Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/02/2011 02:41 PM CDT
So I've been using basically the same weapons for my entire career. A little while back, I noticed that I was getting more fatigued when I was swinging my scimitar, to the point where I could potentially end up exhausting myself if I didn't stop during my rotation and just wait for a few ticks.

I figured, no big deal, I would simply up my stamina and solve the problem. Upping it by 1 didn't help. So on my last circle, I upped my stamina by 1 again, as well as my discipline.

Now, I've noticed that I'm using MORE fatigue when I swing my weapon, and recovering less per tick. What the heck?

My roundtimes haven't changed - I'm getting 4 seconds on my scimitar, 6 seconds on my 2HB, as I have been since 10th circle. I'm not encumbered, and I'm using the same rotation I have been the entire time.

My stats are as follows:
Strength : 18 Reflex : 18
Agility : 17 Charisma : 12
Discipline : 14 Wisdom : 15
Intelligence : 16 Stamina : 20

I have about 72 in both weapons, and I'm fighting sand sprites.

The only thing that I can think of that's changed, is that I've been adding stats - I only added to stamina for the first time since I selected my stats, 2 circles ago. I've only added 2 ranks of stamina and 2 ranks of discipline total, since my first circle.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Am I just losing my mind?
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/02/2011 03:39 PM CDT
I seem to remember having some sort of stamina boost with a new character so that a new gnome who had decided to use a mallet or something wouldn't collapse on the first swing... or something.

I don't think it's a bug, just a protection for newbies type thing that once you up stamina, the game starts calculating it normally.

I could, of course, be completely wrong.

Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/02/2011 05:33 PM CDT
That is strange. With your stats, you shouldn't be seeing fatigue problems.

There are a couple of bardic enchantes that can cause fatigue issues if you aren't a part of the bard's group; I ran into that in Plat last year. The character in question wasn't pleased! ;)

Also, were you under the effect of a stamina-boosting ability when you trained? Training under stat-boosting spells and abilities does sometimes create bugs.

Player of...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 12:24 AM CDT
Good to see your old icon back.


That's it for now folks, but tune in tomorrow for another thrilling, action-packed episode of... Prospect Danger!
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 06:44 AM CDT
Did you move on to a stronger monster? If I recall correctly, a monster completely sidestepping an attack will give a greater penalty to fatigue and stance than if the hit landed or was otherwise blocked.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 09:11 AM CDT
No on the new monsters, I've been fighting sprites for the past couple of days and it's started happening in sprites as they've circled me up.

I am wondering if dancing cobra might be the difference though - that's the only ability I really use (besides the occasional roar which wouldn't do it). But I didn't think cobra gave a stam boost, just an offensive ability boost.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 10:44 AM CDT
Cobra doesn't give a stam boost. They are the same weapons you've used, correct?
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 03:09 PM CDT
Yup, same weapons the entire time - crossing scimitar, and a 2hb from the barbarian guild shop.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 06:45 PM CDT
Not sure if this could be any part of the calculations, but I'll throw it up, damaged weapons/armor?

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 07:26 PM CDT
and your encumbrance is the same?

Also did you happen to pick up a weird buckler that wasn't yours. There's an arm warm leather buckler that's super hindering.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/03/2011 08:32 PM CDT
If you are increasing your Strength or Agility or even using abilities that boost those, maybe you are reducing your roundtime and therefore getting more swings in before your Stamina can recover. Just another thought.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/04/2011 01:31 PM CDT
Another thing I just thought of, perhaps your using a different engine, or these updates Simu did allows for a more efficient script, and your able to move through each part of the script faster (right at the end of the RT counter) and thus, though fractions of seconds, over the long haul it is adding to more fatigue?

I know I'm grasping at straws, but just throwing out ideas.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Getting more fatigued as I gain circles 06/05/2011 04:38 AM CDT
I didn't read anything prior to this, but in my experience you're either breaking roundtimes with Strength faster than you're training Stamina (which is normal), or you're using heavier weapons. Both of those things can cause your fatigue issues to become more prominent.

The solution is to train Stamina or, in the meantime, use lighter weapons than you have to.