training first aid 10/27/2017 09:02 AM CDT
i noticed some first aid training charts in the hollows eve shop Gersvinda's Natural studies. i have 55 first aid at the moment. That and Locksmithing are my lowest survivals. If i were to purchase a chart for first aid study, which one would be a good choice? are there skill levels on the charts?

On the red silk rope
Item Price Done
Dryad anatomy chart 64,042
Fendryad anatomy chart 64,944
Sprite anatomy chart 65,846 !!
Alfar anatomy chart 66,748
Frostweaver anatomy chart 67,650
Spriggan anatomy chart 68,552 !!
Gremlin anatomy chart 69,454
Cyclops anatomy chart 70,356 !!
Ati'ket anatomy chart 71,258
S'lai anatomy chart 72,160 !!
On the orange silk rope
Item Price Done
Adan'f anatomy chart 73,062
Kra'hei anatomy chart 73,964
Faenrae anatomy chart 74,866
Bear anatomy chart 75,768
Barghest anatomy chart 76,670
Shalswar anatomy chart 77,572 !!
Dyrachis anatomy chart 78,474
Poloh'izh anatomy chart 79,376 !!
Korograth anatomy chart 80,278
Larva anatomy chart 81,180
On the black silk rope
Item Price Done
Bizar anatomy chart 82,082
Pivuh anatomy chart 82,984 !!
Vulture anatomy chart 83,886 !!
Unyn anatomy chart 84,788 !!
Moruryn anatomy chart 85,690 !!
Moth anatomy chart 86,592 !!
Kartais anatomy chart 87,494 !!
Colepexy anatomy chart 88,396
Vykathi anatomy chart 89,298 !!
Wyvern anatomy chart 90,200 !!
Re: training first aid 10/27/2017 09:09 AM CDT
Here is the list by skill.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
Re: training first aid 10/27/2017 09:55 AM CDT

Honestly, get a text book, play the games to get a few potency crystals, and unlock it. You'll never need to deal with charts again.
Re: training first aid 10/27/2017 09:57 AM CDT

Another option, if you plan on attending HE or have someone going, would be to get one of the textbooks from the All in Good Tome shop.

These books contain a number of anatomy charts and can be unlocked with infuser stones to hold ALL anatomy charts. Making them absolutely amazing for training firstaid. You'd specifically need to get the books from room 4, "Reference" room. Those are the first aid training books, the others are more fluff or RP oriented.
Re: training first aid 10/27/2017 02:22 PM CDT
How hard are the stones to get from the games? I have very high sling skill if that matters.
Re: training first aid 10/27/2017 02:50 PM CDT

You don’t need any skill to get the stones, but a lot of favors are recommended.
Re: training first aid 10/27/2017 04:24 PM CDT
>>How hard are the stones to get from the games?

It depends wildly on what game you're playing. Boggle Blast does require sling skill. Some other games don't require any particular skills but may be deadly. Then you have other-other games that don't require any particular skills and also don't potentially kill you, but have lower chances of awarding big prizes like the potency crystals or infuser stones.
