Reflex...helps with loading time? 12/29/2010 03:01 AM CST
From what I read countless times, agility, strength, and ranks play a factor in loading times with ranged weapons. However, I've been noticing my load time get reduced when I boost my reflex with senses of the tiger.

My stats
Strength : 25 Reflex : 30
Agility : 29 Charisma : 14
Discipline : 19 Wisdom : 30
Intelligence : 21 Stamina : 29

I also checked the load time with sott worn off, and with cheetah swiftness on, at one point of bonus. Making my agility 30 and reflex 31. I get one second of loadtime taken off the majority of the time. But still getting the occassional normal loadtime. I tried this with light crossbow (stonebow), a longbow, shortbow, and composite bow. So is it safe to assume that the significant bonus to reflex is making my load time get reduced? Or should I report this as a bug?
Re: Reflex...helps with loading time? 12/29/2010 07:02 AM CST
At approximately 50 combined reflex and agility, you may notice an occasional 1 second drop in RT.

At 60 ranks combined, you should see it every time.

I'm not sure if this is a Ranger only perk, but I know all it's on Hanryu's Abilities Chart.

Re: Reflex...helps with loading time? 12/29/2010 07:06 AM CST
>>At approximately 50 combined reflex and agility, you may notice an occasional 1 second drop in RT.
>>At 60 ranks combined, you should see it every time.
>>I'm not sure if this is a Ranger only perk, but I know all it's on Hanryu's Abilities Chart.

I think that's referencing the load from quiver RT reduction, for both Barbs/Rangers.

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
Re: Reflex...helps with loading time? 12/29/2010 07:22 AM CST
>>I'm not sure if this is a Ranger only perk, but I know all it's on Hanryu's Abilities Chart.

Where be this?
Re: Reflex...helps with loading time? 12/29/2010 09:50 AM CST

(Of course.)
Re: Reflex...helps with loading time? 12/29/2010 04:26 PM CST
> From what I read countless times, agility, strength, and ranks play a factor in loading times with ranged weapons.

Agility and reflex count for the barb/ranger "load from quiver" reduction. It works on all loadable ranged weapons.

Agility, strength and skill count toward the light/heavy crossbow load time reductions; these apply to all characters that meet the criteria. This reduction will stack with the guild bonus one mentioned above.

> Hanryu's Abilities Chart

~Hunter Hanryu