The Future of Inner Fire 09/12/2006 03:25 PM CDT
Sorry if some of the formatting is wrong, just got back from an extended vacation and I don't remember exactly how to post. Or do anything but juggle, for that matter.

I've been catching up on the discussion of Bards and Barbarians and BMR and Traders with MR and found it very interesting. As far as enchantes go, having both a Barbarian (primary) and a Bard (secondary) character, I feel the street runs both ways. As a Barb, I really hate seeing my IF get hit when a singing Bard just waltzes through innocently, and as a Bard I hate seeing my mana crash completely likewise. Something needs to be done to make the game more playable, and I believe in-game theory should follow mechanics and in-game fun.

I shall make two assumptions which I think are fair:

1) Barbarians are, theoretically, supposed to be 'kings' of magic resistance. Not in as much as they're supposed to be twice as good as everyone else or even necessarily X% better, simply the best. While Thieves and Traders can be said to live the life of laymen when it comes to magic, the Barbarian guild is actively anti-magical in its construction. This should be taken into account.

2) Thieves and Traders should have 'real' magic resistance. Truthfully, as of now it is simply pitiful. MR as a whole just needs work, including BMR.

The resolutions offered by Dartenian seem fair as always, and I imagine they are bound to happen eventually. This, however, creates a problem in my mind, and I want to be sure it is addressed both in magic theory and in mechanics.

Barbarian inner fire has always, more or less, been completely analogous with BMR. A Barbarian's MR is determined almost solely by IF. Without it he/she has the deplorable IF of current Thieves and Traders. Should Thieves and Traders receive a sizable bonus to MR and should BMR be reworked to make it more uniform in nature (better in early levels, tweaked down a little in later levels), this means Barbs will actually be the worse off of the bunch if the current system of IF is kept as-is.


Should Thieves, sometime soon, have MR comparable to full-IF Barbarians, Barbarians end up the worst of the lot. Only they have MR that can actively be decreased by lowering their IF. As it seems to me, both the theory and reality of IF will need some adjustment. As has been suggested by someone I believe, it might be plausible to see Barbs with MR equal to Thieves and Traders, and IF simply offers an increasing bonus. Ergo, the loss of inner fire could not actively cut full MR, merely the bonus received from IF, still effectively lowering the total.


I'm sure that's long enough, and I'm sure whatever comes of it will be fair.
Re: The Future of Inner Fire 09/12/2006 03:59 PM CDT
Our magical resistance is pretty strong. I hang around with people my circle and we are always messing around. They cast at me all the time and if I am dancing forget it. Most can't seem to cast on me at all. Without me dancing and me just standing there I end up disrupting their spells. I get the pesky barbs and damn barbs comment all the time.. Sometimes they even ask me to leave the room for a second so they can cast.

Re: The Future of Inner Fire 09/12/2006 04:03 PM CDT
Me too, I love BMR. Which is why I am inquiring cautiously about how we will approach changing it ;-).
Re: The Future of Inner Fire 09/12/2006 05:22 PM CDT
Currently I think a barb with 0 IF still has more MR than a trader or thief. I could be wrong, has anyone tested by chance? As I understood it Traders/Thieves would only be brought up to equal the MR a barb with 0 IF has. Time shall tell I suppose. - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
Re: The Future of Inner Fire 09/12/2006 05:26 PM CDT
I don't know that this really qualifies as a test- but during an invasion some time ago my plat barb found herself having to leave a triage room so some of the younger bards could lilt. Even after recovering from death, she simply had too much resistance.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: The Future of Inner Fire 09/13/2006 09:35 AM CDT
No, the plan is to have thieves/traders with the MR of a barb without the IF/ability bonuses active. That isn't how it works currently.

Also acknowledged is how the MR vs Magic is skewed to favor magic early or somewhat early then swings back hard until it reaches a point where it is impossible or near impossible to penetrate BMR.

So, one of the reasons for all the magic fixes being good for barbarians is that for a long time the mid to lower barbarians have been hurting MR wise in my opinion. The barbs under 50th circle with barbs around 45-65 being in the crossover point between magic and BMR and then around 60-65+ having BMR more and more favored vs magic.

So, the goal it seems to me is to provide a more consistent and predictable outcome while making it still possible to both penetrate BMR and have BMR affect magic at a reasonable amount.

With the GMs that we have now for the barb side, the systems people (like Ssra and even just the people I see around that seem accomplished with complicated changes), and with how open Dart has been in asking for feedback and providing info I think we're in very good shape and I think it would be a stretch to say that anyone is going to be screwed over.

It will be a change, but it isn't happening tomorrow and it will make the game a better place.

As for death and IF, if you depart you start over again at zeroish. If you're raised, you have the amount of IF you're normally at...though it seems like you may regen IF even while dead.

I am --- Navak
Re: The Future of Inner Fire 09/15/2006 10:12 AM CDT
i'm so excited about my thief possibly having as much MR as an 'equal' barb who had no IF, dances, 'zerks, etc.

i realize it's not all that much...but it'll be sweet.