Miscellaneous Jobs 07/06/2002 09:04 AM CDT
Caravan Guard, either for young Traders or NPCs. Any combat guild.

Drought-relief. Warrior Mage, needs some way to create water.

Younglings get jobs that get them familiar with various areas, like courier jobs to take items from point A to point B, usually past some non-combat obstacle, like a bridge or through a door/gate/etc.

Scaled jobs, minor hunting result for a youngling, like a rat pelt, up to snowbeast pelt or higher, based on the character's skills and guild.

Just a few thoughts off the top of my head.
Re: Miscellaneous Jobs 07/06/2002 11:37 AM CDT
I love this idea, as an ex-GS3 DR convert, I often thought it would be a good thing to have here.
GS3 has messenger jobs given out by the city clerk for young Elanthians up until 3rd training, and the blacksmith hires young adventurers to go and forge him iron slabs until they hit 6th training - both pay a respectable wage, (for a youngling its respectable at least) and the iron forging gives a decent amount of experience on completion of the task too, given that its more time consuming and the process entails a certain amount of risk to a newbie.

Its also a great way for a new player to learn their way around town.
For example if they were to go to town hall and 'ask clerk about job', they may be given a sealed message to deliver to the minstrel, or the war veteran, they would then have to wander the streets of Crossing to track him down and deliver the message, the recipient would pay the messenger for his service, or give him a return message to take back to the clerk, in which case the clerk would pay him.
Or the wage paid could be taken directly off his/her debt to save the l'il one carrying coins in these times of unsafe pockets.
Messages could be needing delivery to any shopkeeper or guard NPC's, or even guildleaders. (The ones accessible by all of course).

Other jobs could be guild specific;
young barbs could pound on a slab of iron for the armourer or weaponsmith for coins.
rangers forage and crush amounts of herbs for the herbalist or the hospital, or provide skins to the tanner.
young thieves could...um... <ponders> thats a tough one...maybe collect discarded empty boxes and deliver them to MAMA's to be used for shipping? (Since its unlikely any legal operation would encourage a young one to steal, and its pretty much impossible to successfully steal anything when youre only l'il.)
traders could sort gems for the gem shop appraiser, into types and qualities perhaps?
Clerics could clean the altars of the gods, or refill water receptacles for blessing.
Empaths could...hmm...harvest bloodworms off adventurers for the alchemists questionable concoctions.
...I'd think of more but my heads mush..need sleep.
But the profession based ones would all tie in so a small amount of relative experience could be gained. (perhaps the thiefly one could be coded to teach some disarm or lockpicking skill or something?)

Course these are all with newbies in mind, being a thief I couldnt begin to think of a way to learn an honest living for more experienced folks if ya paid me....well, if the price was right I could maybe make somethin' up...
