun to be arrested now. Plead innocent!
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 05/12/2014 09:23 PM CDT
Heh, I was afraid that would be the answer. I'll find out very shortly.


"I only automatically kill players when they're asking for it or it's funny. Or both." ~GM Raesh
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 05/13/2014 12:02 PM CDT
When I was in swains there were some times when I would roar quiet with no mobs in the room (part of the geniehunter script start up). That practice results in a disturbing the peace charge.
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 06/27/2014 09:50 AM CDT

Yes it does disturb the peace. I forgot about that and tried it out in the guild. A citizen ran off and ratted me out.
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 06/27/2014 01:01 PM CDT
Does it depend on the roar?

I spam "roar q anger" when I was fighting swains with no consequences.

But the two times i used "roar q hiss" in swains I was tattled on, I may or may not have been in the room with the bartender when I did it, I forget.
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 06/29/2014 01:50 PM CDT
The times I've gotten charged, in swains, I roared quiet when I wasn't engaged with mobs at melee range.
Re: Roar Quiet and Justice Areas 06/29/2014 09:57 PM CDT
>I roared quiet when I wasn't engaged with mobs at melee range.
Ahhh. Thanks!