Stats beyond 100 02/17/2018 09:23 PM CST
"Yeah, the scales are changing dramatically in DR3. The super-expensive stats will still suffer from diminishing returns, though. They're for purchasing when you have enough TDPs to spare (which many of you do) and you do want that edge." --GM Socharis (10/02/2012)

How true is this today? Should I focus on just a couple stats to push beyond 100, or should I spread my training pretty evenly to gain the greatest benefits despite diminishing returns?
Re: Stats beyond 100 02/17/2018 10:37 PM CST
I would get everything to 100 before you get anything to 101.

Re: Stats beyond 100 02/18/2018 03:22 PM CST
>>I would get everything to 100 before you get anything to 101. -Mazrian

Yep, then after that focus on stats you don't have an ability/spell that gives you the 20% bonus to the stat. Or you could overcharge a stat that you have the %20 bonus to, I guess, depending on your guild/race.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

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Re: Stats beyond 100 02/18/2018 03:50 PM CST
Yep, I do have everything at 100. I was more wondering if the diminishing returns made it more worth having 1-2 stats super high vs having 3-5 kinda high.
Re: Stats beyond 100 02/18/2018 04:11 PM CST
> I was more wondering if the diminishing returns made it more worth having 1-2 stats super high vs having 3-5 kinda high.

I don't think we have detailed enough numbers to say.
Re: Stats beyond 100 02/19/2018 05:42 AM CST
It depends on what you want to be good at, on your playstyle, etc. Like... what do you mean by "worth it"?

Having 105 in something is not that much of a boost compared to having 100. So having 105 in everything is not giving you that big a boost in anything. But having 115 in two stats that are important to you might be significant. That's how I look at it.

Re: Stats beyond 100 02/28/2018 07:59 PM CST

I would argue that you want raise the stats that are cheapest for your race and also those that you CAN buff with your guild abilities or magic

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Re: Stats beyond 100 08/30/2021 10:10 PM CDT

I can agree with your logic & strategy there.