Backpack sizes 02/01/2017 11:06 AM CST
Below is a table comparing the relative size of the various back-worn containers I've encountered.

Container Length Width Height Weight Volume Boxes
rune-covered backpack 30*20101000600097
kanton's superbag 21*15 71500220536
beyond the barrier pack 1813 91500210634
hitman's backpack 1813 81500187229
su helmas backpack 22*17 51000187029?
beta backpack 23*15 51000172527
kanton's pack 1711 61200112219
crafted backpack (heavy) 1410 71280 98016
crafted backpack (fine) 1810 51070 90013
storebough backpack 1510 51000 75013

* Weapons that are 19 spans in length (i.e. most quaterstaff templates) will fit in these containers.
? The number of boxes a Su Helmas pack holds is unconfirmed.

For embiggening information: