Forbidden practices confusion 04/06/2015 03:20 PM CDT
Just had a bit of a confusing run around in Crossing here, and I was hoping to get some clarification on what exactly happened.

A bad moon mage, I was doing sorcery in Crossing and managed to get the backfire where your skin goes all explodey and you get the open and bleeding sores all over the skin. So, right away, I get dragged off to jail, and go and plead guilty. Don't have the money on my for the 12 plat fine (wha?) so I go get it from the bank, and get a visit from the friend debt-collection 'Tog. Cool, whatever. I confessed my crime, paid my debt.

But I've still got this skin wound, so it's off to the Empaths' guild! Except as soon as I step inside, some crazy lady named Constanze comes at me with a knitting needle and compels me to go visit the Guard House. Ooooookay... Better go check the listings board to see if I'm still wanted for some reason. Nope, I'm not on there. Hmmm, that's odd. Maybe it's from having the skin sores, being an obvious sign of sorcerous backfire? I just won't go back to the Empaths' Guild for a while then. Time to go put these plats back into the bank.

Oh, wait, as soon as I go up to the tell, I get grabbed and thrown in jail again for forbidden practices... again. But I was just at the listings board and not wanted. And hadn't done anything since my last visit to the judge but what I just detailed above. Going into the Empaths' Guild with sorcery wounds is a Forbidden Practice? Has this always been a thing? I was just casting Aspirant's Aegis as a Moon Mage, so I didn't have any sorcery/necro taint on me, so what's the deal. At least I only had to pay 1.5 plat for the second fine.

But I was just wondering why (1) I got crazy Constanze tossing me out of the guild followed by (2) another forbidden practices charge (at an albeit reduced fine).

> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.
Re: Forbidden practices confusion 04/06/2015 03:25 PM CDT
Check JUSTICE, read HELP OUTRAGE and or the wiki:

TL;DR - If you get charged with forbidden practices, the local townsfolk want to burn you alive for awhile. Paying the fine doesn't make that stop. Stay out of town until JUSTICE says you're clear.

(Also the Empath guild doesn't want to be associated with shady, necro/sorcery people.)

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Re: Forbidden practices confusion 04/06/2015 03:27 PM CDT
Fair warning. Word travels quickly. If you get social outrage in the crossing, then you'll have social outrage in haven. Go hide out for a while.
Re: Forbidden practices confusion 04/06/2015 03:32 PM CDT
> Check JUSTICE, read HELP OUTRAGE and or the wiki:

As a MM, technically they got Social Corruption.
Re: Forbidden practices confusion 04/06/2015 03:32 PM CDT
It extends to autopaths in non-justice zones also. Forgot WM guild in Crossing was Justice and backlashed. Went to FC to get healed (In Plat portals never close) and wouldn't heal there even. Guessing this is prob realmswide for the SO no heal list. Banks in nonjustice should be fine though from what I have heard.

[20:11] Chatter[Arathael] Usually only get skill when it's successful.
[20:13] Chatter[Morpion] Thats why Arathael has 0.00 ranks in Getting Girls
[20:14] Chatter[Arathael] =(
Re: Forbidden practices confusion 04/06/2015 03:54 PM CDT
Constanze has zero tolerance for sorcery/necromancy. If there's even a rumor you are guilty of that running around town she's set against you. Constanze is also not an agent of the court system. She doesn't care about legalities or moralities either as she's happy to Compel you. You can be found innocent of forbidden practices by the judge and Constanze doesn't care about that either. It's guilty until proven innocent with her. Before the outrage drain tweak it usually took me about a rl week before I could enter the empath guild again.

Use Dokt in Knife Clan till she cools off. Thats a super low fine btw, congrats.

Re: Forbidden practices confusion 04/07/2015 09:53 AM CDT
Thanks for all the clarification and help, everyone! It's neat to come across new-to-me stuff like this, even if it did confuse me.

> hum tuneless
You hum a tuneless tune.