Gwethsmashers - are they really the best way? 05/06/2017 11:25 AM CDT
So a common occurrence I'm seeing lately, and it just happened earlier today, is a few people are conversing over the gweth, and an outside party takes exception to other people interacting socially, and since they can, they employ the use of a gwethsmasher, and bing bang boom, that conversation is now over. Sometimes, they even go so far as to announce themselves as the smasher, because they're desperate for attention, and the gweth goes -silent-. It stifles any sense of community or interaction, and puts a huge black cloud on the whole situation. Now, I'm not saying gwethsmashers don't have their place, but considering the faltering state of the game and the game genre in general, is this really the best way to go about things? Do we really want to discourage interaction in an already dying game?
Re: Gwethsmashers - are they really the best way? 05/06/2017 11:46 AM CDT
The conversation you were referring to was about to be shut down from the GM side due to sliding into too much sexual innuendo. The only thing that prevented that from happening was that people stopped talking about the sexual innuendo shortly after the gwethsmash. The game's E rating doesn't really support it allowing players to broadcast a conversation to the entire game about the subject being joked about earlier.

Gwethsmashing isn't going away. It's already been changed significantly to be far less a burden on the smashed PC, and is effectively a gweth thump more than the smash these days.

This conversation is really more suited to the Equine Cemetery, though, so if people want to continue debating the merits of gwethmashers, please take it there.


Re: Gwethsmashers - are they really the best way? 05/06/2017 12:06 PM CDT
Just as an FYI you can also continue to converse via a Private password protected gweth channel even while smashed iirc.